In a luxurious brightly lit hall sat several figures who were watching a projection of the emergence of the giant figure in star city, the hall was full of various voices arguing with each other the topic centred around the holy grail war and the unexpected emergence of the giant.

If one looked closely they would find out that the figures seated around were mostly magical projections only a few members seated were present in the flesh.

Everyone in the hall was a respected magician in the world, they came from all countries and were basically the hidden ruling class of the world, they only gathered for important matters that influenced the whole world.

Although the emergence of a very visible giant in star city threatened to expose the existence of magicians to mortals it was not enough to force this group of extraordinary people to gather, the reason for the meeting was held was for one thing only and that was the impact of the emergence of the miracle on the world.

As top powerhouses, they were naturally in contact with the void and they knew the existence of miracles even in a previous holy grail war there had been scholars participating before but no level 1 scholar had ever been able to create a miracle of this scale, previous scholars were only able to imitate some widespread miracles that had already been created by previous scholars and these poor imitations had no such impact as real miracles.

It was unexpected that this time a participant had been able to give birth to an authentic miracle during the war, although this miracle seemed somewhat incomplete it was a genuine one nonetheless.

Suddenly one of the participants in the meeting seated at what seemed to be like the centre position of the room spoke his thick aged voiced resounding throughout the hall.

"enough, what has happened cannot be changed, if you have a genuine remedy speak up, if not don't blame this old man for being unkind."

With his words, the noisy hall grew quiet, although everyone present was at the top of his field and natural arrogant characters they knew it was nothing in front of the figure seated.

The figure was a bronze skinned old man with bulging muscles that stood out even with his wide robe on, his sparse grey hair and wrinkled face did not nothing to destroy the sense of power and majesty he naturally radiated.

He was the honorary president of the clock tower the oldest and most comprehensive academy in the world, the strongest magician present in the world today.

Looking around and noting the silence he then continued.

"Since no one speaks then I will give my decision, I and my teacher feel our world is stagnant and not progressing fast enough and in light of recent events the blockade will be lifted."

The members present heard the figure's words and were dumbfounded, although most were dissatisfied with his decision they didn't dare to speak not only because of the president's strength but also because of his mentor, his mentor was none other than the great magister, Nicolas, the core figure that created the holy grail ritual a man who has achieved height they didn't even dare to imagine a man whose decisions concerning the world are equivalent to law.

So although the members especially those who were part of great wizarding families were deeply furious at the decision to lift the blockade and allow magic to be known by all greatly reducing the resources they could gain and increasing the influx of civilian magicians they could do nothing but accept after all Nicholas was never known for his kindness.

After the president's declaration, the members started leaving the hall one after the other no one stated anything about the miracle anymore after all no matter the consequence of the miracles emergence and whatever changes occurred in the world it couldn't make any waves, this was not a small fragile plane, after all, it was a core world with its own top powerhouses, if a small miracle was enough to slide this world heading towards destruction the world would have been destroyed a long time ago, the only reason for the chaotic argument earlier was just a scramble for benefits and deciding the best option to solve the dilemma.

When the final participant left the hall the president who was now alone moved his attention towards the screen intending to continue watching the war, as for the other parallel world lines that the war was currently going on he ignored it after all what was about to happen here was the core part of the plan, a plan which was enough to influence he and his teacher to decide to lift the blockade.

With the emergence of the giant various participants in the war started to become active, Ruth had already left the house of her sick contractor fully armed ready to hunt her competitors who would undoubtedly appear during this chaos.

Meanwhile in a dark bungalow amidst an array drawn with blood sat cross-legged the summoner of the assassin his blond hair now grey his healthy body now thin and sickly, around him was a faint fog of eerie black matter, in the shadows one could vaguely hear the roaring of countless innocent souls, shadow servants kept coming and going from the house bringing in more mortals they captured during the confusion and kept feeding them to the man's shadow.

After a few trips back and forth the shadow being fed seemed complete as the array started to glow a black colour, the red blood rapidly turned black as ink and the sky outside was quickly covered with thick dark ominous clouds that shrouded the serene light of the setting sun.

In a secret room of a branch of the church in star city sat two figures one was a young priest dressed in church robes reading some sort of text and the other was a brown haired male with an ordinary face dressed in sackcloth with a peculiar wooden spear across his laps as he sat on the old floor meditating as he stared at the statue of an angel.

If one looked closely they would find the stigmata signifying participation in the holy grail war on the back of the priests palm, the priest who was absorbed in the text ignoring the outside world sharply stood up as he stared into the distance his eyes ignoring all obstacles and his sight landed on the bungalow where the assassin and its summoner was located.

Locating the building the priest whispered with suppressed excitement and unbridled killing intent "finally found you."

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