
Chapter 1596: go away

Raymond, who was blasted away by Latis, the lord of the deep prison, returned to the Extremis Bar.

It's just that the Extremis Bar, which was originally spacious and slightly empty, was now equipped with a fan-shaped screen on the left side of the bar, so that the passage to the ice cellar was completely blocked.

Sen Mario seemed to be impatiently waiting, carrying his hands on his back and wandering constantly. After seeing Raymond, he wanted to meet him, but he seemed to have thought of something right after him, and stopped waiting in place.

Clemente, the ringed seal, leaned on the chair in the corner and slept soundly. The drool from the corners of his mouth even wetted his clothes.

And Adolf, who was sitting beside a stone table with a solemn expression, was actually playing against Shariman, the single-eyed sandman, while sitting on the multi-layer wine rack on the edge of the stone table, with his legs gently sitting on it. The dangling girl Becky looked bored.

Only after Semirio noticed Raymond’s return, the girl Becky immediately leaped to her left shoulder and sat down, but Clement, who woke up in vain, nodded at him after wiping off the saliva from the corner of his mouth, but Adolf and Shariman, who were attentively playing the game, were still immersed in the chessboard, which made Raymond a little strange.

Seeing Samario, who was standing there, cast his gaze behind him, Raymond, who came in front of him, shook his head.

Samario, who seemed to be terribly afraid of the Lord of Deep Prison, breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his voice and asked. "How is the matter handled?"

"Solved, anytime you can if you start."

"That's good, in terms of time, there can be no more delays. The longer you stay in the sea of ​​time and space, the more difficult it will be to leave. If you pass earlier, you can return earlier..."

Feeling that there is a tendency for Samarito to repeat the old saying, Raymond interrupted quickly. "It should be possible to arrange when the Lord of Deep Prison comes out..."

As he spoke, Raymond walked to behind Adolf, only to realize that he and Shariman were playing a kind of checkers with strange rules.

Both guys' attention was focused on the chessboard. Raymond, who didn't understand the attractiveness of it, didn't bother, and took the girl Becky through the screen and came to the bar.

From the waiter, I learned that the old hedgehog had left the Despair Inn with the hunting team of the Dragon's Leader. The news from the interior in the past two days indicated that the land of the high tower had been completely occupied by the spider beasts that had invaded from the world of nightmare. The spreading spider beasts not only caused a lot of casualties, but also plundered the plane's resources with extinction means.

The goblin-like waiter who was wiping the wine glass was indifferent when talking about these things, and seemed indifferent to everything that happened outside.

It's just that the news received before also showed that the Supreme House was still holding the tower to resist stubbornly, so Raymond was surprised and questioned. "The entire land of the tower has fallen?"

"Dear sir, this news came from the Xilan Alliance the night before yesterday. The situation should be true..."

"The Alliance of Xilan? How can they send such news over?"

"The Extremis Bar also collects such information. Sell it to the people you need. If you need more detailed content, you need to pay for it..."

The land of the tower is occupied by the spider beasts, and the extinction slaughter has been carried out a long time ago. Knowing or not knowing the real situation there has no effect or effect on the development of the event, so the uninterested Raymond also returned. After arriving at the screen, I started to wait.

After a few hourglass hours, the lord of the abyss, Latis, who was full of joy in his expression, walked out with the little Alice with her mouth closed, and after sending little Alice to rest, she directed at Leimen. . "Sister, I have done everything that I should do. Pay attention to the devil worms you have and suppress them, and don't let the number of them exceed the limit you can control..."

Regarding the demon beetle stored in the storage ring, Raymond has always been reluctant to abandon or destroy it. So he asked. "To what extent does the devilworm multiply cannot be controlled?"

"This is hard to say. It's just that after getting sufficient energy supply, the monster like demon can be said to be able to multiply tens of millions in a few days, and low-level planes can be used by them for several months. They are completely destroyed within. If you want to destroy them, you can only seal them in a void without energy, so that their number can be greatly reduced. It is just that if you want to completely destroy them, it seems to be very difficult... "

After a little explanation, Latis, the lord of the deep prison, hooked her finger at Raymond. "Even if it is these demon worm sisters, I will not be included in the quota to go to the sea of ​​time and space. The remaining ocean current flowers are barely enough..."

When telling these things, Latis, the lord of the deep prison, seemed to be a merchant merchant. And after taking out the Yang Liuhua and sending it to her, Raymond and Samario carefully checked them one by one. Even the lines and spots on each ocean current flower were carefully inspected one by one, leaving Raymond speechless.

After a while, the lord of the deep prison, Latis, who had completed the inspection of the ocean current flowers, stood up and asked. "The passage of the sea of ​​time and space should be stable these days. When are you going to leave?"

"Now! If you go there earlier, you can return sooner..."

Semirio responded with some eagerness. The smile on the expression of Latis, the lord of the deep prison, became more obvious. She took everyone out of the Bar of Extremis and went directly to the edge of the abyss tornado, and took out a replica. It was an earring-like object, handed it to Raymond and explained it. "This is the token that enters the portal of the portal, from here down into the center of the abyss tornado, according to the guidance of the token, after reaching the portal of the portal, you need to place this token on the left side of the door of space. After opening it, there will be Hundred breaths of time allow you to travel safely..."

After receiving the eardrop-like artifact, Raymond inspected it and noticed that it contained some kind of weird spatial energy. The invisible fluctuations released after being excited also immediately pointed to the abyss tornado beside him. Obviously it will form a guiding effect after being stimulated.

After the girl Becky and Shariman Shariman had entered the storage ring, Raymond, who had jumped into the abyss tornado, fell into a gray and strong wind environment. He immediately felt the tremendous pressure and had to increase the strength of the protective force field to resist.

However, Adolf, who came in with him, quickly showed his lack of support. The solidity of his body suddenly dropped. After the strands of light energy overflowed from his body, he was swept away by the turbulent airflow.

Realizing that his strength was not able to stay in the abyss tornado for a long time, Raymond put Adolf in the storage ring, and Semimario and the ringed seal Clay were not far behind Raymond. Mente, after following up, the gloss of the force field on the body surface also quickly strengthened.

Feeling the invisible fluctuations released by the eardrop-like artifact, following the direction of the invisible fluctuations, Raymond began to descend.

Just as the three of them kept declining ~www.ltnovel.com~, the number of tornadoes in the environment also gradually increased. After everyone dropped several thousand meters, countless abyssal tornadoes also formed barriers like barriers to entry. The person must be able to withstand the rotation and suction of this abyss tornado before they can continue to descend.

The abyssal tornado with a surface layer of more than ten meters thick is like a kind of hollow air flow. After passing through its surface and entering the interior, it will be disturbed by the energy of its internal turbulent wind system, which makes people lose the sense of direction. Only with the help of the earring-like artifacts can the direction be ensured.

Being in this natural environment, one's own perception has been greatly suppressed.

After two hourglass hours, everyone finally came to the portal to the sea of ​​time and space.

Hidden in a very inconspicuous vortex, the door of the space with a height of only three meters is like a stone door frame. After the eardrop-like object is placed on its left door frame, its center begins to emerge. Faint fluctuations in spatial energy.

Seeing the gradual formation of the door of space, there was undisguised excitement in his expression, and even the eyes of the ringed seal Clemente also produced inexplicable brilliance... (to be continued)

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