
Chapter 1284: In charge

The sand crystals obtained from the body of the single pupil sand can make Crystal's body more solid and stable. Although the girl Becky said that taking too much will cause a long sleep, this is what Raymond currently has. Know the only way to improve its strength.

Therefore, the golden single-eyed sandman in the Tariqan Desert has become the target of Raymond.

With this purpose, Lei Meng continued to advance toward the depths of the Tarrigan Desert, but he didn't know what happened to the tower land in the half month after he left the tower land.

Because of the disappearance of the Speaker Rod Rica and the third speaker, Belozovo has reason to issue an order to search for'Octopus Hand Ramon and his accomplices' and purged those who are inclined to the speaker Rod Rica, especially those in the legions. The non-commissioned officers who occupied an important position in the Central Committee were replaced on a large scale, so that the corps under the jurisdiction of the Supreme House could be successfully controlled by him.

In just a few days, thousands of middle-level wizards were either expelled, arrested, or killed on the spot from these legions, and the dungeons of the Supreme House were overcrowded.

And Belozovo waited for the forces outside the legion to react, so the secret agency headed by the Inspectorate Vadim carried out a **** cleansing and screening of the forces that tended to the Speaker of the House Rodriguez, making Belozovo become The worthy first person in the land of the tower.

The balance formed by the Supreme House over the years was completely dismantled in just three days.

The chess pieces that he had rooted in other forces over the years not only played an important role, but also enabled wizards loyal to the Speaker Rod Rica to be quickly pulled out for eradication. Following the ‘War Order’ issued by Belozovo, not only did the backlash that often occur in power changes and the attention of the shamans at the bottom have been successfully shifted, it also quickly confirmed the legitimacy of its power acquisition. Under the guise of the Senate Council, many middle and high-level sorcerers on the surface plane can quickly gather towards the towers after receiving the ‘War Order’.

The only thing that made Belozovo a headache was that after he took charge of the entire Supreme House, he discovered that the daily tasks of the Supreme House were so many and trivial that he had to spend a lot of money. Time to bury the first case for review and approval.

Now his office is in the tower of the corona that the Speaker Rodriguez originally owned, although he can also handle many tasks in his own tower. But the feeling here will make him more happy, so even if he is not used to living, he is not willing to change.

of course. This is also the core of the entire tower, and it is also a place that can control the defense system of the entire tower. Moreover, the personnel loyal to the speaker Rodriguez in this corona tower have been completely eliminated, and replaced by him. , A special force loyal to him and unknown to the world...

But today when the overall situation is settled. Belozovo, who was sitting behind his desk, did not have the joy of winning. Even when he sent Grand Speaker Rod Lijia and the Third Speaker Clown into the black hole, there was only unknown sadness and depression in his heart.

The pile of documents on the desk made him seem to be buried in the pile of documents. In his memory, the clean and tidy desk belonged to the Speaker Rodríguez, and he would never be able to see it again...

Yes, being sent into the void also means being permanently exiled. Although it will not immediately die, it wants to find the coordinates of the wizarding world in the smoky void and return safely. That is the ability that only the ancestor has...

And the feeling of being in power was not as wonderful as he had longed for years. Even when he sat in the position that belonged to the first speaker, there was regret in his heart!

Yes, just regret it!

If it were not for the arrest of the Grey Tower Square tragedy, nor would he and the Speaker Rodriguez simultaneously solicit the octopus hand Ramon, and there would be no Killer War controlled by Veranika due to the failure of the solicitation. The beast is dispatched!

And if it were not for the series of coincidences, it would not have caused Speaker Rodriguez to leave her wizarding tower, nor would it have the previously cautious third speaker, the clown, agree to take action, and there would not be the last such dramatic coincidence. , Can make him show his true body and send them into the black hole at the same time...

Belozovo, who was holding a glass of red wine in his hand, looked serious, and the scene in front of him that had been backtracked dozens of times was still fixed at the moment when the speaker Rodriguez and the clown were sent into the black hole at the same time.

If it weren’t for the black hole to contain her, it’s hard to say that Belozovo would completely suppress her, even with the cooperation of the clown. The price was so great that he could make his multi-year plan a reality.

Of course, it was not part of his plan to expel the third speaker, the clown. It was just that when he sensed the opportunity to send him into the black hole, his ambition suddenly swelled and he caught it. That fleeting opportunity perfectly achieved the possibility of monopolizing power...

But he just thought of this, before he had time to sigh or sigh, as the knock on the door sounded, Dmitry, who was in charge of the management of the Killer Beast, walked out from behind the curtain.

The expression was still dull, and Dmitry, who came to bring the desk in a few steps, pushed the document in his hand, turned the document to the place where he signed the last, and clicked there with his finger to complete his return. .

Regarding the genius in this family branch, Belozovo, with a slightly frowned brow, glanced at him and saw that he still looked like this, he couldn't help but shook his head and picked up the file to read.

Without the slayer beast controlled by Veranika, the slayer beast lacks the most critical guide, but according to Dmitry’s plan, he has found a solution to this problem. The key, but what made Belozovo a little unacceptable was that Dmitry chose the way he hated most before!

Therefore, after Belozovo hesitated for a while, he pushed the document to Dmitry and persuaded him. "Dmitry, even if you lose the Slayer beast controlled by Veranika, you don’t have to merge yourself with the beast. Now the old man is the only controller of the Supreme House. Everything you need The old man can give..."

Dmitry, who didn't raise his head, pushed the file back with a hand, and said in a flat tone. "Dear Sir, this is the only way that can be launched within a week."

There was anger in the eyes of Belozovo, who was kindly rejected, but he patiently continued to persuade him. "If there is not enough time for a week, the old man can postpone the time a bit..."

"Postpone? One year? Or ten years? Or is it possible that you can give me another twenty years?" An angry Dmitry finally appeared between his eyebrows, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com was in vain. Raised his voice sarcastically. "Veranika is the only person who can replace the Killer Beast. Could it be that I am more important than Veranika in your heart?"

Belozovo's complexion made the atmosphere in the room heavy, but Dmitri, who felt the pressure, roared. "It doesn't matter if you don't agree, I will withdraw from this research now. This is the condition I said before joining!"

There is no fear and even the hatred Dmitri in his eyes, which makes Belozovo extremely annoyed, but knowing his character and temper, he can't let him leave at such a time!

"Since this is your own choice, then the old man will do you well," Belozovo, who pulled the plan and started signing while talking, sighed after signing the document, and said while pushing it over. Say. "Dmitry, as the patriarch of the Hamilton family, I hope you can understand the consequences of doing so..."

But Dmitry, who had snatched the document, turned around and left, but he paused and said in a low voice before leaving the office. "Don't be so hypocritical, even Veronica can be sacrificed. Your remarks will only make me feel sick..." (to be continued...)


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