Wizard World:Struggles Of Dimensions

Chapter 40 - Plane Crystal

Zero saw the second explosion and finally let go of the enchantment she had created, it was formed by her spreading mystery in a slight foggy form around the city, its only role was to increase the confidence of everyone in Lin who was guarding the library, as a result, there would be less anxious people disregarding the chaos around and heading to the library in a short moment to act as reinforcements at all cost.

Letting go of the burden of keeping up the enchantment zero left the scene heading towards the institute that was under attack, coating herself with a thin layer of mystery the light and the surface space was twisted making her seem to be on another plane of existence walking past the area affected by the metal bending blood kin's battle, silently waltzed through the institute through the rubble walls and clutter around she headed straight towards the human experimentation centre.

It wasn't the first time she had invaded the institute, zero always kept an eye on the organization's affairs, in fact apart from the knowledge the institute gained from the library zero also gave several pieces of knowledge to the institute, it was a result of her deliberate guidance that they made so much progress in such short time, it was also because of her indulgence that the super-secret human experimentation area was created.

Stepping into the sterile environment hidden several feet underground and coated with several special materials to hide the perception of earth benders zero set her gaze on the body floating in a vat of special liquid connected with several pipes that seemed to be pumping and circulating the liquid into the unconscious body.

The male was the crystallization of months of secret work and secret help from zero, the goal of creating this body was to recreate the avatar.

According to the legend and secret records found in the library, in ancient times there existed a human in every era who was the incarnation of the will of the world after a certain catastrophic battle the spirit and the material world separated and this led to the disappearance of such a figure.

Now with the gradual merger of worlds, the institute using a variety of precious materials and taboo knowledge hoped to recreate the avatar and master its power for the new republic, at least that was what the researchers and individual in charge of the secret project thought, the fact was zero had planted those thoughts in the minds of a select few making this absurd project to come into existence.

The body in the vat was modelled after Layton after all currently in the plane he was the closest creature to the will of the world, and thus possessed a sort of authority even if it was only a body modelled after his appearance, in fact, the means by which the spirit creatures were captured and manipulated by the institute were secretly made using part of the body's flesh.

Zero taking the prepared materials she had brought into the secret lab with her set about depicting a weird array around the container of the vat, with the appearing of the markings of the array the spirit particles in the air seemed to be subject to a certain influence and started merging intimately with the body's cells strengthening them and optimizing its structure.

This was just the unconscious influence of the array, the array had not been activated yet, it still required a special opportunity and a nudge from Layton for it to be operational.

Making sure the array was depicted correctly zero sacrificed a part of her mystery in order to make the array printed directly on the body's surface and making the printed array indestructible and invisible.

Taking one last deep look at her work zero smirked in satisfaction and left the lab heading out of the institute the same way she walked in.

Deep underground in front of the slate called the library a deep charred human figure started squirming, in a few seconds the black burnt skin revealing the pale spotless skin of Damon.

'cough cough'

"Damn it, I didn't expect that old geezer would even blow himself up," the naked Damon said with a hint of fear in his tone, the close-range self-destruction strike of pseudo domain powerhouse was not easy to deal with.

If Damon had not been quick enough to use metal bending to manipulate the metal in his blood to imitate a peculiar metal structure he remembered seeing in the family that had high resistance to heat and explosions, Damon might have died thoroughly with the Lin.

Although Damon as a wizard with a vampire rune, could heal himself quickly and had what seemed to be immortality, the truth was that he was very fragile especially in a plane like this that expelled all other forms of energy apart from spirit particles.

If he had been hit head-on by that explosion most of his body's mass would have been vaporized and due to the lack of energy, his regeneration speed would not be able to keep up with the destruction.

Although hungry and angry, Damon didn't forget his goal this time he walked toward the slate that stood there unscathed by the previous battle and explosion, the slate's surface still flickered with random markings that were changing every second, a few steps away from the slates the clay surface lit up and the Slate shrank turning into a crystal.

"hehe hehe hehe" Damon couldn't help but laugh cheerfully as he held the warm blue crystal in his palm, from the description of the monk when talking about the library, he had already guessed the slate was part of the plane crystallization a representation of part of the plane's rules.

With this crystal he could embed part of his blood rune powers on the plane making blood kin becoming a naturally occurring species on this plane, when this was done he could finally apply to be sent out of this plane back to the wizard world, thinking of this Damon couldn't help but laugh out loud in joy again, his laughter echoing in the ruined underground chamber.

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