
Chapter 1003: Broken mirror


Unconsciously, he fell into an illusion!

Raymond, who was so annoyed that he couldn't add up to it, roared to the sky, and only after venting his anger, did he take out the record of the previous period, and began to check it quickly.

The non-attribute protective shield he released had already been defeated, but the beam of light released by the energy beam above his head had tripled with the passage of time, and the frequency of release had also been increased to the point where there was almost no interval.

It's just that the attack strength of this beam of light has not been greatly improved, it is only equivalent to the ordinary strike of the first-level strength of the dawn level, which makes Raymond who is trapped in the illusion unable to extricate himself, relying solely on the protection of the body surface The force field has lasted until now.

But the illusion that I fell into this time was extremely powerful, and it was able to forcibly cut off my own consciousness. If it hadn't been integrated with the real body before, I would have been killed by these beams of light above my head!

Raymond, who understood everything, had anger piling up in his chest, but Raymond, who forced himself to calm down, understood that his crisis had still not been lifted.

When Leimen, who was about to release his mental power, confirmed that the invisible barrier formed by the cage talisman formation would soon reach the edge of the square, he turned around and looked at the door of the space that he had knocked down before. .

Although the door of space that still exists, it looks like it will collapse in the next moment, but in fact it is not affected by the light beams overhead at all, but is currently in a state of energy depletion.

The right hand once again pressed on the edge of the space door, and as the energy of the space within the body was extracted, Raymond made the space door a little more stable. But suddenly a possibility flashed in my mind!

The study of the Phantom Festival has made him now condense a spiritual power crystallization, and this spiritual power crystallization that seems to have no special effects, in fact, has brought him an improvement in space transmission ability.

The only attempt made him discover that the distance spanned by the space gate he had constructed had increased twelve times, but the most critical point was that the space gate he had constructed had a The effectiveness of the barrier without the field of vision allows him to directly access Gracie's resource cultivation secret library.

Raymond suddenly woke up. It was a little confused. "The distance is increased, and it also has the attribute of no field of vision?"

Gracie's resource cultivation room must be protected by a force field, which is a protection method that every wizard will inevitably adopt.

If the guess is correct, then any imprisonment of force field type will not take effect on yourself!

Even if the ecstatic Lei Meng Dang started the construction of the space gate, as the energy of the internal space was transferred, the mana was extracted. A space door the size of a normal person's fist gradually took shape and appeared in front of Raymond.

But facing the door of such a small space, Raymond was completely stunned. "How can it be so small!"

The door of the space shining with a faint fluorescent light, compared with Raymond’s twenty-meter-high body, is half the size of a nail. Although Raymond’s eyes do not appear to be invisible, it is only him who wants to come. The extent to which those hairs on the body can pass through!

The fist that was repositioned in front of the door of space, no matter how it was placed, it seemed that it was impossible to enter the door of space. However, Leimen, who wanted to expand the door of this space while his thoughts were flowing, immediately realized that it was not that he himself did not want to increase the size of the door of this space, but the door of space he could release. So big!

At the first moment when Raymond escaped from that illusion, Frank, the chief of the sandstone beast, who was still releasing his magic wand, was already shocked and shocked.

However, everything he saw in his eyes caused him to stop the release of the spells involuntarily and focus all his attention on the past.

Looking at Leimeng in the fan cage talisman, the faint red light flashing on his right wrist...

Looking at Raymond in the fan cage talisman, he released a protective shield to resist the bombardment of the beam of light...

Looking at Lei Meng in the fan cage symbol array. Put your right palm on the door of space to stabilize the door of space teleported across the plane...

Looking at Leimen in the fan cage talisman array, he released a space door that shouldn't have appeared in the talisman array...

Looking at Leimen in the fan cage talisman, facing the door of the space that is so small that nothing can be transmitted...

"Could it be that he wants to escape the confinement of this cage talisman with such a small space door?"

The Sandstone Orc Chief Frank, who had such a speculation suddenly flashed in his mind, was stunned, but he burst into laughter right after him. The irresistible smile made his vision a little blurred!

Hearing the hilarious laugh coming from outside the invisible barrier, Raymond, whose eyes were dull and stunned, twitched the corners of his eyes. After hesitating for a moment, he carefully moved his five fingers away and tried to reach the door of this space.

But even Raymond's thinnest tail finger could not pass through. On the contrary, this slight touch caused the door of this space to produce signs of instability.

Leimen twitched his cheeks and quickly removed the fingers that he had leaned forward. However, the door of the space in his line of sight suddenly lost its sense and collapsed immediately with a light pop.

The sound of laughter coming in beyond the invisible barrier became clearer. And Raymond, who turned dark, felt his cheeks become hot, and was very speechless.

Standing outside the invisible barrier, the chief of the sandstone beast, Frank, managed to suppress his smile before, but the scene before him made him laugh irresistibly.

"Give it up! You want to use space teleportation in this cage talisman formation. Is your head already flooded? Or are you desperate enough to go crazy?"

This ridiculous taunting language caught his ears, but it made Raymond standing in the center of the square calm down. He raised his head and saw that the previously released non-attribute protective shield was about to be destroyed by the beam of light, and he released it again with a light wave of his palm. A protective shield came out to replace it, and then he turned and strode towards Frank, the chief of the sandstone orc.

The huge body is like an indestructible hill. Although the bear cub-like real body looks very happy, but the expressionless Raymond still makes the sandstone beast chief Frank feel great pressure.

The sound of heavy footsteps, and the dazzling light from the beam of light that suddenly became more violent because of Raymond’s movement, made the fused Raymond occupy the sandstone beast chief Frank like a prehistoric monster. The whole sight.

Although knowing that the invisible barrier separating the two sides of the cage talisman formation could not be broken through, the sandstone orc chief Frank, who had a sudden spasm in his right hand, involuntarily stepped back after holding his wand tightly.

Bend down and looked down at Frank, the chief of the sandstone beast clan, Raymond, who was calm as water, looked at it for a long time before starting to build a space portal with a spatial transmission effect.

This time, Raymond was extremely attentive and careful in the construction of the technique, and when the chip recorded the entire process, UU read www. uukanshu.com also maintains the monitoring of his own mana consumption and energy consumption in the body, so as to be able to collect more data to gain a deeper grasp of this space transfer technique.

The faint light of spells bloomed in the palm of Raymond's hand, as if a flower in bud was being urged to bloom.

Standing outside the invisible barrier, Frank, the chief of the sandstone orc, was still laughing at first after discovering that Raymond was still constructing this spell with a spatial teleportation effect, but after seeing his serious and solemn expression, The unprovoked palpitations made him take two steps back again.

The faint but lustrous space door gradually appeared in the sight of the two people. It was still the space door the size of an ordinary person's fist, but it caused completely different changes between the two people inside and outside the fan cage.

Frank's, the chief of the sandstone beast, was stunned immediately, but his expression became weird immediately.

Facing the space gate that was re-released by himself, which was only the size of a fist of an ordinary person but had the effect of short-distance spatial transmission, Raymond's expression flashed with surprise...

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