
Chapter 1598: Beginning of Chaos One

For thousands of years, as the center of the power and inheritance of human wizards on the surface plane, the tower site has witnessed the prosperity and every decline here, but even in the most difficult and darkest years, the sixteen heavenly towers The tower still stands in the heart of every wizard and is regarded as a sign of plane stability

But when the spider beasts of the nightmare plane descended only a few months later, the place was completely devastated.

The towering wizard towers that were originally towering completely disappeared above the horizon. Many exquisite buildings were flattened and destroyed as a whole. Many manors with ancient heritage were turned into ruins, and the creatures were destroyed by charcoal.

Even the vast mountains that have been carefully carved into landscapes have been obscured by the smoke and dust raised by the embers of the mountain fire due to the spiders’ multiple searches, making the thicker or weaker smoke pillars the entire tower. The main tone of the land.

However, the originally vast and solemn prayer square is now piled up and flooded by countless spider webs and cocoons. The 100-meter-high plane transmission channel is also tightly guarded by the spiders.

It’s just that Cronin, the eight-eyed demon spider who is the highest commander of this invasion, has fierceness and cruelty in its eyes. The representatives sent by the major legions that it scans are all creeping. Shivering on the ground.

"There are only five days left until the entire evacuation. Where is the army controlled by your respective great leaders?"

The deep and moodless questioning left the spider beasts sent back to report speechless.

The big spider beast legions that were scattered. Now in the carnival.

The resources and wealth possessed by the wizarding plane make every member of the legion into a madness, and the materials looted from the human cities around the high towers also need to be moved and cleaned up, where is it? The assembly and return can be completed in such a short time...

It's just that even everyone has this mentality. However, none of the representatives who were assigned to return to the mission with an application for postponement dared to speak out.

Although the eight-eyed demon spider Clonin has always seemed gentle, when it was angry, no one dared to touch its edge, let alone its current appearance...

The many representatives of the spider beasts crawling on the southern edge of the prayer square couldn't help lowering their bodies more and more, wishing to blend themselves into the slate under them. In this way, it would not attract the attention of the Eight-Eyed Demon Spider Clonin. Let its anger vent on its own body.

It was just the representative of the Southern Xinjiang Nightmare Creature as the coalition of this invasion, but it was filled with resentment because of being asked to evacuate and return here in advance. Seeing that none of the spider beasts dared to speak out, they couldn't help but mutter. "The coalition forces have just occupied three cities. Many resources and materials are still in the process of collecting and sorting out. How can they return so quickly..."

The Square of Prayer, which had lost the shelter of the Tower of the Sky, made the sound of the wind coming from the northeast become more complex and noisy. It's just that the representative of the coalition, who thought that his voice was extremely low, realized in vain that his body was rising rapidly, and the force of imprisonment produced in vain around his body also made it scream in shock.

Cronin, the eight-eyed demon spider entrenched in the air and stationed in the Place of Prayer with its main body, was already very angry at this time. After pulling it over by the volley, he didn't even bother to speak any more. The mouthparts with sharp fangs opened. After that, he stuffed the guy who dared to complain

The sound of khaki chewing, accompanied by the screams and wailing of this unlucky guy, Clonin who chewed it to pieces after several breaths and swallowed it. This is because of the pleasant and warm feeling in the belly and the anger fades away.

"Notify your leader, if they can't return within five days, then this will become their burial place. My Clonin will never delay here because of them..."

The speed of speech was extremely gentle, but the undoubted posture caused chills among the many representatives of spider beasts who were crawling on the ground, and they quickly promised to notify their legion leaders immediately.

Ignoring these representatives who were sent, the dangling eight-eyed demon spider Clonin appeared above the tower of the original corona.

As the most difficult battle of this invasion. It was over ten days ago. It was just because of the tower of the corona that many combat powers could not expand outward in time, which greatly reduced the overall income.

At this time, the tower of the corona that was completely destroyed, only the giant stone pillar in the center that supported the entire tower of the corona was still standing high, and the tower wall no longer existed, so after falling, he stood on this one. Cronin, the eight-eyed magic spider at the top of the giant stone pillar, looked down and looked down on the spiders and beasts that were still searching for its underground parts as tiny as ants.

It's just that inside the tower of the corona, what is surprising is that it actually reserves one-fifth of the resources and wealth of the entire tower.

It took ten days to almost evacuate it, which is a more gratifying harvest for this invasion...

The Eight-Eyed Demon Spider Clonin, who was thinking like this in his heart, closed his eyes, feeling the squally wind from the northeast, and couldn't help but feel better.

There are no many weird phenomena that can occur when the planes are superimposed, and the radiation in the environment is not as fierce as the southern border of the nightmare plane. Although the free energy is not too rich, it is simply a reproduction for the spiders. And a great place to live...

Cronin, the eight-eyed demon spider with emotion in his heart, wanted to crawl down and rest, but the in vain warning sign in his heart suddenly opened his eyes and turned to face the burnt. Astonishment flashed in the eight complex eyes over the barren mountain-like northwest mountain range.

Below that thick cloud of smoke, the distorted space is rapidly expanding and expanding outward, and the chaotic space energy can still be clearly felt even at such a distance.

It’s still far away from the Place of Prayer, but the appearance of such an abnormal appearance naturally attracted the attention of the arachnid army stationed in the periphery. The eight-eyed demon spider Kronin, who is entrenched at the top of the pillar in the tower of the sun, is silently counting After ten breaths, he also saw the spider beast suddenly lifted into the sky from its vicinity as he wished.

"Although the looting regiments are not obedient, the ones stationed here are still quick to respond, and the quiet accumulation over the years is still effective..."

There was a gratified Clonin in his expression, and his expression relaxed when he thought of this. The creatures of the wizard plane that were teleported from a long distance are basically here to die. It is good to let the subordinates play with them. After going back one by one, I felt bored...

However, the teleportation channel located above the Northwest Mountain Range did not wait for the spider beasts gathered around to launch an attack. The many figures that flashed out of it in vain caused the eight-eyed demon spider Clonin's body to straighten up suddenly. Only frightened in his eyes!

These powerful creatures, huge in size ~www.ltnovel.com~, with their body surface no weaker than the dawn-level force field, launched an attack after they flashed out of the transmission channel.

Suddenly, the light of various spells blasted from the locks around that space distortion caused the protection of the force field on the surface of the spider beasts that were rapidly ascending to appear.

But as if they were suppressed by some invisible force, the spider beasts that lifted into the air even increased their defense strength, but under the cover of various magical lights from the sky, they were instantly covered like pieces of paper. Torn, torn!

Cronin, the eight-eyed demon spider entrenched at the top of the pillar of the corona tower, only heard the bang from there after a few breaths, but the spider beasts below the teleportation channel were already Kill them all, and the number of creatures on the wizard plane that emerged from the space channel of the lock bee has exceeded two hundred, and within that space channel that has not yet been completely stabilized, there is also the power of the wizard plane. Creatures are constantly pouring out!

Facing all the powerful creatures with strength above the dawn level that emerged from that space channel, the astonished eight-eyed demon spider Clonin couldn't help sighing, wondering if this is the real garrison power of the wizard plane? Where did they hide before, why did they arrive in vain until now..." (To be continued.)

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