
Chapter 1278: Stop one

The Tariqan Desert, which stretches for thousands of miles, is simply a model of the harshness of the natural environment.

Especially after going deep into it, the sandstorms twice a day in the morning and evening make the terrain twists and turns irregular, and the landscape formed by the many sand dunes that are moving at any time is magical and wonderful, but it is only a matter of seeing too much. There is boredom and boredom, and boredom.

Raymond, who thought it would save time by choosing to cross the Tariqan Desert, realized that he took it for granted only the fifth day after entering.

Because the sky here is always obscured by sand and dust, and the dunes that seem to be the same but are in fact changing shapes at any time, and the geomagnetic disturbances that he only discovered after he went deep, he had to spend more time Only by determining the direction of advance can the possibility of crossing be maintained.

And the more you entered the depths of the Tarrigan Desert, the power of nature gradually showed its might.

A huge sand dune hundreds of meters high may collapse into a flat sand in an instant, and some kind of sand that originally seemed flat may become a quicksand trap in the blink of an eye.

For ordinary people, these are hardships of extinction, and naturally they have no effect on Raymond, but they only require him to spend a little energy.

The only thing that irritated him a little was that although he could use the Royal Air Technique to move forward, the unpredictable and powerful airflow after lift-off made the physical exhaustion extremely, and the sand particles that hit his head and face It is threatening like a spell attack.

Although this kind of danger is not a risk for him, he is about to go deep into the heart of the Tarrigan Desert, where is it possible to withdraw and go around again.

So in the end, it was decided to cross the Tariqan Desert, Lei Meng, and simply stopped thinking about these headaches, but settled down to feel the beauty of the natural scenery here.

The power of nature was fully revealed in the Tariqan Desert, but there was another reason that made him unwilling to return, that is, he felt peeped after entering the desert.

It was as if there was a gaze looking at him in the dark, unable to determine where it appeared, and it was impossible to determine the time when such a peek appeared. Even after the time passed slowly, this sense of voyeurism turned out to be nonexistent, until he had the illusion that maybe this was just his lonely journey.

It's like the kind of strong loneliness that people can produce in a quiet environment, and people will have an illusion without knowing it.

But in fact he also knows. This is by no means an illusion.

Because of the tenacity brought about by the advancement of the realm, as well as the existence of the chip and the bracelet of the beads, it can prove that this feeling of being peeped is not an illusion, but a kind of peep that does exist.

Of course, the phenomenon that prevented him from discovering its source even after being prying over, it caused him to be vigilant, followed by careful analysis, and produced two different results.

One is the peep of a powerful prophecy wizard with the help of a powerful magic weapon, so he cannot detect the source of his peep.

The second one is a bit scary. Because after he left the land of the high tower, as long as he tried to release his true body, the face repulsion would be generated, which instantly locked him!

That kind of irresistible pressure will naturally produce fear from deep in the heart, just like if you continue to persist. Then in the next moment, he will be attacked like a thunder, and the soul will be destroyed without any luck!

Of course, neither of these feels good...

Whether someone is using occult techniques to probe his whereabouts, or being locked into him by the power of the plane, it is a burden to him, an invisible pressure, a kind of make He needs to be vigilant and suppressed at all times.

Stress sometimes destroys confidence. The body is weakened by constant pressure.

But pressure is also a kind of motivation, which will make people have more keen insight while raising vigilance.

For Raymond, after the first few days of confusion and anxiety, he got rid of this depressed mood, but with a full and slightly excited mentality, he had a faint breakthrough under this invisible pressure. Signs!

It has been a long time to study the Phantom Festival. Although he is equivalent to starting from scratch, the harsh and even unreasonable study foundation of the Phantom Festival has allowed him to grow by leaps and bounds after he truly understood it.

Therefore, the harsh environment like the Tariqan Desert has become a test of his own strength.

Regarding this Tianwei as his own tempering, he no longer stops every day and waits for the sandstorm to pass. Then went to meet the sandstorm.

The loss of the sense of direction caused by the magnetic field disorder can be solved only by rising to the sky at a fixed time.

It's just that when the real body cannot be released, Raymond, who is unwilling to release the protection of the force field, can only resist with the strength of his own body, and he also tends to hone his body under such pressure.

It's just that after a few days like this, the vague sense of peeking gradually weakened, especially after he arrived at the first oasis, the prying sense that made him very alert suddenly disappeared, and he no longer maintained the right. His lock.

This oasis in the endless desert, with only a range of more than one thousand meters, is like a green pearl suddenly appearing among the yellow gravel, and the yellow halograss on the edge is calm in the breeze. In the area near the spring water in the center, there are a lot of striped rhino horns.

After many days of fatigue and tension, after the full greenery came into his eyes, Raymond suddenly relaxed his mood, and after he arrived at the clear spring to rest, he decided to try to release his true body again.

The real phantom that slowly appeared behind him formed a clear reflection on the bottom of the crystal clear water. Its slightly obscure aura caused the tiny fishes in the water to escape into the bottom. Dare to move slightly.

It's just that after his body merged into the real body, the weakness and exhaustion of the real body caused him to feel sleepy and tired immediately. There was a strong desire to lie down and sleep soundly!

Raymond, who sank in his heart, quickly released the fusion of the real body, but this tired feeling disappeared immediately after he got out of the real body, as if the real body fell into a strange state of weakness, making him fusion. Suffered afterwards.

He was puzzled about this, but after he retrieved the records in the chip, he finally discovered a possibility.

Because his real body was successfully condensed in the far north of the nightmare world, after he merged with the real body, he would only suffer from the power of the plane in the nightmare world, and suffer from the power of the plane in other planes. Repulsion and suppression of force.

Before he was repelled by the power of the plane on the ground plane, he conducted corresponding deductions and calculations. In the end, it was only determined that he could barely maintain the fusion of a half hourglass before being detected by the power of the plane. time!

So when he was besieged by the illusion in the land of the tower, he stayed in the illusion for too long in the state of fusion with the true body, which also caused the power of the plane to perceive his existence. , UU reading www.uukanshu.com produced a stronger rejection of him, and even led to a long-term lock on him by the power of the current plane.

After being relieved, he was naturally extremely annoyed, but Raymond, who was extremely unfamiliar with the power of the plane, after thinking for a long time, there was a smile at the corner of his mouth, because he suddenly realized that if he regards the power of the face as Some kind of life body with wisdom, then all puzzles will have extremely obvious answers!


A special concern for an individual due to anger or similar emotional accumulation!

Because he kept his true body fusion for a time longer than the power of the plane can allow, when the power of the plane sensed his presence, it immediately aggravated his suppression, and seemed to be jealous. Women regarded him as an object that must be paid attention to, so long after he was relieved of his real body, they still kept paying attention to him!

Just figured it out, it was not good news for Raymond to be in a weak state.

So after figuring out how to recover his true body, obviously he can't move on...


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