
Chapter 845: encounter

Meredi thought that he wanted to temporarily conceal the strangeness of the purple plain, but under the persuasion of Raymond and Yves, he finally made some concessions. Those who were sent out for alert were notified to return one by one, followed by a special horn that was sounded, but the low whining sound was controlled within a kilometer range, but it was enough to make you sleep or be asleep These members of meditation came back to life.

Although it was an urgent call, everyone in the team remained silent. It was just a moment's effort that more than two hundred people gathered and stood in front of Meredith.

Meredith, who formed an isolation field between the waves, directly lifted a purple clover-like plant bud on his palm for everyone to see. "This kind of abnormal plant has grown on the purple plain with biological organs in its buds, so I will give you a moment to collect and study. When the horn is sounded again, all members need to come out immediately!"

After speaking, Meredith pulled out the stamens from the high buds, and crushed the hard shell in front of everyone, revealing the biological organs inside.

The sound of inhaling cold breath came and went one after another, and there was still horror in the sound of exclamation, but most people returned to the original place after completing the sample collection as required, and were ready to go out.

It is not necessary to count the number of people, but the Secret Guard Brain Ivli completed his task himself, and after reporting to Meredith, the team moved on to the north.

But since such a weird phenomenon was discovered and reported by Raymond and others, Meredith did not ask for the flight to be increased to the highest level after departure. Some of the team members who are known for their degrees swooped down from time to time to collect new purple plants. Come up and compare.

It’s just that although the voice of the team hardly affects everyone’s progress, Meredith is still drunk by Meredith, because she feels that such a strange state will still add extra to the team members. pressure.

And Raymond and the madman Willard also collected more samples in the following trips, but the number and types of biological organs that were bred or wrapped in the buds of purple plants are constantly increasing. Increasingly, even if Raymond has collected hundreds of biological gene maps, it is obviously not yet fully grasped, and in the end, he can only helplessly put his doubts on hold.

And this team that set off in the middle of the night did not encounter any danger until it reached the gray wilderness at the end of the purple plain. The Pink Eyes Corps entrenched in the purple plain seemed to have not done anything to this area. The patrol is normal, let this team pass safely from the west side of the purple plain.

When the quiet team sees the gray wilderness in the distance, most people feel that safety is approaching, which also breaks the dull atmosphere in the team, and Meredith, who speeds up, also improves At last, when the ground under his feet was finally no longer the ground paved by the purple plants, although no one in the team made a sound, the relaxed atmosphere gradually spread.

However, the danger foreseen by the sick beauty Misia did not appear. This surprised Raymond and others very much, because Meredith took the sick beauty Misia very seriously, and the prophecies she used in the rumors The technique is also extremely effective.

The sick beauty Misia, who was just following Meredith, didn't seem to care, but Meredith still didn't relax after leaving the purple plain. Obviously, she had some fear of the scene she had foreseen.

For more than three days, after the team with a tight heartstring entered the gray wilderness smoothly, it became a little noisy when Meredith's order was issued. The strange mutant plants on the purple plain also It became a topic for everyone.

The secret guard’s brain Ivli, who remained at the front of the queue, was always a little nervous, so the madman Willard, who was interested in him, couldn’t stand it anymore. He appeared directly beside him and took Ivli’s waist. All together, he murmured in Yvli's ear.

It was like a whisper between lovers, and soon Yvli's cheeks became red and transparent, but after hesitating for a moment, he shook off the lunatic Willard's arm and added to Meredith's side.

"Master Meredith, since Misia's previous prophecy shows that there will be danger in the gray wilderness, do we need to let the team take a little evasiveness?"

Ivli's caution made Meredith's face a little bit softer, and after she glanced at Misia next to her, she said hesitantly. "I have been far away from the purple plain for so long, there shouldn't be any problems with the unobstructed view ahead, just slow down a bit..."

Before Meredith's words came to an end, the guard collar beside him exclaimed in vain. "The sentry has disappeared!"

Meredith, who raised his right hand without hesitation, immediately made a gesture to stop, but the two guards beside her immediately added, rushing to the position where the sentinel disappeared right in front.

But in just a few seconds, a faint wave of force field directly in front of the team appeared in vain, and before Meredith’s guard approached, they suddenly disappeared before two guards appeared strangely from the void. The figure flashed one after another, and a warning was issued. "There is a base here!"

The team that had stopped advancing lost its voice, and as these two sentinels appeared from the void, the rippling force field ripples quickly spread and disappeared in vain.

Standing on the wilderness thousands of meters away, there is an extremely large cone-shaped building, and hundreds of pink vertical eyes have followed these two guards in pursuit.

Above the empty and unobstructed gray wilderness, there is no possibility to dodge or hide. Meredith’s raised right hand just squeezed in order to make a retreat, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The concentrated attack of the pink vertical eyes has caught up with the two sentries, wrapping them in the spell.

With a light buzzing sound, a dazzling glare appeared from the positions of the two guards, as if a round of burning sun suddenly rose in this mid-air!

The two Meredith’s guards, who had just raised their degrees and wanted to rush over, shed the brilliance of the force field, but this kind of ranged attack also affected them, and only two people were like It was burnt by the burning sun, and the force field on the body surface shone slightly, and the whole person disappeared instantly as if vaporized.

Such a fierce attack caused the team that had just stopped advancing to lose their voice in an instant. After holding his breath, Raymond felt that his heart had stopped beating. The suffocation in his chest and the coolness rising from the back spine immediately let him out. All in a cold sweat.

At such a short distance, there was no possibility of retreating or hiding. Meredith's right fist that had just been squeezed suddenly opened, and he decisively gave the command of the entire defense.

At this moment, the authority of the Secret Guard Brain Ivuli seemed to have suddenly recovered, and his subordinates who were mixed in the team were not together in Chapter 852, when the vigorous energy emerged. And after being united by them, the light blue protective force field film expanded to a diameter of 100 meters... to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site), give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation. )

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