
Chapter 1562: The first of memory

The grotto that originally belonged to Adolf became the place where Shariman, the single pupil sand man, was preparing to extract the information from the memory.

After reaching the dawn level realm, Shaliman, the single-pupil sandman, has greatly enhanced the'sand control' power. After being asked by Raymond to show, his behavior surprised Raymond. .

Shariman, who belongs to the silicon-based life form, is almost ten times different after promotion, but his fear of water system energy is much stronger than before promotion.

"My lord, I don't know why I became more and more afraid. Anyway, after I was promoted, I became more and more afraid of the water system energy, and even if I heard the sound of rushing, I couldn't help but feel scared..."

In the grotto that completely shielded the energy of the water system, Shaliman, the single-pupil sand man with a distressed expression, bowed his head and looked extremely depressed.

"Maybe this is the negative effect brought about by race, but what else have you discovered besides this?"

Raymond’s question caused Shariman, the single-eyed sandman, to think. After a while, the palm of his right hand that it raised released weak earth energy. For a moment, the very fine sand with a pale yellow light was Its palm was condensed, forming a spiral of sand that was less than an inch high, and the sand gushing from its center formed a standard circle.

At this time, Shariman's palm was retracted, leaving the fountain of sand formed by the grain of sand in the air, and a stable system was formed over and over again.

Raymond, who had not understood the meaning before, was even more surprised at this time.

Because in the center of the fountain of sand, there is an extremely small and inconspicuous grain of sand, but the invisible force field released and formed by this grain of sand makes the entire fountain run stably without stagnation.

After carefully observing for a long time, Raymond asked hesitantly. "This belongs to the use of the earth element energy to a certain extent. It can be formed and released. Could it be that you feel a certain rule?"

"I don't know, I only know that this is a way to test my own strength. It was taught to me by my master Silas, and said that as long as this kind of sand can be made invisible. Then I can. When returning to the plane of birth..."

There is a dazed expression, but Shariman’s single pupil is full of expectation. After thinking about it, he lifted his right hand, and followed the grains of sand ejected from its fingertips to the fountain of sand. The sand particles in the sand flew one by one, and after a while, only the fine sand particles at its core remained in the fountain of sand, which was still slowly rotating according to the original trajectory.

There is a faint red glow in the eyes of Raymond. The analysis of the trajectory of this grain of sand through the chip shows that the energy contained in it is not huge. It's just that the trajectory of the force field formed around it is the reason for the formation of the fountain of sand before.

There are certain rules in this, which is the appearance of power to a certain extent, so in Leimen's eyes, it belongs to the single-pupil sandman Shaliman. After he was promoted to the dawn level realm, he had already begun to correct the rules. 'There was some subtle touch, and from this it produced some insights and cognitions that it could not even detect.

It's just that this category of ‘rules’, in the eyes of Shariman the Sandman alone, has not been able to make it understand, so he can only demonstrate it with the help of the method taught by his original owner, Silas, Lord of the Desert.

Thinking of this, Lei Meng reached out and got close to the core sand grain that was still running round and round. The subtle force field released by its fingertips began to interfere with its original trajectory.

The tiny grains of sand, which are completely condensed by energy, deflect and drift after their trajectory is disturbed. And began an uncontrolled acceleration.

The sudden increase in speed made the core sand particles no longer visible to the naked eye, but the trajectory that it was trying to recover could not be repaired by Raymond at all, so it cracked softly after a while, The core sand particles disintegrated under the interference of the dual force field, turned into pure earth energy and dissipated.

After carefully feeling the subtle changes in the disintegration of the core sand grains, Raymond felt emotional in his heart.

As a life like Dutong Sharen, this is the ‘qualitative’ leap he brought after his strength promotion, when he reached the realm of dawn. He had already begun to understand and master the ‘rules’, which made Raymond very envious. Even a little jealous.

"What can be perceived in the same realm is so much worse, how do you feel other than that?"

Raymond's question made Shaliman, the single-eyed sandman, lost his thoughts. After a while, he raised his head and said uncertainly. "It seems, seems to be more and more afraid of the energy of the water system..."

Leimen, who was stunned, was very speechless, and directly took out the emerald green crystal memory seed that Silas, the Lord of the Desert, had left Shariman before, and handed it over. "Try to feel it, and let me know if you have any questions!"

Seeing the single-pupil Shariman Shaliman of the Seed of Memory, there was a touch of sadness in his eyes, and he took it after solemnly saluting, holding it in his hand and starting to try.

The weak but pure earth energy, after being released by Shariman, the single pupil sandman, envelops the seed of memory.

The original aquamarine crystals began to fade after a short while, and the invisible force field fluctuations also occurred, causing a bulge of force field to gradually appear between Shariman's hands!

And the excitement in the expression of Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, is getting stronger and stronger at this time, and there is a difference between the scenes in his eyes and the scene he is facing.

Leimen sitting aside was a little surprised, because there was a whirlpool in the eyes of Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, and it was like a nebula that constantly threw out the fine spots of light, just like a huge Like a centrifuge, it rotated rapidly for dozens of breaths, leaving only a faint light spot in its pupils.

When this light spot appeared, the expression of Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, froze in vain.

The seed of memory held by it, as if it had begun to regroup, made a clicking sound, and then changed its shape.

The original slightly sharp edges and corners softened, and after a short while, it turned into a polyhedral crystal with rounded edges.

And the fluctuations of the invisible force field surrounding the sandman Shaliman of the single pupil began to weaken at this moment, and the color of the seed of memory in the hands of the sandman Shaliman of the single pupil began to become rich again. After that, Shariman, the single-pupil sandman who seemed to be imprisoned, breathed a sigh of relief and woke up.

"I, I saw the look of my hometown... I also saw the sand dunes, and the plants densely in the shadow of the sand dunes..."

There is a trance-looking Sandman Shaliman with a trance in his eyes~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no brilliance in the eyes, but it seems to be muttering to itself, some messy recounting the scenery about the plane of its birth , And everything it has never mentioned before.

Listening quietly, after a long time, when the eyes of Shaliman, the only-pupil sandman, regained its radiance, it lowered its head somewhat audaciously and said with emotion. "My lord, my master has told me many things through this seed of memory... I, I may take a while to digest, I hope it won't cause you trouble..."

While speaking, Shariman, the one-eyed sandman who handed over the Seed of Memory, was very reluctant, but in the end he decided to put the Seed of Memory in Raymond’s hand, and immediately moved his eyes away after he changed. . "The seed of memory cannot be preserved by me. Forcible extraction beyond the realm will cause me to suffer irreparable trauma..."

Start with the warm memory seed, because of the disappearance of many edges and corners, it is like a jewel. Spiritual power penetrates into it and detects the disappearance of the original barrier. He understands that this is the promise of the former desert lord Silas. .

Only when Shariman, the single pupil sandman, has unlocked the seal of the Seed of Memory, can he view and feel the information inside... (to be continued)

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