
Chapter 1247: Solicit one

Leimen, who left the grotto in a flash, released his own breath undisguisedly, returning the previously squeezed and lost area to his control.

It's just that when he appeared on the top of the mountain, there was only one old man standing with his hand behind him. The other two auras of the morning dawn-level powerful wizard had disappeared, and they had escaped the lock of Raymond's perception and disappeared again.

"The old man is Vadim of the Supreme Court. He was dispatched by the Supreme Court to investigate the Grey Tower Square tragedy... Just because there is no hatred with you, I want to communicate before implementing the resolutions of the Supreme Chamber. , I wonder if Master Raymond is willing?"

The old man with a gentle smile nodded slightly after seeing Raymond as a tribute, and then made a request that made Raymond very confused.

Although Vadim could see the force field brilliance that belonged to the dawn-level wizard around Vadim, but the other two auras were not found when he perceived the release, so Leimen hesitated to maintain his vigilance around him. Nodding is a promise.

Vadim, who seemed to be very old, chuckled, raising his right hand and slowly releasing an isolation barrier, completely covering the 100-meter range of the peak.

The movement is slow but the posture is extremely standard. This way of releasing the barrier can be regarded as a textbook, which makes Raymond feel a little moved.

Because only that kind of very conservative scholar-type wizard can use this almost rigid method to release various spells.

For this conservative scholar-type wizard, any change is intolerable to him. It is a kind of blasphemy for the release of magic!

Although most of them will not use this method to ask others or even their own disciples, but for themselves, they will never make any improvements to certain spells. They are not even willing to improve the spells. To learn and master. And even if it is a very complicated technique to construct a small angle in a gesture, they will never make a mistake when constructing it.

This kind of rigidity brings about the slow improvement of strength and the constant power of magic spells, but as long as wizards with this personality can be promoted, their foundation will be extremely solid.

Therefore, in the face of an old-fashioned scholar-type wizard with Chenxi-level strength, after the other party clearly expressed goodwill, Raymond had no reason to attack and destroy this communication atmosphere. Because even if you can win rashly, the loss you may face is definitely not small.

But Vadim, who noticed the surprise in Raymond's eyes, had a kind smile that grew brighter. It was as if he had guessed what Raymond was thinking, and he sighed with regret. "The wizards nowadays regard promotion as their sole purpose. Even if the foundation is unstable, they try to force the attack with the aid of potions and resources. Don't you know that this is destroying their own future..."

He was a Raymond who was promoted by many resources and potions. Although he agrees with this view, it does not mean that he is willing to take this promotion path, so after clicking a point, he went straight to the topic. "Master Vadim, what do you want to talk about?"

"Hehehe...whether the young man can't hold back his temper, the old man will make a long story short..."

There was some regret in his expression, but after taking out a pair of spectacle frames from his waist pouch on the bridge of his nose, Vadim solemnly picked up a list and started reading.

"Raymond, I made a short stay in Kadun Port of the Ogaso Kingdom 17 years ago. Intervened in the power change of the Tori family and entered the Black River Valley Academy. Finally, I boarded the wizard and apprentice ship to the Central Continent, and encountered underground blackness. During the raid, the wizard used tricks to trap the **** wizard Cork, and severely wounded the second-level wizard apprentice Jeffrey and drove off the ship..."

Vadim, whose speech speed is not fast, and whose eyesight seems extremely poor, needs to get close to the list from time to time for careful identification, but as he tells it, it was before Raymond was'rescued' from the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy. Most of the experiences are basically told, and there is almost nothing wrong.

But the more Lei Meng listened, the darker his face became, and the twisting power surrounding him was revealed.

But after reading the list that looked like a questionnaire in his hand, Vadim, who took off the glasses, looked curious, raised his right hand and gave an innocent gesture before speaking. "Master Raymond, I have been promoted from a third-level wizard apprentice to the dawn level in just 17 years. I think you must have a great opportunity to do this. The old man tells your past without any other intentions, just thinking To express what the inspectorate knows about you and invite you to join!"

Raymond, who had been holding back his anger, couldn't help but was taken aback, but Vadim, who was holding the glasses in one hand, stroked his chest with one hand, leaning slightly to look at him as if he was waiting.

Raymond thought for a moment, but pointed to the wizard squad he had discovered before and asked deliberately. "Invite me to join the Inspectorate of the Supreme House? Is it such an invitation?"

"You are misunderstood. These members of the Falcon Corps were only dispatched to find you. It will take more time for the old man to find your whereabouts in this grotto, and there will be more time for it. Too rude..."

When speaking, he was extremely frank, and after speaking, Vadim, who raised his right hand over his head and shook his head slightly, actually caused two other Dawn-level wizards to show up, and they were far from the mountain. The summit was hundreds of distances away, but they all nodded towards Raymond as a tribute.

These two wizards, who seemed to be hiding in the void, caused him a headache after being spotted by Raymond’s sight, because these two formed a restraint situation with Vadim on the top of the mountain. It seems that there is no hostility, but he has obtained some information about the Inspectorate of the Supreme House from Gavin, and he naturally knows the status of this hidden department in the Supreme House.

"The Inspectorate should belong to the secret department of the Supreme House. If I am not mistaken, the person in charge should be Belozovo of the Hamilton family, that is, the Deputy Speaker of the Supreme House..."

Speaking of this, frowning, Raymond who looked at Vadim who was smiling in front of him was very suspicious. "Could it be said that in exchange for the square incident that was deemed a **** massacre by the Supreme Court, I was asked to join?"

"Ha ha ha... a young man is a young man, and his reaction is much faster than an old man's antique..."

There was a faint sigh between the eyebrows, and Vadim, who was regarded as acquiescence by nodding slightly while speaking, put his hands behind his back, and the isolation barrier he had released before collapsed silently.

Perception cannot penetrate into the protection of his force field, but the disappearance of the isolation barrier that was previously released has made Raymond's heart sink.

The three high-level wizards with Dawn-level strength in front of him, although they are not threatening to him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com wants to release the real body is a unilateral crush, but the two sides have no feud. Releasing the real body for battle also has consequences for Raymond, so it is the best result to not start the battle.

Thinking of this, Raymond raised his eyebrows and asked. "Since even my experience at the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy is clear, then if I refuse to come here, the consequences are worrying?"

"Ha ha ha... That's not enough. The war order of the Supreme House is about to be issued. The decrease in the number of high-level wizards due to a weak family is something the Supreme House does not want to see, so the right to choose is still In your hands, only the detailed content of the war order can be learned only after you join the inspector's office!"

Vadim, who smiled treacherously, just sold it. It seems that the War Order of the Supreme House has great appeal. He actually put on a posture that it doesn’t matter if the invitation is not successful. It seems that Raymond’s refusal will bear the burden. The loss is average.

The more confused Raymond frowned, the communication was beyond his expectation.

But before he continued to think deeply, a ray of light suddenly appeared from the direction of the tower. It seemed to be jumping in the air, and the continuous flashing actually came straight to this side... (to be continued... )

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