
Chapter 1230: If you don't die, you won't die 2

The eyes and the whites of the eyes turned to black, like a deep vortex, when people look at it, they can't help but feel strongly attracted.

It's just that the magical structure that was about to be completed between his hands made Demiran's thin body a little unbearable. His previously extremely stable arms trembled slightly, and sweat stains appeared on his forehead.

However, the obscure fluctuations escaping from the pale golden ‘absolute barrier’ aroused Raymond’s alert for the first time.

Because of the sharp wrist formed by his left arm, it actually shifted slightly when it pierced the pale golden absolute barrier, and the range of the Spatial Hunting Blade was constantly expanding.

This is like adding a layer of protection against the twisting force field in addition to the pale gold absolute barrier. Although it is invisible, it can have a substantial effect.

The attack on this pale golden absolute barrier was originally controlled by Raymond within a range of less than an inch, but as Demiran’s spell structure was completed, the range of the attack was expanded. It was several times more, but in Raymond's feeling, although this kind of protective effect was obvious, it was actually meaningless.

The increase in the physical strength of wizards can never keep pace with the increase in strength. This is why the more advanced wizards are more afraid of close combat, because when their protection is occasionally missed, it is likely to be them. The moment of death.

By using sharp tentacles and spatial hunting blades to test the tolerance of the pale golden absolute barrier, Raymond, who suppressed his magic power to the level of the fifth-level elementary wizard, clearly understood. As long as he raises his strength to the level of a dawn-level wizard, Demi Lan's proud "absolute barrier" will not be more tenacious than thin paper.

So when Demi Lan put down his hands, and a layer of invisible but distorted force field appeared outside the pale golden absolute barrier, Leimen was extremely surprised.

And Demi Lan still had some trembling arms. However, his expression gradually became satisfied as if he was relieved. He looked at the pale golden absolute barrier that had been stabilized due to the expansion of the force-bearing area for a moment, and said with a slight nod in satisfaction. "My lord, your battle experience needs to be strengthened. Let a talisman to release all his protections. This behavior is simply a joke of life..."

There was no hint of ridicule in the indoctrinating tone, and when he heard the sound, he was a little dazed to stop the attack.

Donald, who thought he had already spoken thoroughly, was even more satisfied. After nodding slightly, he continued. "The high-level rune formation division can claim that the same rank is invincible after the protection is properly released. This is because the rune formation division has more protective measures and more durable continuation capabilities, so now you have lost!"

"Lost? Are you sure?"

Raymond's very suspicious tone made Demiran's expression cold. It seems extremely depressed like a mentor facing a stupid disciple. "Isn't I speaking clearly enough? Or is your understanding ability seriously flawed?"

The tone of such a lesson made Raymond's complexion a little annoyed, and the members of the Miria family off the court were even more happy, especially the sago who was holding on to Salad, laughed and got into Salad's ears. Pointing at the two people on the square, there was a ridicule of Leimeng in their expressions. Also has pride in Demiran.

And it's like sensing the gaze of those outside the field. Demi Lan, who turned to Simi Lu and leaned slightly to greet him, said very sincerely after turning around. "My lord, the promise I made before I give up is still valid, because the strength you have shown has won my respect, so I hope I can solve this in a peaceful way without much suspense. Duel!"

After listening to Demi Lan's advice or a monologue, Raymond was too lazy to speak anymore. Such a arrogant and narcissistic guy seemed to need to make him suffer a little blow.

of course. Considering that he still needs to take care of the face of his tutor Master Lan Modo, Raymond finally decided not to let him hurt too much.

Thinking of this, Raymond's heart moved his left arm back to normal. With both hands on his chest, he began to construct the magic model, which can be regarded as showing his attitude.

He shook his head regretfully, and Demi Lan, who raised his arms again, closed his eyes, and the sensation he had released before suddenly converged back.

As Raymond’s talented spell "Space Hunting Blade" could not break through the pale golden absolute barrier, Raymond gave up the physical attack of the wrist and the attack of the talented spell, and then began to construct the Void Slash. .

In less than two breaths, the half-foot-long Void Slash broke out, and when the wind rose, it turned into a three-meter giant, but finally after entering the twisting force field before the pale golden absolute barrier, Under the effect of the twisting force, he changed his trajectory and flew into the air obliquely against the edge of the absolute barrier.

After leaving the range of the distorted force field, Void Slash was out of the limit of the line of sight with a slam. The members of the Miria family gathered on the edge of the square immediately laughed and laughed. The patriarch Hailide even pointed to Raymond, as if he was making judgments.

However, the imprisoned duel supporters association member who was placed at the door of the gray tower with the stunned Urian, stared straight at the confrontation between the two sides and had witnessed countless duels. The horror in this person's eyes is not concealed, but this is because of a kind of intuition brought by the difference of vision!

The Void Slash of that shape and speed is not something a fifth-level elementary wizard can release!

Even if this person's magical power seems to have only reached the level of a fifth-level wizard, but that must be formed by hidden strength!

The members of this duel supporters association who were crying wildly in his heart were overwhelmed by the frustration that emerged in his heart at this moment. The only thing he is still thinking about now is praying that he should never be here. Suffer any damage in a duel of this degree!

Because that is no longer what he can bear!

In particular, there is a companion, Urian, who has broken bones and broken bones, and can't afford to be seriously injured...

At this time, Currid, who had been severely injured by Sarah's powerful magic weapon, finally woke up under the rescue of his cousin Gavin, although half of his body was unconscious and his mind was not yet complete. Sober, but under Stevic's explanation, he knew what had happened during the time he had fainted.

His eyes were a little straightened, but Kerrid, who understood the current situation, was extremely sad and angry!

When he was facing Sarah before, he took the initiative to retreat in the manner determined after many discussions with his cousin Gavin, and wanted to resolve Sarah's grievances with the help of the embarrassment during the duel.

But who would have thought that this salad was in the course of a duel supervised by the Dueling Fans Association, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com also dared to use an undeclared weapon to carry out a sneak attack, and he also bought Urian of the Dueling Fans Association in advance, and forced Donald’s nephew Delia away, so that the duel was completely biased towards the Miria family. !

Therefore, after understanding the serious consequences of such a mistake, Currid, who was sad from the bottom of his heart, couldn't help but burst into tears, clutching Gavin's arm tightly. "Blame me! Blame me! Blame me..."

Gavin, who was also in a weak state, seemed to be aging for several decades at this time, and his wrinkled face was filled with grief and sorrow that could not be concealed.

It's just that in the duel field, although Raymond is still releasing Void Slash and attacking, Demi Lan, who is about to complete the magical structure, has a well-established appearance.

Although Raymond's offensive was fierce, it has been ineffective, but Demiran, who has completed his own protection, is clearly invincible.

So looking at the inexplicable magical technique that was about to be released by Demiran, Gavin, who was already desperate in his heart, couldn't help but sighed, but he planned for the worst... (to be continued...)

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