The next morning Layton had finished sorting and reading all the chaotic materials scattered around the shop, although most of it was unintelligible and useless Layton still managed to extract some useful information, the practice system of this plane was magic but their magic was basically a combination of their own vitality and the vitality of the world to form magic power, this made it that magic rituals which harnessed the vitality of the planet was a vital part of the whole system.

What made this system unique was that it was closely related to the world and the system made it that the world will was exceptionally active and longed for progress and so a special phenomenon was born out of this urge, if a magician through constant research and practice or just plain luck creates a miracle that is does something or creates a something that has not been seen or recorded before by the world will then the world will would create a passage to the root for the individual allowing one to engrave their miracle or Grand magic as it is called into the root, this would serve as a key allowing the Grand magician permanent access to observe and merge with the rules of the world and perfect their magic thoroughly making it their own.

As centuries passed and the world will got stronger it was getting more and more difficult for miracles to be achieved and it was in this environment that the Holy grail was born, it was first created as a ritual a shortcut and also as a miracle attempt by the creator, the ritual concentrated the overflowing magic concentrated and hidden in the world to open a temporary passage to the root, the root is a certain phenomenon unique to this world that opens up and displays the rules and laws unique to the plane making it easier for a magician to advance to Grand Magician.

What happened after the creation and why the ritual was changed to a war was not included in any of Constantine's littered notes but Layton could guess that the opportunity Constantine was trying to win for Lilith undoubtedly involved the root.

After going through Constantine's stuff Layton finally had time to look through the information the world will had stuffed into his mind when he was summoned, it was basically information about his rank, and the ability which the rank bestowed on him, but after roughly looking through the information Layton dismissed it because the activation of the ranks special ability required magic power which Lilith did not have and if forcefully activated then the price would be her lifespan.   

Layton after knowing this knew he would never activate that option until it was truly necessary so he had been racking his brains thinking of other options to increase his combat Prowers, he was like this for a while when he noticed Lilith was out of her room already and was staring at him apparently bored and hungry, looking outside the windows Layton noticed the sun was already high in the sky and decided to take a walk and find something for Lilith to eat after all she was still a mortal and needed to eat.

Picking up the cash he found when he was sorting out the place earlier Layton walked out of the shop with her close behind as he waltzed around looking for a coffee shop, he was not worried about the safety of Lilith, one was that he was confident in himself and his perception and the other was Lilith was also wearing a tacky bracelet made by Constantine which could teleport Lilith back to the shop, the shop which was enchanted by Constantine making it unfindable by anyone with malicious intent.       Finding a normal-looking coffee shop that was situated in a somewhat secluded street Layton and Lilith walked in, sitting in a corner with few people Layton gave Lilith the menu for her to order whatever she wanted.

A minute later Layton was sipping a coffee looking at the paper which was covering up the explosion that occurred last night while Lilith was focused on filling herself up with muffins.

Suddenly a waiter walked towards Layton and handed him a phone, he was about to return the phone to the waiter when he heard the words coming out from the other end of the phone,

"Hello, berserker."

Although he knew he would be found sooner or later after all he was not really putting any effort into hiding but he never expected it to be so soon.

Layton was quiet for a moment before replying "Well who exactly are you and what do you want."

"You can call me rider and honestly I want nothing, I am just doing you a favour I thought you should know that a certain Knight is cranky and is looking for a battle…." Suddenly a profound sense of danger rang in Layton perception and he didn't bother listening to the rest of the Rider's word sure enough a tearing sound soon crept into his ears as a red metal spear moving at alarming speeds pierced through the walls heading for his location in the shop.

Swiftly picking up Lilith who was still engrossed with the muffins on her plate, Layton leapt away dodging the spear and the subsequent explosion that followed. Layton spared no look at the shop that had been blown to shreds and the people who were fleeing from the vicinity but instead stared at the two individuals who had appeared in front of him, Layton was particularly focused on the female who had launched a mental attack aimed at Lilith during the explosion which made Layton activate the bracelet teleporting Lilith back to the shop.

The male was holding a red epee walking leisurely towards Layton while the female was a few feet behind not planning on joining the fun.

Layton stared for a moment and said nothing just releasing his emperor's haki, The outbreak of haki had no major impact on the knight as a burst of blood-red unique energy emerged from him counteracted the immense pressure brought by the haki but his female companion was not so lucky, the haki brought her to her knees unable to produce any resistance and faint cracking sounds could be heard, the knight who noticed this quickly lost his previous mocking smile and quickly leapt to his companion side, Layton watched calmly as the knight did this and had no plans on stopping him, Layton was delaying time and he was sure the knight could notice this too but the knight had to take care of his companion quickly if he didn't want her to be crushed to death.

Simon quickly reached Rose's side and channelled his divinity using most of his energy to construct a defensive coat to block her from the previous impact and prevent her injuries from deteriorating, he did not hesitate to do this despite knowing this was the berserker's conspiracy but he just couldn't let Rose die.

Simon wasn't someone who could only think with his lower body or was so swayed by feelings of love he was so intimate with Rose and did not hesitate to pay such a price for her an aboriginal not only because of his lust but for other reasons, before participating in the war he and his family had done some preparations, it was not only Constantine that was able to meddle in the affairs of the holy grail other forces too could narrow down the options of the individual who would they would be summoned to, Simon was with rose not only because of her beauty but because of her magic, her magic was one that could amplify certain aspects of an individual.

Simon was an ambitious individual, he was born with a faint war divinity that could not be stripped or sealed, this was a problem because it meant his path was locked, he could only basically inherit everything from his father or he would be stuck as a level 3 practitioner(Demigod) for the rest of his life, as someone with ambitions this was unacceptable so he had paid a price to obtain an incomplete practice called military extraordinary, a system which was similar to his divinity and would not clash with it, but this practice demanded absolute calm during battle in exchange for heightened combat sensitivity, fighting instinct and powerful combat Prowers.

Unfortunately, such a demand was a luxury for Simon as his divinity fueled his emotion especially during battle that was until he was summoned by Rose, her amplification magic was able to amplify the military extraordinary system he practised making it on par with his divinity, and he was looking for threatening opponents who could give him pressure making the military extraordinary system and his divinity merge.

And now he had finally found someone who fit the criteria, his divinity was very perceptive when it came to knowing whether a battle would be easy or not and judging from the boiling energy and fighting intent in his body on the verge of breaking out almost forcing him to be promoted to a Level 2 practitioner he knew the berserker in front of him was a worthy opponent.

After confirming Rose was alright he signalled to rose who was behind him to begin,  "Liberation" her seductive tired voice sounded and the stigmata hidden on the back of her palm glowed.

Boom, it was like a certain valve was open allowing her magic power was connected to that of Simon through the stigmata which signified her status as the summoner of the knight and this allowed Simon to complete the leap and was able to display his domain in his state or his intrinsic enhancement as it was called in this world, the world will responded to the liberation command and a portion of reality was allowed to be overwritten increasing the success rate of the display of the domain , the nearby surroundings were soon dyed a faint blood-red colour that gave off the feeling of a tragic battlefield and countless weapons emerged littered around the area, Simon who was in the centre of the domain was donning a blood-red full armour except without a helmet, his ginger hair flowing in the wind and his eyes giving off a peculiar mixture of eerie calm and unconcealed bloodlust as he stared piercingly at Layton.

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