
Chapter 1016: Go to

The full-covered armor and the majestic physique made these guards solemn and mighty, and the cold light shining from the tip of the long-handled axe in their hands seemed to have energy. The fluctuations flashed light from time to time, making Raymond's pupils shrink very surprisingly.

Ordinary metals do not have energy fluctuations, and some special and precious metals with energy fluctuations in Raymond’s memory are obviously not popular enough to be seen here, so he quickly flashed in his mind. The name'rune weapon'.

"Even rune weapons require rune masters to engrave them. Could it be said that the huge number of rune masters on the Abyss plane can make places like Pompeii popular?"

There was doubt in his heart, so Leimen, who was standing under the steps of the City Lord's Mansion, couldn't help but start to observe these guards carefully.

All of them are big people over two meters tall. Although they are similar in size to ordinary humans, their eyes are light gray, just like the color of dead fish's eyes.

And at this time, the short fat man who ran to contact the leader of the guard had finished talking with that guy and ran back, with a face full of sweat and an apologetic face. "Dear sir, the city lord has just left to carry out the encirclement and suppression operation... Do you think you can go directly to the registration office?"

Under the hesitation, Raymond didn't answer, but raised his finger to the guards standing on both sides of the steps and asked. "Are these all the guards of the current city lord?"

"Uh... they are not the guards of the city lord, they are just the guards of Pompeii..."

After speaking, it seemed that the meaning in the words was a little ambiguous. The short fat man quickly wiped his sweat and explained in detail. "There are a hundred city guards stationed in Pompeii. They are not involved in the management of the city and the change of the city lord. They are only responsible for the integrity of the city lord mansion. As long as they do not attack the city lord mansion, they will not launch any actions..."

But just as Humpty Dumpty began to explain in detail, the leader of the guard team who had spoken to him saw Raymond’s sight betting, and he hesitated and walked over quickly. After bowing and saluting, he interrupted Dumpty’s explanation. . "My lord, I am the commander of the guards of Pompeii. I don't know if you have any questions?"

The tone of the guard leader was very respectful. After taking off the silk scarf covering his face, Raymond, with doubts in his heart, smiled and opened his mouth. "I am very interested in the weapons in their hands. I wonder if I can borrow them?"

It seemed to be confused, but the guard commander did not speak. Instead, he turned around and hooked his finger at the soldier closest to him. After he came over, he held his long-handled axe and sent it away. come. "This is a weapon that has been blessed by magic. Although it can’t be compared with the rune weapons of Mihir’s line of defense. It’s also a very good equipment. It is gradually very suitable as a family’s protective force. If you If you are interested, you can contact the logistics office of the front line, they are responsible for receiving buyers like you..."

Raymond, who took the long-handled axe for inspection, started to check carefully while listening to his introduction. The alloy used by the extremely heavy long-handled axe is not unusual. But the energy fluctuations that appeared on the surface of the axe blade turned out to be the energy fluctuations peculiar to the weakened version of the'sharp technique', which is rather strange.

"Such weapon frontline logistics department is responsible for the sales? It's just that the weakened version of the sharpness technique is not particularly obvious..."

After speaking, Raymond felt a little regretful, so he handed the heavy long-handled axe back, but the leader of the guard team smiled and took a palm-sized scabbard from his waist. Very respectfully handed it over. "The teams stationed in Pompeii are basically such heavy weapons, but I have a dagger that is very suitable for you..."

The small and beautifully decorated scabbard is like a work of art. And after the dagger inside was pulled out, a dazzling beam of energy appeared in front of Raymond's eyes.

Small and exquisite, the practical value is not great.

It's just that the two spells applied on this dagger turned out to be'sharp' and'concussion', which surprised Leimen very much.

Such a peculiar dagger that was constantly double-brushed aroused Raymond's interest, and he spoke directly after playing it for a while. "Very good dagger, what price do you have to pay if you give it up?"

The head of the guard, with a surprise smile on his face, was quite straightforward. "Three spars! You only need to pay for three spars similar to those given to Dumpty Dumpty!"

Although his wealth is strong in propionic acid, Raymond feels that such a price is quite low, so he feels that Raymond is no longer verbose. After taking three low-level spars from the storage ring and passing them over, he passed them. The dagger was hung around his waist.

The guard leader who had put away the three low-level spars seemed very surprised, but after a moment of consternation, he was full of smiles. After sending Leimen away, he turned around and rushed into the city lord's mansion.

And the short fat man who led Leimen to the registration office behind the city lord's mansion, but with a face like a dead father and a mother, with a sad face, he wanted to speak several times but finally closed his mouth.

But after walking for tens of meters, Raymond suddenly spoke up. "Do you think I am losing?"

"Yes, yeah! Dear lord! You have lost money! That dagger is worth more than a spar. This despicable, greedy **** will die sooner or later!"

Suddenly, he seemed to have found a short fat man who vented his mouth, grumbled with regret and introduced the general market of these weapons to Raymond, and also spared no effort to vilify the greed of the guard leader.

As the chunky man moved forward slowly, Raymond didn't care, but instead asked about the weapon. "Does that mean his dagger is bad?"

"That's not... this guy's dagger is quite good, even if it is placed on the front logistics side, it is also a high-end item, but the larger the size of this weapon, the more precious it is, and the smaller the size, the more valuable it is. low……"

Humpty Dumpty's explanation is not incomplete, but what he said actually made Raymond feel confused.

Rune weapons, or the addition of a certain magical effect to metal weapons, are quite simple for high-level wizards. Although there is little contact with the related refining Raymond, he has come into contact with and learned about it. It is said that the larger the object, the easier it is to apply a certain special magic technique. This is the most simple and universal truth, but this short fat man's statement is completely opposite, and his tone is like this is the truth. In general, there is no doubt.

Therefore, when Lei Meng was led by the short fat man to the registration office behind the city lord’s mansion, Lei Meng hesitated or did not make a detailed inquiry, because he was an outsider anyway, UU Reading www.uukahnshu. Com is not a resident of the abyssal world, so if you make a common sense mistake and cause trouble instead, it's a bit boring.

As if aware that Raymond had no interest in talking, the short fat guy who came to the entrance of the registration office immediately changed the subject. "Dear sir, this is the registration office of Pompeii. All the adults who are going to cross the front line will come here to register, and the team will be integrated and formed here!"

Raymond saw this building when he went around to the city lord’s mansion, and it seemed that he wanted to show its difference at the beginning of its creation. The building of this registry office is not a general shape, but a very intuitive regular triangle with a gate. There is also an energy barrier that looks like a water curtain at the entrance, so you can feel the energy fluctuations without getting close.

There were no guards, and there were no identifiable signs hung at the door, but the energy barrier with the effect of blocking the line of sight was extremely low in Raymond’s view.

The short fat man standing respectfully by the door lowered his head, looking like he didn't plan to lead the way, but the short fat man opened his mouth in embarrassment when he found that Raymond had doubts. "Dear sir, only big people like you are allowed to enter the registry, but little ones are not allowed..." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (co) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to co to read. )

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