
Chapter 1281: Come on

The strange thick fog that suddenly appeared in the desert began to penetrate into the interior after surrounding the oasis.

The fog, which is more than ten meters high and resembles a sea tide, is actually like a wall, slowly advancing inward from the outer edge of the oasis, and the shadowy figures that have been seen before have also walked out of the thick fog towards the oasis. .

Raymond, who had already released his perception, saw that the strange sand people who were originally hidden in the thick fog were less than three meters high, but the body made of fine sand was actually There are no limbs and brains, but their moving speed is only slightly faster than the speed of dense fog penetration, and their staggering steps can not always remain silent, but the sound of sand rubbing with sand gradually becomes louder.

And as Raymond saw the sandman girl Becky with his gaze, her eyes lit up after a moment of stun, and her figure flashed into one of them like a cannonball.

A muffled bang!

The seemingly solid and stable Sand Man collapsed unexpectedly, and the girl Becky who appeared behind him opened his clenched fist, but looked a little dazed.

But just with her dazed effort, the sand man who was just smashed by her suddenly reunited with her body, with arms and palms condensed on both sides of her body, and then suddenly turned around and hit the girl with a punch. Becky's body directly smashed her into the yellow sand.

And with the appearance of the sand people’s arms, the sand people who walked out of the thick fog gradually grew arms on both sides of their bodies, and the fine sand on their faces began to solidify like being melted by high temperature. A flat face with only one one-eyed.

The smooth and flat face looked like a mirror after being reflected by the moonlight. But it was shining with a weird silvery white, and in the one-eyed, there was only sluggishness, as if this sandman did not have a sage.

But the girl Becky, who was smashed into the yellow sand, cheered after she got up. As if rushing to the sand man who smashed her into the air like lightning, he slammed into it's one eye and quickly came out from the one eye of his face.

The stagnant Sand Man collapsed suddenly and could not stand up anymore. After it turned into fine sand, it was trampled by the Sand Man who followed.

But the girl Becky, who folded her hands back in front of Raymond, was full of joy and excitement, and proudly sent her hands to his eyes and exclaimed. "Look, look! This is the Sha Jing of the Done Sharen!"

The girl Becky, who was originally only the size of a fist, opened her hands and was not as big as Raymond's fingernails. However, the small sand grains with silver light in his palm exude a strong energy.

Raymond, who had already gotten up, did not pay attention to it at this time, because it was within the range of his perception. There are countless such bloated and slow sand people, and they are still emerging from the yellow sand in the distance.

Seeing Raymond's gaze on the sand people behind him, the girl Becky screamed in dissatisfaction. "Hey, hey! The Sha Jing of the Sandman with a single pupil is of great benefit to Little Cristal, please let her come out and return my comb to me!"

After hearing the sound, Raymond lowered his head. A smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth. "The comb Crystal seems to like very much. I guess it is unlikely that she will return it to you..."

"Krystal won't come out of these sand crystals, but she can't collect them!" The girl, Becky, who was stunned, had a frustration between her eyebrows. After a cold snort, she squeezed the small sand in her palm directly into her hand. Her body, she saw that her semi-substantial body actually swelled a lot because of this, and the color of the whole body became a little crystal clear, and the cheeks that had previously appeared weak and bloodless turned rosy.

Becky, the girl who narrowed her eyes and looked extremely enjoyable, let out a comfortable sigh, and then rushed towards the sand people with single eyes, and stripped the shining silver sand crystals from her body. Into her own body.

Becky, a girl who was originally only the size of a fist. After continuously attacking five single-pupil Sharen, her height reached more than ten centimeters. And a layer of fluorescence also wrapped her, and the speed actually became faster and faster.

When Lei Meng was surprised, even if he made the chip start searching for information, it was a pity that there was no information about the Sandman in the chip's database, so Lei Meng would try to wake up Crystal after he was tempted.

Krystal, who was only enshrined in the rusty badge, is now asleep. She is sensitive to Raymond’s mental touch, but she only hugs the comb in her arms tighter, and also her body. Curled up, it seemed extremely repulsive.

There is no way for Raymond to have no choice but to help, but since this kind of "sand crystal" has an effect on the girl Becky, he wants to have a certain effect on Crystal, so he is still calling for Crystal. At the same time, his figure flickered but appeared in front of a single-eyed sandman.

As soon as the left hand lifted the decomposed tentacles and wrapped it under a net-like cover, following this single pupil, the tentacles were crushed by the tentacles and turned into fine sand, which was shaken off.

But what makes Leimeng a little surprised is that the silver gleaming sand crystal in this single-pupil sandman was nowhere to be seen after being smashed, and after being shaken and turned into a pile of yellow sand, it will soon resurface. Condensed into that single-pupil Sandman, unconsciously, he continued to come towards Leimen who was in front of him.

The swollen body is a sluggish sandman with a single pupil. He raises his arms only within five meters of Raymond, and accelerates forward ten meters away in vain like a knight’s'barbaric collision'. Both fists knocked down the enemy in front.

The undead sand people are extremely weird. They only produce obscure energy fluctuations when they act, and although they have the strength of a knightly body, only a small part of them can release low-level spells for long distances. attack.

So it is quite easy to smash the Dutong Sharen, but it is quite difficult to make them unable to stand up.

Because of those sand crystals, the initial Raymond did not release powerful range of magic spells to attack, making the single-pupil sand people he faced seemed a bit embarrassed, and they were constantly retreating.

As a result, Becky, the girl who kept collecting sand crystals from the other side, couldn't help laughing. "Haha! It's so funny that you can't even deal with the Shaman alone, it's so funny..."

Lei Meng, who was irritated, couldn't help his face sinking, and when his mind moved, the talented magic "Space Hunting Blade" was released.

The puff puff sounded endlessly, and the single-punched sandman who couldn't resist such an attack at all fell down in an instant.

Moreover, these single-pupil sand people who collapsed were unable to form the pile of sand, but spread out and merged into the yellow sand.

Seeing this, the furious girl Becky screamed. "Can't do this! Absolutely can't attack with magic spells! Otherwise, you won't be able to collect sand crystals!"

There are already more than thousands of sand people surrounded by this oasis in Raymond’s perception. If you stand in the air and look at it, it will be full of mountains and plains. UU read www.uukanshu.com so he ignored the girl Becky. As soon as he raised his arm, he imprisoned a sandman with a single pupil and caught it in front of him. As he compressed the barrier of the force field that imprisoned the sandman with a single pupil, the bloated sandman with a bloated body of more than three meters was fading. It became a heavy sand ball the size of a fist.

It’s just that such a change in body shape didn’t make this one-eyed sandman perish. There was madness and irritation flashing in its one-eyed eyes. Raymond, who was investigating it, still couldn’t find the girl Becky collected. That kind of sand crystal.

After checking carefully several times, the disappointed Raymond lifted the imprisonment barrier and released it. The single-eyed sandman who was heavily hit in the yellow sand recovered its original form in a moment, waving his fists and smashing it. Come here.

After sighing, Raymond raised his hand and prepared to smash it, but Becky, the girl who couldn't stand by the side, shook her figure and got into its single pupil, as the gravel around it continued. Bulging, the faint energy fluctuations were produced near the single pupil.

If Raymond's pupils were bright, if he realized something, and after the'poof', the girl Becky who emerged from the single pupil was proud and ostentatious, and between the **** that she held up. , There are actually a few sand crystals shining with silver light... (to be continued...)


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