
Chapter 1325: guard

Talister, who was completely out of control, was sent back to his room to rest by the old dean Seurat.

After the old principal Sura returned, Raymond knew that Talister's spirit would occasionally become abnormal. It was caused by the trauma of the Illusory Demon Realm in the Underworld, and he has not been able to complete it until now. restore.

"When he was rescued from the territory of the Illusory Demon, his body was actually completely swallowed up by the Young Illusory Demon, but because of the magical techniques I mastered, his mental breakdown did not occur, so he survived to this day..."

Having said this, the old dean Xiu stretched a long sigh, staring at the talisman array outside the window that seemed to hang in the sky for a long time, and then continued. "If it weren't for the existence of such a space, I wouldn't be able to restore him to his current appearance, but after I fuse and stimulate this magical device to stabilize this space, the two of us will not be able to stay long. Leaving here, we can only wait for an opportunity to appear, so that we can be bathed in the sun again..."

With a tone of deep regret, Lei Meng could clearly feel the sadness in the old dean Xiura's heart, but when he looked through the window and over the invisible barrier to see the rune formation above the lake, his heart moved. Raymond looked a bit hesitant.

The old dean, Xiula, who turned his face, gave him a glance, then turned his gaze to the talisman circle again, chuckling as if thinking of something. "Ask, just ask if you don't understand. Your tutor Edgar is a little guy who likes to use tricky questions to make it difficult to be a tutor..."

Edgar, who was rigorous in his studies, and sometimes even seemingly rigid, was called a ‘little guy’ by the old dean Seurat. This surprised Raymond, but he was a little embarrassed after he understood.

Raymond scratched his head and thought that if Edgar was just called a "little guy" in front of the old Dean Seurat, then she really didn't know how many levels of gap there were in her eyes. If the topic was changed to This is a big trouble...

But the old dean Xiura facing the window, his cheeks turned red in vain, and he smiled a bit angrily. "What are you thinking about! The patriarch of the Talister family has to recognize myself as a junior when I see me, what is your level of generation..."

When Raymond heard this, he was embarrassed but he understood the reason. Quickly divert the subject. "Dean Seurat, I not only checked the free energy around the talisman circle, but also measured the free energy concentration in this water area, but why is the free energy concentration only here so low?"

"This is the center of the entire space. Everything in the outside world is created using secret methods. Otherwise, I would have been bored with that desolate environment for thousands of years and I would go crazy..."

When he said this, although the old dean Xiura was laughing, there was a strong sense of self-deprecating in the laughter, but when viewed from the side, her pale cheeks were actually covered by a layer of warm fluorescence. At this moment, she seemed to be bathed in an inexplicable light, and she actually appeared gentle and demure.

The atmosphere became a little quiet for a while. After rechecking the data of the free energy in the lake and the air, Raymond, who adjusted the various data in the chip, found that the free energy concentration of the external environment appeared to be too standard, and various energy particles The concentration of it seems to have been carefully formulated. The deliberate taste is quite strong.

Think about it, if you find that you have to stay in this environment for a long time, then creating such a water environment is not a particularly difficult problem for the wizards living in it.

Especially when the time flow rate is only one twentieth of the outside world, a little time is wasted for environmental transformation. It is definitely excusable to want to come.

Of course, such a transformation must be an extremely helpless choice.

Moreover, it must be the only choice!

Because as long as there are other ways to choose, how willing the old dean Sura is to create such a real and huge water area, but only as a landscape!

Thinking of Raymond here, my heart was slightly sour.

As the old dean of the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy, he is so strong that there is no need to doubt too much.

She alone can freely enter and exit the ghost plane. Able to break into the territory of Illusory Demon to rescue Talister, even more than a decade ago because of the college’s anger, he broke into the tower to ask for an explanation, and finally forced the Supreme House to make concessions. Said that she is completely free to exist in the plane, so if it were not for the deep and passionate feelings for Talister, how could she be willing to stay here!

It just seemed to feel the emotion in Raymond's eyes. A blush appeared on the cheeks of the old dean Xiura, and the old dean Xiura, whose eyes wandered like a girl, was a little bit cramped. After a while, he turned his face and sighed with shame. "What are you looking at!"

Lei Meng, who was awakened from his thoughts, blurted out the face of the slightly pale but very delicate old Dean Xiura. "You are beautiful..."

The words are only exported. The old dean Xiura's face swelled red, and Raymond, who had consciously failed to speak, was shocked to find something wrong, and quickly wanted to get up and apologize.

But before Raymond stood up, a shy old Dean Sura flashed in his eyes, but motioned him to sit down, and then faintly began to tell the story between her and Talister.

The main body is the old dean of Warcraft, Xiura, who was taken over by the former dean of the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy when she was a cub, so when she first became wise, she was taken by the former dean hundreds of years ago. Entered the residence of the Senate, and once lived there for a short time.

But I don’t know why, the former dean actually concluded an agreement with the Enmir family of the Senate, preparing to let her become the guardian beast of the Enmir family after reaching maturity!

"When I was young, I didn't know what the guardian beast meant. So after the current dean was old and finally passed away, I naturally forgot about it. But when I was about to return from the underworld two hundred years ago, it was After sensing a strong call, he broke into the territory of the Illusory Demon directly and fought the group of Illusive Demon..."

Speaking of this, the old Dean Xiura's expression was confused, but there was a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth. She seemed to be lost in thought, and then continued after a long time. "In the end, when I found Talister, I discovered that although his entire body has been gnawed clean by the Illusory Demon Hatchlings, he is still unwilling to give up holding on to my heart and soul, so I finally rescued him. , I had to become his guardian beast..."

The more he listened, the more surprised Raymond was, but at this time he was still completely speechless!

The heart and soul of the guardian beasts are just like their lives. Only when they are voluntarily given up by their master can they get rid of the guardian beast's contract and gain true freedom!

"Afterwards, I asked him why he didn't discard the heart and soul in exchange for a chance to escape when he was under the siege of the Illusory Demon~www.ltnovel.com~ Do you know what Talister said?"

The old dean Xiura, who seemed to be asking and answering himself, had an extremely gentle and sweet expression at this time. "As a result, he said that the heart and soul are more important than his life. That is the only way to find me, so even if he dies, he will not give up..."

But the old dean Xiura just said this, the voice from the side door was full of guilt. "Fool, I couldn't get out even if I gave up at the time. Naturally, I can only use your heart and soul to protect myself and wait for your rescue..."

The old dean Xiura, who was stunned, turned around, but Talister, who slowly walked over from the side door, stood behind her, hugged her tightly, and leaned to her ear like no one. Joked. "Thank you for your perseverance, everything is my debt to you..."

The old chief Xiura, who put his face on Talister's arm, shrugged his shoulders, and a faint weeping sound followed.

But after a long time comforting her with pampering and apologetic eyes, Talister raised his head in vain and smiled at Raymond. "By the way, are you interested in being tested?"


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