
Chapter 1263: Shadows

Standing in the air, Twovna, standing next to the space channel erected by the Lan Zhijiao army, waited to see the uniforms of the sergeants emerging from the giant transmission channel with a diameter of more than 20 meters, and became furious!

There are two gold rims inlaid on the shoulders, and the waistband that is tied is also shining with gold!

This turned out to be the elite unit of the Falcon Legion!

And it's also an elite unit in the Rifle Legion who is responsible for stationing secret bases!

These elites are absolutely not allowed to appear here!

Because the training they received, the weapons they were equipped with, and the fire attacks they mastered were all to guard those secret bases!

Unless it is jointly ordered by the three major speakers, the elite of these sharp falcons will absolutely not allow the formation of organizations to leave the base and expose them to the world!

What's more, the fastest and most expensive way is to use this legion-level teleportation array!

"Donald! How dare you use your power like this, I must make you look good this time!"

Tvovna roared from the bottom of her heart and looked annoyed, but when she was about to rush up, her pupils shrank suddenly, her leaning body immediately returned to its original standing posture, but her eyes quickly lifted upwards. Throw it over this giant teleportation symbol array!

With a light buzzing sound, along with the flashing of twisted ripples in the space, a portal that resembles a water curtain suddenly appeared there, followed by a majestic but extremely old man from the rippling water curtain. Walking out slowly, the deep and wise eyes scanned the slightly chaotic scene under him, frowning slightly.

Tvovna, who recognized this person as Deputy Speaker Belozovo, was extremely surprised, and hurriedly stroked her chest with one hand to give a gift, feeling extremely puzzled by his appearance.

But after she thought about it for a while, especially after thinking of the rumor that had been circulating in the Supreme House a few years ago that involved her talented granddaughter, Veranika, she vaguely understood the reason for his presence here!

There was a little schadenfreude in her heart, but Tvovna hurriedly lowered her head, lest the smile on her face would be noticed by Deputy Speaker Belozovo.

But the moment she lowered her head, there was a vague spatial ripple around her suddenly. Following an ordinary old woman with a cane, she stepped out of nothingness and stood beside her.

This surprise is no small thing!

Tvovna's body surface force field was flourishing, and the members of the Lanzhijiao legion that were pouring out of the space channel immediately dispersed and prepared to launch an attack formation.

But this ordinary old woman who appeared in twilight. But as if he didn't care about everything around him, he raised his head and looked at the floating deputy speaker Belozovo, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

But Tvovna, who saw the old woman's face clearly, quickly withdrew her protection, and the left hand that was about to release the spell suddenly shook behind her, signaling her subordinates to disperse!

As an adjutant of the Lan Zhijiao Corps under the Supreme House, no sergeant would defy Tvovna's order, so the sergeants who were just about to gather or rushed to assist, slowly returned to their positions.

After issuing the order, Twovna hurriedly bowed and saluted the ordinary old woman who suddenly appeared next to her. "Master Rodriguez, why are you here too?"

Looking up at the ordinary old woman in Belozovo diagonally above. There was a faint suspicion in his expression, and a moment later, he glanced at the members of the Lanzhijiao Legion who were in the process of integrating, and then transmitted the voice to Tvovna. "The Lan's Jiao Legion is not allowed to enter the isolation barrier, nor is it allowed to have a head-on confrontation with the person inside..."

Tvovna was puzzled when she heard the sound, but Belozovo, who had already seen the Speaker Rodriguez, slowly came to the Speaker of the Speaker Rodriguez. One hand stroking his chest and leaning slightly to salute. "I didn't expect you to come too..."

The Speaker Rod Lijia with a gentle smile on his face slightly smiled. "The Killer Beast is the pinnacle of research in the Supreme Chamber, so how can I ignore it!"

Some weird answers made Belozovo frowned, and he said after thinking about it. "The situation is a bit complicated, and the opponent is quite strong. Do you need to work together?"

"Joint together? Even if it can be successful to keep the Killer Beast, it is probably impossible to make the foreign wizard pay the price..."

The answer of the Speaker of the Speaker Rod Rica made Belozovo a little annoyed. But following him, he suddenly changed his face and appeared in front of Dmitry, shouting at him in a deep voice. "How's it going?"

Dmitry, who was about to activate Shushuyou to send a message, had a weird look between his eyebrows and eyes. He raised his right hand and sent the quaint-shaped ring to Belozovo, his lips moved slightly, but the voice said. . "The Killer Beast finally activated the ancient giant rhinoceros's ‘strong wall defense’, as long as it can return to the base to merge a certain amount of ancient rhino blood. It should be able to achieve perfect integration..."

But before Dmitry finished his report, Belozovo, who was extremely angry, interrupted him and asked. "The old man is asking what the killer beast is now!"

The coercive question made Dmitry's expression become indifferent, and he straightened his body and answered loudly in a rigid voice. "Coma or sleep. Or maybe it's dying before the split!"

There was anger gathering between Belozovo's eyebrows, but Dmitry looked directly into his eyes after answering, and his tone became more and more indifferent. "Dear Vice-President Belozovo, as the manager of this slayer beast, I need to remind you that if it cannot return to the base within an hourglass time to merge the blood of the ancient rhino, I want to stimulate again The talent in the blood of the ancient rhinoceros will increase the difficulty to an unimaginable level!"

"Your mission is complete! Go back to the base immediately and write a report!"

But the low roar of Deputy Speaker Belozovo made Dmitri's indifferent eyes a flash of disdain, and he stepped back half a step and leaned slightly to mock. "This slayer beast must follow and return to the base. If it cannot be rescued then there will be no report to be submitted..."

Belozovo was stunned, but Dmitry lowered his head and rubbed the quaint ring on his thumb and said to himself. "I said before I joined the research base. If something happens to Veronica, I will quit. This is one of the conditions you agree to..."

With a frowning brow, Belozovo gave a cold snort, turned and returned to the transmission channel established by the Falcon Legion.

And as Donald walked out of this space channel, Belozovo turned his inquiring gaze to the speaker Rodriguez.

The Speaker Rodriguez, who nodded slightly, did not speak, but the distortion of space appeared again in vain in mid-air, followed by a cloud of light red fog, which flashed out of the void strangely, and then appeared in Belozovo. Beside him.

Pointing at Belozovo, who was beside Donald indicating that he could start arranging, he turned around and opened his mouth at the light red mist. "Why are you here?"

"Hey! How could I not come to such an interesting thing! Your granddaughter is at stake..."

Belozovo waved his hand and released a soundproof barrier, UU reading www.uukanshu.com began to talk to the pale red mist.

But Donald, who came to the front of the elite troops of the Falcon Legion, immediately issued an attack order.

Thousands of elite members of the Falcon Legion have already lined up dozens of phalanxes. As everyone’s mana is mobilized and gathered, dozens of brilliant magical lights converge on everyone’s heads at the same time. In the end, a beam of light with a diameter of more than two meters was formed, and it slammed into the barrier that could not be defeated before.

And Twovna, who was staying next to the Speaker of the Speaker Rod Lijia, had already given the somewhat weird order before. Seeing that this beam of light could not defeat the barrier, she raised her right hand to signal Lan Zhi The Jiao Legion also joined the attacking queue.

It's just that the silent speaker Rod Lijia stared at the pale red mist for a long time, with surprise and doubt in his eyes, and said with a dazed emotion. "The three major speakers gathered? It seems that something is really going to happen..."


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