
Chapter 1250: Trap one

The distance of one hundred and ten meters is just a moment.

But Vadim, the inspector who saw Raymond rushing towards him, looked regretful, and there was even pity and insignificant regret in his eyes.

If the battle between the same tier does not want to fall into a long-term spell confrontation, then the sudden attack is the only way.

But Raymond, who hardly gave the opponent time to react, the twisting effect on his side due to the high speed did not disappear when he flew, and he appeared in front of Vadim, his left arm suddenly exploded. The five tentacles shot straight away, trying to capture him first.

But Vadim, who was motionless without even the slightest panic or surprised expression, was at the same time that these wrists touched the barriers of the dawn-level wizard's force field on his body surface, but his body collapsed in vain into countless numbers. Spots of light are flying all over the sky!

The figure stopped at the position where Vadim stood before. Raymond was a bit annoyed by this phenomenon. Before Vadim in the inspectorate seemed to be negotiating with him, but in fact his body was fundamentally fundamental. Not here. Obviously, before the departure of Tvovna of the Lan Zhijiao Legion, this seemingly gentle but extremely cunning Vadim was actually ready to attack.

Sure enough, after the collapse of Vadim's magical projection, the originally rolling and converging clouds above the sky were suddenly still, and then slowly and firmly pressed down as they gathered from the edge to the center.

Pang however, with the pressure of the space blocking effect, locked Lei Meng firmly like a mighty sky. The invisible but inextricable force made the Lei Meng's protective barrier reveal its shape, and appeared inward. Squeezed.

If there is a substantial force that squeezes the barriers of the force field around him, the faint clicking sound reverberates in the air, and the cryptic and powerful aura that Raymond has detected before has almost doubled in intensity. The space around him was squeezed and twisted.

It's just that Lei Meng standing in place became calmer. After his sight passed through the invisible force field barrier that covered the entire mountain, he finally saw five high-level wizards including Vadim.

It is a pentagram-shaped restraint, and its northernmost point is Vadim, the inspector's office who just kept the projection in front of him.

The wizards in the other four corners all wore gray wizard robes with masks covering their faces, and spread their arms flat and upward. The ray of light in the palms of their hands made each of them have an umbrella-like protective barrier above their heads.

Seeing Raymond's gaze coming over, compassion appeared on Vadim's wrinkled face in Inspectorate, and he sighed and said. "Give up, the needless struggle will only make you a sacrifice, and the combat power of the Dawn Level needs to be cherished..."

Raymond, who is unwilling to engage in a quarrel at this time. After seeing that the five people with the Pentagram outside the barrier of the force field are all in the dawn-level realm, they understand that this is all they are preparing to launch a siege.

Although the effect of the thick dark clouds slowly falling from the sky is still unknown to him, since five dawn-level wizards were dispatched at the same time to carry out the siege, then under normal conditions, it would be enough to attack the same under light damage. The order is exterminated.

The opponent's combat power has been shown, and it cannot be said that there are omissions, but the previous Tvovna of the Lan Zhijiao Legion conveyed the invitation of the Speaker of the Speaker Rod Lijia Witch. But Vadim in the Inspectorate was the same as Vadim's situation. It was only more than ten years ago. It seems that he was not clear about his previous situation in the Shadow City of the Underground World.

After he settled his mind, he gradually increased his resistance to the surrounding pressure. For these wizards headed by Vadim, Raymond didn't care about it.

It was just because of the power and effect of the dark clouds that were still gathering above the sky, he was unable to detect because of the suppression of perception.

But since the opponent had already launched a storm at this time, then he had no need to conceal it.

When he thought of it, the real phantom like a giant bear appeared behind him. The Raymond body of Vadim, who had been locked in the Inspectorate, slowly merged into the real body, causing it to expand and elevate rapidly.

The colossal pressure was released to the surroundings, first of all, the invisible barrier was revealed, and Vadim and others, who surrounded the entire mountain in a pentagram shape, were all shocked by the sudden shrinkage of their eyes!

Even if the power of the real body that can be condensed by the dawn-level wizard is limited due to the strength of the body, it cannot be defeated solely by the power of the body.

As the leader of this incident, Vadim's compassion on his face was replaced by solemnity, and the very vague real body was revealed behind him by shaking slightly.

However, among the remaining four, only the wizards in the east and west directions released their true bodies, while the remaining two retreated 100 meters. He quickly built a defensive spell, and quickly increased the strength of his defense.

But Raymond, who had merged with his true body, released a strong and fierce aura at this time. After being gripped, his huge palm was suddenly knocked out and hit the invisible barrier that was revealed!


It's like a loud noise like gold and iron. Just a punch caused many small cracks in this invisible barrier!

The sound of horror finally came from the direction of the inspector Vadim, and the two wizards who could not release their real bodies before were as if they were subjected to a violent impact at the same time, and the two of them were building their spells immediately. They collapsed, staggered, but immediately retreated as much as a hundred meters, and there was panic and panic in their gazes at Raymond!

The three wizards headed by Vadim, who released their real bodies for fusion, shook their bodies under such an impact and stabilized again, but the appearance of the three real bodies made Raymond more and more. Be sure.

Compared with his giant bear-like real body, the real bodies of Vadim and the others are only less than five meters in height, and they also look extremely vague. Obviously, the degree of solidity is still at the lowest stage.

But what surprised Raymond was that the invisible barrier that was slammed by him was rippling like a lake after the appearance of fine cracks, and then it seemed to be re-smoothed. Restored its original appearance.

But at this time, Vadim, who had found signs of losing control of the situation, did not hesitate to shout at Raymond. "Master Raymond! Some of the old man about the effect of the time will be withdrawn immediately. The Inspectorate under the Supreme Court welcomes you to join us, and I hope you can consider..."

It's just that when Vadim spoke, the extremely thick dark cloud above the sky suddenly accelerated its sinking. Raymond felt the pressure around his body strengthened, and ignored Vadim's awkward delay. Dang Even clenched his fists and slammed the invisible barrier in front of him again!

The muffled sound of bang bang bang occurred continuously, and the expressions of Vadim and others who had released their true body changed drastically. Although this invisible barrier was formed by the five of them, it came at such a speed. It is said that it will be completely defeated if it cannot resist for a long time.

Knowing that the two parties could no longer return to the state of negotiation before, Vadim, UU reading www.uukanshu.com flew back and at the same time tried to maintain the strength of the invisible barrier, and his lips moved lightly as if it were external. Send message.

It's just that Raymond, whose true physical strength has surpassed the strength of the seventh-order wizard, has made the invisible barrier unable to repair itself after hitting a few dozen punches in succession, and the fine cracks have become more and more scoped. Also getting bigger.

Ka Ka Ka's popping sound became clearer and clearer, and the speed at which Raymond, whose real body had completely merged, punched faster and faster, and his strength continued to improve.

So after a while, the invisible barrier that wrapped the mountain could not withstand the blow, and was broken by a loud bang!

However, the five people headed by Vadim have already withdrawn by as much as a kilometer. Especially the two wizards who have not released their true bodies have successfully constructed the spells. They only saw two beams of light with the thickness of adult arms. Released between his hands, he appeared in front of Raymond in an instant!

The extremely dazzling light made Raymond narrow his eyes, but the beam of light hitting his body did not even have the power to shake his body. It was like two fireworks exploding beside him, making Vadim Waiting for someone to be dumbfounded...

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