Layton was filled with immense power his cell's restriction had been lifted all his cells gained sentience and his mind was filled with chaotic information, normally if this restriction was lifted abnormally and without guidance the cells would follow their primal instinct to divide and multiply chaotically making him lose himself. Now their instinct plus the negative energy and emotion Layton had sealed in them had been directed towards destroying the enemy in front of him Although all his cells now had sentience and chaotic intelligence they were all working towards the same goal of eradicating the opponent in front of them so all the newborn chaotic intelligence were united under Layton's own will strengthening it.

Although his will was being strengthened tremendously, it was also quickly becoming corrupted, Layton who was in danger of being lost instinctively merged all the different will's and the immense negative information into the figure of the horror life form he had glimpsed when he had first experimented in the spirit dimension, the chaotic consciousness soon stabilized as soon as it was shaped in this indescribable shape that exuded strong pollution it was only through his own strong state of mind that he still had dominance over the newly formed martial intent.

The monk opposite him could perceive the chaotic will and intent that Layton now exuded and that frightened him, just perceiving Layton current state through his mind was inflicting countless damage and pollution to him, the monk had to close his extraordinary perception in order not have more inexplicable damage to inflicted on him, he could only use the old fashioned way that was his naked eyes quick reaction, rich battle experience and instinct in the next battle.

Layton ignored the monk and focused on himself perceiving his changes. His cells had started taking in massive amount of oxygen from the air and started internal combustion to create enormous amounts of energy and started strengthening his body, his body had turned red and numerous amounts of steam was being discharged into the air to reduce and regulate the internal heat of his body.

May who was enjoying herself, experimenting with her opponent soon stopped and got serious, she had a creepy feeling in the distance, it was as if some horror figure had been born, the feeling of despair was like a boulder pressing on his heart.

Judging from the fluctuations she guessed it was Layton, when she had been healing him and helping him delay his body's death she had caught a glimpse of the darkness hidden beneath but it never gave her such a horrible feeling as now.

A sudden situation disturbed her thoughts, the meatball started wiggling and suddenly four lights quickly flew into it, judging from the fact that the blood kin she had been sparring with had turned into a beam of light, May guessed the other lights were the remaining Blood kin Members who had been scattered around the mirror city.

A clawed palm stretched out of the meat ball, the ball separated to reveal the humanoid figure who had been bred underneath, it was of normal human height, the figure looked nothing like Damon, it looked nothing like a normal human, it was naked but had no reproductive organs the figure's skin was red leathery and slimy, his teeth were fangs, his ears pointed and sharp, his fingers were long and sharp basically claws, his eyes were deep dark crimson and a blue crystal that was stained red was inlaid in his chest, a slender sharp tail that emerged from behind completed the look.

May stared at the new enemy in front of her she was mainly focused on the blue crystal embedded in his chest, the monster seemed to perceive May's gaze and his rubbery skin squirmed and the crystal was hidden in his body.

Feeling the subtle threat and oppression from the monster May decided to get serious, the moisture in the in the air stealthily increased and the surrounding temperature was reduced, her blood circulation speed increased and the sound of rushing waves could be distinctly heard. Increasing the blood flow to her legs she increased her strength and stomped hard, the ground cracked and she flew towards the monster.

A long sharp tail emerged to block her path as she was in the air, moisture condensed under her feet to form a platform and she used it to change direction midair dodging the swift tail.

The dodged tail hovered in mid-air and suddenly separated forming numerous sharp red metal needles that shot towards May aiming to impale her through her back.

Perceiving the incoming metal blades through the moisture in the air, May just punched backwards, the air and moisture on the path of her fist quickly condensed and became cool, the red metal quickly became brittle and broke into pieces.. All these happened in a second, Ignoring the broken tail behind her May kept her focus on the monster that she was getting closer to, she clenched her fist ready to punch out as she was close to the monster's face, but suddenly the monster dispersed into minute pieces of blood mist and quickly condensed behind her, the blood mist infected the moisture in the air blurring May's perception and taking advantage of the opportunity the monster gave her a solid kick to the abdomen that sent her through numerous buildings.

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