
Chapter 838: Prepare

This kind of air flow slowly passing through the area where the resident is located makes the area where the entire resident is located no more free energy.

But because it does not affect the creatures, for the mercenaries and secret guards in the garrison, they only experienced some shock, and finally restored the original calm under the pressure of Meredith. .

But this kind of calm is only superficial, because the seeds of fear have been planted in the hearts of many people as the air flows through the station, and the emotions of panic and anxiety have gradually spread in the station, even many of them were absolutely loyal. As for the dedicated secret guards, inexplicable fear appeared in their eyes.

The frontal fight, even if the strength is not enough, will not make these sturdy guys afraid, but the appearance of this airflow barrier that swallows all free energy is the source of fear that hit the deepest part of their hearts!

The area without free energy is a forbidden place for all wizards!

Because no matter what level of free energy concentration is, the wizards who rely on mana and internal energy to perform spells can survive, but this kind of environment without any free energy will draw energy from the wizard’s body in the reverse direction. Eventually the individual loses the possibility of survival due to lack of mana and energy consumption.

However, Ms. Meredith, who understood the seriousness of the gaffe, immediately issued the corresponding order. While comforting the nightmare creatures under her command, she also quickly traced the source and the direction of this airflow.

Hundreds of guards immediately dispatched by Meredith drove swiftly across the gravel plain according to her orders, and a special team composed of the fastest nightmare also went straight to the direction of the lava mountain. , I want to infiltrate the lava mountains for exploration at a certain price.

And Meredith quickly established contact with the scattered forces stranded on the periphery of the lava mountain, under threats and even direct threats. Ask these small forces to provide information about environmental changes.

The Swift Nightmare headed to the lava mountain range first left the station, and the team that followed the airflow barrier that spread to the desert area for data collection and tracking, also quickly set off.

The troops remaining in the garrison were also suppressed and comforted by the leaders of all parties, hiding in the camp and rested in place.

Realizing that the situation was very wrong, Raymond forced the lunatic Willard to start refining the magic weapon, and he himself devoted himself to the potion configuration, arming himself as much as possible.

The materials given by Meredith were all made into related potions by Raymond. Even the best dream mirror flower was directly refined into potions without a material.

Because I understand that the current time is tight. Therefore, Raymond, who has the right to allocate materials, no longer hesitated. After inquiring the list of materials that can be called at present, he quickly transferred a lot of raw materials to configure his medicines.

There is no more free energy to draw in the environment, so Raymond who devotes himself to the preparation of the medicine is not only busy and dim. And his fatigue could not be recovered by meditation, so until Meredith's personal guard came to inform him. He was surprised that more than a week had passed like this.

Follow this guard to the itinerary of Meredith's tent. Raymond could clearly feel the depressive and dull atmosphere in the resident, and the panic that permeated the resident.

Although the guards walking in the front are walking, but because of their tall people and long legs, Raymond had to trot all the way to keep up. However, after coming to Meredith’s area, the surrounding faint His prying eyes and vague exploration breath. But it made Raymond's brows frowned, and his steps slowed down.

The guard leading the way was immediately aware of it, and after stopping, he bowed to salute. "Master Raymond! Because the level of this meeting is very high, the strength of the vigilance is much stronger than before..."

The guard's words were not finished yet. The continuous muffled sound came out from both sides, but no one came out of the hidden place, and they all chose to bear it silently with a tacit understanding.

The guard who raised his head in amazement saw Raymond’s stern face, because before the guard turned around, Raymond had already diffused his perception, but he immediately gave it a mental stab for those obvious excessive peeks. The counterattack caused the somewhat presumptuous Meredith guards on both sides to be punished.

"Lead the way, it's okay!"

The guards who bowed and saluted again became more respectful. After sending Raymond into Meredith’s tent, they quickly walked out of the tightly guarded area and directly sent the guard in charge of the guard. Pulling to the side, he lowered his voice and started cursing. "You're looking for death! You dare to ask the people below to explore the breath of Lord Lemmon, and if Lord Meredith knows about it, you will be withdrawn immediately!"

The guard captain, who was tall and strong, was helpless with a smile on his face, hesitated for a moment and muttered. "The old guys were not convinced by him, so they forced me to arrange for someone to do this..."

The guard who was in charge of leading Leimen over was even more annoyed when he heard the sound, and the detective grabbed the guard's ear and leaned forward and roared. "This is not the time for those old guys to be arrogant! Master Meredith obviously values ​​this Raymond very much, and you can go on your own next time!"

The head of the stricken guard stood on tiptoe and shouted. "Hey, hey... Watch, cousin, don't, don't, don't pull it! Drop it! Drop it!"

Wanting to get angry, but afraid of being noticed by the people in the tent, the guard who let go of his hand was still unwilling to slap his brother on the head, and then kicked his **** angrily. foot. "Hawk! Why should I go! Get away!"

After kicking and kicking, the guard officer who was arching his waist did not leave. Instead, he smiled and approached his cousin's side and cast his sights on Meredith's tent. "Brother! Is this guy who just entered so favored?"

"I picked the best ice mirror flower, and you will keep it in mind for me in the future: don't mess with this person in the future! Lord Meredith's idea is not something you and the old guys behind you can guess !"

The head of the guard who heard this finally couldn't help it, and raised his head to make this retort. "What old guys, they are also your elders, OK..."

But before he could finish his words, he was suffocated by the guard's sharp eyes, as if he was a little annoyed, the guard paused before speaking again. "Huh! I can guess what they have made! Go back and tell them that if you don't want the family to be destroyed during the Northern Xinjiang disaster, don't always think about fighting for power! Master Meredith is equivalent to sitting. On the crater, something will happen sometime!"

The guard officer was stunned, and it took a moment to figure this out, but his cousin had already turned and returned to the door of Meredith's tent, standing there with his back and his face completely expressionless.

And Raymond, who had entered the tent, was in a daze.

Because there are not many people attending the meeting in Meredith’s tent, UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com is like a vegetable market in the shielded area of ​​the isolation force field, noisy!

All kinds of sounds are high or low, sharp or crisp, dull or high-pitched!

But everyone's voice was filled with anxiety, anxiety, and even fear!

Ms. Meredith raised her head when she noticed someone entering, her face was deeply tired, but the old men beside her were still talking to her.

But Meredith, who slapped the table heavily in vain, stood up and roared. "Shut up! No matter what happens, Beijiang can't lose!"

Among the participants, only the head of the secret guard, Yvli Lehmen, knew him, but he had never seen these old guys sitting next to Meredith.

But Raymond, standing at the door of the tent, saw a dozen or so magical mirror faces that were either frightened, depressed, or excited, as well as the disdain, contempt, triumph, or fright in their eyes!

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