
Chapter 822: Crystal Fragment Two

Twelve huge fire-red vertical eyes of the dawn level, thirty-six blue vertical eyes of the fifth-level wizard strength, plus a team of more than 500 mid-level vertical eyes, the effort in less than an hourglass It opened smoothly and entered the lava mountain range.

Sure enough, just like Lei Meng's previous guesses, these mid-to-high-level vertical eyes hatched from the Sith clan base could not sense the location of Lei Meng and others, nor would they launch a large-scale search.

"When the time for the storm is only one hourglass, as long as you can't complete the exploration of the inside of the cone-shaped building, you must retreat immediately!"

After solemnly confessing, Lei Meng jumped from the hiding place and rushed directly to the base of the Narcis tribe.

The more than sixty high-level vertical eyes entrenched on the cone-shaped building immediately all agitated, and quickly separated nearly half of them to greet them.

Stewart, who had recovered his body, was at Raymond's side, and Willard, a madman who knew he could not resist, could only follow behind.

The madman Willard is the fastest among the three, and the talented spells he can release are also focused on attacks. In this level of confrontation, it is impossible to rush to the forefront, even if he releases the inheritance device. Defensively, it can't resist so many high-level vertical eyes' concentrated fire attacks.

And Raymond, who didn't rush straight past recklessly, but after these high-level vertical eyes swooped down from the cone-shaped structure, they immediately retreated slowly, with an effective attack range of 400 meters, but after countless confrontations. , In exchange for various injuries.

After dozens of seconds, these high-level vertical eyes that were drawn by Raymond from the Sith clan base appeared outside of the Sith clan base. Dozens of large-scale high-level vertical eyes exuded an aura, making The air seemed to be stagnant, and it was impossible to underestimate it.

However, most of them are fiery red eyes who are good at casting fire spells, but they give people a kind of cold pressure when they pounce. Lei Meng, who had been staying out of the range of the vertical eye focus attack, suddenly stopped retreating and flew to the left.

After the speed increased to the extreme, the afterimage of Raymond appeared in the air, and Stewart, who continued to retreat quickly, also increased the strength of his protective force field to the highest.

But Willard, the madman who accelerated forward, had bloodshot eyes, and the mana raised by him caused a miniature hurricane to appear in his hand, whistling in his palm waiting to be released.

However, these high-level vertical eyes, who had come to the base of the Sith tribe, were not scattered because of Raymond's deviation. Instead, they continued to rush towards Stewart while preparing to release their own spells.

But Raymond, who was only 400 meters away from these vertical eyes, quickly stopped flying, and a space gleam appeared behind these vertical eyes. The weakened version of starlight released by him will immediately cover these high-level vertical eyes gathered together!

Under the bright sunshine, the area where these vertical pupils were was plunged into dimness. The brilliant starlight made bright spots of light appear on their bodies, but their eyes became confused. And lost the ability to act!

At the same time when the Raymond Starlight spell was released, Stewart increased his speed and rushed directly into the ranks of the vertical eyes. After his fist shining with gloomy light was raised, it slammed into the heads of these vertical eyes.

And the madman Willard, who is faster than him. It also released the miniature hurricane on his palm, and after taking off his hand, a wind column with a diameter of more than ten meters was formed, and between these immovable vertical eyes began to whistle and strangle.

After releasing the starlight, Raymond appeared beside these vertical eyes as a space shining, and the tentacles decomposed by his left arm were like sharp cone guns. Directly pierced into their eyebrows and eyeballs, while crushing the brains of the eyebrows, they also absorbed the energy in their eyeballs to make up for the energy consumption in the body caused by the release of starlight.

This method of encirclement and suppression carefully designed by Raymond. After being used by them, a foregone conclusion was formed between this electric light flint.

These high-level vertical eyes that could not release any attack instantly turned from predator to prey, and were killed in tens of seconds.

And those high-level vertical eyes that stayed on the cone-shaped building of the Sith nationality base also rushed in noisy, and after quickly surpassing the middle and low-level vertical eyes that emerged from the Sith nationality base, they moved ahead of time. Released their attack.

The light of various spells made the surrounding energy chaotic, especially the thunder and lightning beams released by those dark blue vertical eyes, which also enveloped Lei Meng and others.

After blowing the whistle, Raymond escaped from the range of magical attacks in a single space, and Stewart and the madman Willard also dispersed to escape.

The pillar of wind released by the madman Willard again rushed towards these scattered high-level vertical eyes, while the most massive Stewart could only resist those single spells and quickly back. withdraw.

This area shrouded by various force fields, however, caused the slowest, lower-strength, middle and low-level vertical eyes to be affected. They could not form an effective attack at all, and were pressed by various force fields. Surface.

And these high-level vertical eyes that are threatening to everyone make Raymond and others can only use the way of fighting to kill, but relying on the space shining and the weakened version of the starlight spell Raymond, the killing speed is the fastest and efficient. It is also the highest.

But the lunatic Willard relied on his speed to attract most of the firepower, reducing the attack that Stewart had to withstand.

The area of ​​kilometers away from the base of the Sith tribe has completely turned into a slaughter field. The screams of the dying eyes, the sonic boom formed by the magical excitation, and the blast formed by Stewart's rapid dodge. The voices converged into a swan song.

Ten minutes later, when Raymond appeared behind the last high-level vertical eye, he cut off its head and also declared the end of the battle.

Those middle and low-level vertical eyes that spring from the base of the Sith have long been unable to keep up with the rhythm. They can only be held in vain by the force of the pressure field. They are pressed on the ground and roar in anger, but they cannot be reversed. The trend of the battle.

However, Stewart, whose protective force field has become dimmed, is still the one who suffered the most injuries. Under his inability to maintain his protective force field, dozens of large and small wounds appeared on his body, including the most serious right arm. There was also a severe cut that was half a foot deep, and even Bai Sensen's arm bones were exposed.

The madman Willard, who relies on speed to fight, only has a scorch mark on the left side of his body, but under the screaming battle, he is clearing the middle-level vertical eyes that are imprisoned by the pressure place.

However, Raymond, who was shining with spatial fluctuations, appeared directly beside Stewart, and after a little inspection, he released his hanging heart.

The damage caused by the high-ranking skeletal eyes is rapidly tightening and healing, but it took a moment for Stewart's thick arms to return to normal, but the skin of the healing place was slightly pale. That's it.

More than sixty high-level vertical eyes, UU reading www. uukanshu.com plus the hundreds of low- and middle-level vertical eyes in the Sith base were all killed in half an hourglass, but after Raymond digs out the high-level vertical eyes that can be collected, it is Shouted at Willard, the madman who was still busy. "Don't worry about the eyeballs of the middle and low-level vertical eyes, and don't release the hurricane in such a confrontation in the future. The corpses all over the ground want to collect the trouble!"

The madman Willard stopped in amazement with a dazed face, but after he looked around clearly, he scratched his head somewhat sullenly and murmured a little regretfully. "Are you giving up so many eyeballs? It's a waste!"

In the range of several kilometers formed during the confrontation, the stumps of the vertical eyes killed by the madman Willard’s wind magic spell scattered all over the place, and the blood immersed in the gravel also filled the air with a pungent blood .

"Don't think about it, the target is the crystal shards in the cone-shaped building," Leimen leaped up and rushed towards the base of the Sith, but he shouted loudly. "The high-level vertical eyes that follow are at least more than five hundred. If you don't want to be caught up by them, hurry up!"

It was a pity that he finally glanced at the madman Willard who was covered with corpses, and he murmured depressed as he caught up. "It's a pity! So many middle and low-level eyes..." To be continued. . )

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