Footsteps sounded in the corridor leading to the office, the man in the office although perplexed ignored it thinking that his guards would take care of it, the footsteps continued and there were no signs of a battle as if the sound or the person walking didn't exist.

When the handle of the door finally turned and still not hearing the voice of his men, the well-built, bronze skin middle-aged man with a scar over his eye finally grew solemn.

A cloaked figure walked into the room silently, its footsteps still ringing, the man peered outside and found his men were still guarding the passage but it seemed they had all automatically ignored the present scene as if it didn't exist.

With a sigh the man stood up from his chair overturned his desk and with the sabre hidden underneath the desk he slashed at the intruder, the slash was as swift and lightning and had the power to match, the intruder with a weird footstep managed to dodge the slash at the last moment and shot a palm toward his chest.

Contrary to his size and his bulky muscles he twisted his body as if he had no bones and was weightless shifted his body to the side avoiding the palm strike and kicked swiftly towards the elbow of the attacker, with a bang the kick connected but not with the elbow but with another fair palm of the cloaked intruder that the intruder used to take advantage of the force and glided like a ghost away from him separating a distance.

This series of attacks and counter-attacks only took a moment but the whole office had been demolished but still through the open door the man could see the guards were still unaware of what was happening as if the space he was in did not exist at all.

The man didn't think of escaping through the open door, his instinct honed through various battles and assassinations informed him he probably would not be able to leave without defeating the enemy first.

He tore off his shirt which had already been tattered revealing his huge bronze-toned body leaving only his trousers, his shoes already destroyed by his high-speed movements earlier leaving his feet to touch the ground.

Lightly clasping his sabre, he leapt towards the silent cloaked intruder. 5 minutes later the office had basically been destroyed, no intact piece of furniture was left lying around, a broken sabre was discarded randomly on the ground.

The cloaked figure who was still virtually the same as 5 minutes ago walked toward the original resident of the room that was now laying down on the floor resting on the wall with blood dripping from his mouth, apparently severely injured and experiencing huge internal injuries, while opening his mouth to spit out blood and little pieces' mouth of blood the man struggled to ask "who are you."

Before getting a reply he finally got a peek of what was hidden beneath the hood, he saw a pair of crystal clear blue eyes looking at him indifferently, the eyes seemed to make him start to slip into the unknown as his consciousness became blurry, the last words he heard was that of a soft female voice akin to a whisper "you can call me zero." and with that, he blacked out.

Zero walked out of the room that had been restored to its original state even the unconscious resident of the office had lost memory of the encounter was sitting calmly in front of his desk apparently forgotten about the encounter, the only difference was that there was an old scroll that hadn't been there before placed on the desk, she waltzed out everyone ignoring her presence and like a ghost, she shuttled through the corridors and left the hidden base of the blood lotus an assassin organization that split from the white lotus some years ago, most of its members were non-benders but were adept in various martial techniques and assassination tricks.

Zero had gone to the base for two reasons one she was there to test the strength of the strongest member in the new republic and secondly she was there to gain more intel about the plane and spread her presence secretly increasing the amount of influence she could exert on the top individuals of the plane.

Back in the real world zero is a part of an ancient assassination organization that spanned across countless civilization, both the martial civilization and the science federation and the wizard word all part of the big 3 all had part of their members in the organization, zero as one of the most talented and core members of the organization inherited the method of creating a movable portable subspace before becoming a level 3 powerhouse from one of her instructors who hailed from the science federation, combining this with some knowledge she studied herself about faith-based gods and memes she condensed her real name rune.

The rune was one that gained power through spiritual energy which could be absorbed directly from the spirit plane or by killing people and imprisoning their souls in her subspace and combining the spirit power with what she called fame, fame was formed by her involving herself in certain activities making her presence known the clearer people's perception of her the more fame she absorbed, fame combined with spiritual power created her unique energy which she named mystery, the basic application of this unique high energy was twisting reality. When she and Damon had emerged from the veil the increasing spirit energy from the spirit world and the cracking of the veil created enough mystery for her to teleport them out of there despite the crazy suppression of the plane, after that although she was drained she retained enough energy to spread out and infect her information making it a type of meme every weak-willed citizen who saw her coming out of the veil unconsciously became under her subtle influence and control, in a matter of hours she regained some mystery inadvertently found out about the red lotus and visited them herself, defeating the head weakening his will and infecting him too.

Based on the information gotten from the defeated branch head she found out the method in which benders utilized the increasing spiritual energy from the spirit world and on the spot combining her martial art knowledge created a method that would also help non-bender who were proficient in martial techniques utilize the spiritual energy particles in the air.

With the spread of the method, like a meme she could infect partially anyone that practised it increasing her mystery and gaining more dominance on the plane.

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