
Chapter 1259: Beat

Move time forward so moment...

Realizing that he was trapped in some kind of spiritual illusion, Raymond, according to the disaster-like scenes that Gracie once described by the chip recorded by the chip, would form a catastrophic scene, and then simulated it through his thinking. freed.

Wan Ren Bingbi!

The top natural disaster spell that Gracie possessed, after being constructed by Raymond with his thoughts, appeared in vain in this smog.

In the soft sound of khaka, countless azure ice walls resembling giant blades spread in the haze at an unimaginable speed, like a thousand layers of snow formed after the waves were lifted, with Leimen’s The real body suddenly spreads outward from the center!

These are not transparent but are large blade-like azure ice walls that allow light to penetrate the refraction phenomenon. Pieces of it are as thin as a cicada's wings but are sharp, with jagged edges with palpable sharp jagged edges. As a result, everything in Raymond's sight was completely frozen.

For the lighting techniques previously released by Raymond, the trigger-type sharp sound traps attached to them could not be activated at all. They solidified under the influence of this extremely cold, extremely sharp blue ice wall, even the lighting technique itself. The light that should be scattered, all seemed to be frozen and completely solidified in an instant.

The fine particles that make up the haze lose the effect of blocking the line of sight after being frozen, but the faint light that seems to be frozen makes everything that Raymond sees, which is like a dream that cannot be described by words. Bright beauty like a fantasy.

And the temperature displayed by the chip that was affected by the illusion was automatically shielded by the chip because it lost the measurement meaning after it dropped to a thousand degrees below zero.

The smog area that was out of sight before became transparent and unobstructed in an instant. The edge of the smog that Raymond had been searching for, suddenly saw strands of sunlight appear!

As if he heard the fragile sound of'Kakaka' in his ears, he didn't even rush to feel surprised by the beauty in his vision. He realized that he was still holding the previous posture of rushing into the clouds. On the mountain peak.

But the joy in my heart has not yet emerged. He felt that there was a huge energy gathering behind him.

Suddenly turning around and greeted by a beast with the upper body of the abyssal dragon, between the claw-shaped palms at the top of its huge black wings, there is a palpitating shadow of a spell that is about to be completed.

Having already got rid of Raymond, who was affected by the illusion before, there will be another half-another hesitation. The right palm that had been inserted into the clouds before suddenly snapped.

The distance was not great, and after the coercion of the eighth-level wizard of the real body was released at the same time, this monster became stiff for a moment.

Therefore, the palm that was photographed by Raymond hit the top of his skull firmly!

With a loud bang, even if its protective field was defeated, it was as if the right palm was shot on the indestructible stainless steel. The palm was very numb, even if he knew that he had met a strong enemy, it was natural. It is diving down to start the pursuit.

However, the huge and powerful real body's falling speed was a bit slower, and at the moment his clenched fists were about to hit the body of the beast, he lost the trace of the beast in a flash in front of him. He himself crashed into the top of the mountain that had already begun to collapse like a cannonball!

A loud bang!

The big hole smashed by the monster before collapsed again, and the strong vibration made the top of the mountain unbearable and a large-scale collapse occurred.

I was a little surprised, but when Raymond stood up, his current behemoth perception was released, and the monster he was trying to escape was immediately locked!

It is a fluke for Raymond to escape the illusion smoothly, so at this moment, how can he allow the monster that is about to attack him to escape!

But the reaction speed of this monster before made him a little surprised. So after he leaped from the top of the collapsing mountain, the three tentacles of his neck chased away like lightning.

But just before the three adult arms, with sharp-pointed tentacles, were about to plunge into the body of the beast, the thought of Raymond made the three tentacles accelerate in vain and appeared at the position where the monster was about to arrive, like three iron ropes. Stopped ahead.

Veranika, who was already afraid of Raymond’s real body, did not even notice the three tentacles that appeared in front of him.

Therefore, when the Slayer Beast was bound by three slightly elastic tentacles, Veranika, who was controlling the Slayer Beast, could not make timely and effective judgments. I only felt that everything in my sight was retreating, and I was dragged back to the collapsing peak under this irresistible force, and then I saw a pair of red eyes and a giant that was smashed over. fist!


Bang bang! !

Bang bang bang! ! !

The Killer Beast bound by the three wrists was hit by Ramon’s continuous heavy punches like a sandbag. Veranika, who was stunned when he was dragged back, just instinctively used the Killer War. The black wings of the beast wrap its head, neck and front chest. It wasn't until he was hit by a dozen punches that he finally woke up.

Because Raymond, who was extremely angry in his heart, initially only used this beast as a target for venting his anger, so he just raised and smashed his fist without thinking, even though he wanted to defeat the beast. But it did not deliberately search for its vitals to attack.

But fortunately, the battle experience accumulated by Veranika, who controls this slayer beast, can be effective at this time. She endured the severe pain of being slammed, but instead evaded by the force of Raymond's heavy blow, she found a gap and released the repulsive force field, causing herself to be suddenly bounced off!

Leimen, who was still bombarding suddenly, hit the hard rock with a punch, and the huge rock that had already collapsed was finally torn apart so that he himself was also unstable.

And the Slayer's beast bound by the tentacles, the black wing that had protected the body before suddenly broke free!

The tenacious and slightly elastic tentacles were only opened for a few inches, but Veranika, who keenly seized the opportunity, caused the slaughter beast to teleport in vain, free from the restraint of the tentacles. And appeared on top of Raymond's head.

It’s too late to say that it’s fast, the Killer Beast, who was hit continuously and suffered internal injuries, even with a big mouth, a group of light gray breaths hit straight down, and the beaten Veronica also sent out at the same time. Kuan screamed. "Raymond, you bastard! I'm going to kill you..."

Lei Meng, who missed his fist and hit the rock on the top of the mountain, already understood that he had made a mistake, so he did not turn around to meet the breath that struck, but rushed forward after jumping into the air, and then turned around. .

And the light gray breath that spewed from the mouth of this killer war beast had already hit the place where Raymond was just now, and the collapsing mountain seemed to be covered with a layer of strong acid, as long as it was affected by the light gray breath. The area melted.

Uh, the dense acid mist that rose quickly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com made the killer beast hovering hidden in it.

Raymond, who was swaying in shape, just rushed into this acid mist, it was not good!

Because there is no trace of the beast in the acid mist, on the contrary, there are countless flocculent energies that form a strong interference with perception, so that the beast that was firmly locked by his perception before suddenly got rid of the previous one. locking!

Leimen sank in his heart and stopped in place without eager to leave. With a flick of his right palm, a gust of wind appeared in vain, and the dense acid mist around his body was blown away in an instant.

But when his strength returned to normal, the beast that hovered in the air hundreds of meters away caused his pupils to shrink suddenly. After the inexplicable tyrannical mood in his heart piled up, he had just recovered some clear eyes and suddenly became bloodshot. He got red, and the anger buried in his heart poured out uncontrollably, making him immediately start the careful comparison of the sound and image of the chip after he was furious!

However, with a small plan, she got rid of Veranika, who was locked in perception. Although the parts that were hit before were extremely painful, she felt that the current situation was finally due to her efforts. There has been a twist...


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