
Chapter 1235: Disabled section

Hehehe, who laughed strangely, slowly stood up, and after smoothing the wrinkles on his wizard robe in front of Raymond, he opened his eyes directly. "What do you want to do with me? What can you do with me? What do you dare to do with me!"

Raymond, who was trapped in the rune array cage before, was not able to use his talents in time to save Gavin and others due to his interest in the rune array cage, so he was extremely arrogant when he heard Demiran. After questioning with arrogance, Kuan was angry in his heart, but he didn't show it, but his expression became more and more gloomy.

Demi Lan, who just raised his chest so that he did not appear so weak, did not notice the change in Raymond's mood.

Because he thought that relying on the aura of his genius Rune Master and the great reputation of Master Lan Modo behind him, he would not have, nor dare to have any thoughts that would be unfavorable to him.

What's more, this person is just a friend brought by a low-level deacon of the Supreme House. Even if he has some strength, he absolutely dare not provoke his existence, because after waiting for a moment, he did not give an answer. The more cheerful laughter!

Lei Meng squinted his eyes as his face was sinking more and more. The Demi Lan in front of him was crazy, and his perception was still unable to penetrate the distorted force field protection of the pale golden absolute barrier, so he It is not certain that he can defeat his protection by suppressing his strength to the realm of a fifth-level wizard.

Since the deacon can't leave before the pale golden absolute barrier dissipates, he feels that he has time to make various attempts.

So the arrogant attitude towards Demiran. He is only slandering his arrogance and arrogance in his heart, but he is not going to fight with him.

But when Demiran saw that Raymond started to construct some kind of spatial magic. But he stopped the wanton laughter and suddenly rushed to the inside of the absolute barrier and roared at Raymond. "You killed my beloved! It was you who broke my heart! It was you who ruined my best things!"

With crimson eyes, Demi Lan, who had always wanted to maintain the grace and indifferentness, completely lost control. Demi Lan hissed like a beast with a head wound, and his clenched fists slammed on the absolute barrier. stand up. "Although you used your own strength to make me take a high look at you before, although I was very willing to turn your enemies into friends before, although you can crack my rune cage, remember one thing, I will definitely kill You! I definitely will!"

And in the process of Demi Lan roaring hoarse. The hands that Ramon raised on his chest are dexterous and stable in constructing the space transmission channel. The distance calculation performed by the chip in his mind has given him a certain degree of certainty.

It’s just that the study of the Phantom Ceremony brought him the ability to teleport without a vision field, but it will cause unknowable deviations due to the small distance. Therefore, when the space teleportation channel in front of him is constructed, he takes it out of his waist pouch. A low-level magic stone lightly flicked in.

Only a palm-sized space transmission channel, after that low-level magic stone was submerged in it. But it was not able to appear in the predetermined place.

Only a crisp sound was heard, and between the absolute barrier behind Demi Lan and the protection of the twisted force field, a dazzling beam of energy burst out in vain!

This sound from behind immediately aroused Demi Lan’s vigilance. He suddenly looked back at the fading energy brilliance. The crazy and furious expression before was frozen, and the confusion in his eyes quickly Was replaced by horror!

Followed by Demi Lan who turned around. His fingers pointing at Raymond trembled uncontrollably, and even his voice changed. "You! You! How can you! How can you do it!"

Raymond, who had a faint red light in his pupils, ignored his doubts, because the chip was fine-tuning the deviation distance.

It's just that such a fine-tuning calculation is even more complicated than the previous long-distance distance measurement. Because the progress of the task progress bar in Raymond's sight was extremely slow, and it quickly made Raymond impatient.

Demi Lan, who was still uncertain before, seemed to be relieved. Staring at Raymond with hatred for a long time, only then did he frowned and walked back and forth within the absolute barrier, as if he was thinking.

On the square in front of the door of the gray tower that had restored the silence, only the whimper-like sound formed by the mountain wind was left.

Outside the square, Stevich, who was agitated but realized that he was safe, fell into a sleepy sleep beside Currid after wrapping the body of his mentor Gavin.

And Raymond, standing in front of this absolute barrier, finally got the result of the distance deviation error correction made by the chip: the difference in level caused the force field breakthrough to be invalid!

It's a simple description, but it is a bit regretful to Raymond!

Having suppressed his strength in the fifth-level wizard realm, the spatial transmission channel that he constructed was also unconsciously reduced in magic power, so even if he used his natural ability to construct the spatial transmission channel, he still couldn’t. Directly into Demiran's absolute barrier.

After figuring out the reason, Raymond, who wanted to build the space transmission channel again, stopped in vain, because his impression of the master of Lanmodo in front of him was not particularly bad.

Although it seemed a bit arrogant before, it was just because young but with a sense of superiority that ordinary people could not reach, it was causing trouble, and after Similu was killed, such a gaffe was just a heartbreaking lover. The normal reaction that appears in the fall.

Therefore, after thinking of his tutor Master Lan Modo and the girl who had gone bankrupt in the pool of blood, Raymond hesitated for a while and finally gave up his intention to attack Demiran.

Since only the dawn of dawn can break through the absolute barrier, it is better to hide this ability...

After thinking about this, Raymond made up his mind, then turned around and walked out of the square to check the condition of Currid.

The injuries inside and outside the body are serious but have been dealt with, but the mental trauma suffered by Currid, it takes a long time to recover.

But after such a short delay, the rescue caused by the police message released by Gavin finally arrived.

It was just that Raimon was a little surprised that the patrol team in the high tower and the adjudicator of the dueling supporters association led by Dria arrived almost one after another.

The patrol team that had just landed faced the mess on the square in front of the Grey Tower and the many corpses on the edge of the square, and even began to report.

And Delia, who arrived shortly thereafter, jumped into a thunder when he discovered that the Chief Magistrate Urian was seriously injured and was dying, and the other was missing.

But still unable to leave the pale golden absolute barrier Demi Lan, UU reading www. But uukanshu.com did not say a word in a posture of not cooperating, making the chief of the patrol team and the chief judge of the dueling supporters association at a loss.

Raymond, who was guarding Stevic and the others, released his coercion in order to avoid trouble, making it impossible for everyone on the scene to connect to him, and even unable to question him.

The crescent moon hanging diagonally above the night sky slowly moved westward, because the police and subsequent reports have gradually arrived in more and more teams, but the many patrol team leaders who were helpless and the duel supporter associations present. However, after conducting private consultations, the chief adjudication officer sent out Delia who had participated in part of the duel process to find out the truth.

Raymond, who had been watching all this with cold eyes, had lost his patience, and wanted to leave after awakening Stevic, but Demiran, who had been wandering in the absolute barrier, suddenly pointed at him and shouted. Up. "Grab him! He was the one who caused the **** case of today's duel! I swear in the name of Master Lanmodo, my mentor, if you dare to let him leave, I must hold everyone present to account!"

Lei Meng, who had just released the Levitation Technique and was ready to go, couldn't help being furious. Looking at the many patrol team members who were about to surround him, he did not hesitate to reveal the strength of the dawn class...

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