
Chapter 877: Advanced

"Chucking" is like the sound of teeth fighting, which will be generated and rippling and reverberating in Ice Cave No. 5.

Anita, a porcelain girl with only a third-level intermediate strength, as long as Raymond failed to infuse her with fire energy on time, it would be inevitable that she would turn blue, shiver all over, and fight with her teeth.

It’s just that she, who has always been well-behaved and cute, would rather endure such suffering than actively disturbing the teacher who protected her, because she has always regarded him as a benefactor, a father, and an impossibility in her heart. The existence of substitution.

This is the only teacher who can repay my efforts...

The porcelain girl Anita who thinks like this is a little sweet in her heart, but now she is shrinking in the layers of clothing, covering her mouth with her hands and trying to restrain the trembling of her body and the sound of tooth fighting.

Even though she can't see her lip color and expression right now, she believes that her image must be greatly reduced, and she must be like a cat who is about to freeze...

The gradual erosion of the extreme cold caused her body to tremble unconsciously. She had never thought that Anita, a porcelain girl who could have such a cold environment, knew what she could bear in the past two days or so. Time limit.

So when her eyes became a bit stiff, she began to count silently in her heart. "Thirty...twenty...fifteen...ten..."

Generally, when she silently counts to "ten", the familiar finger will appear in her sight, and then she will find her position accurately, and then the warm and even hot feeling will appear again... …

But this time it was a bit accidental. At the end of the countdown, the finger did not appear, but just when Anita felt that her mind was freezing, her familiar finger suddenly appeared and poked her face!

Along with the influx of fire energy, Anita, a porcelain girl waiting to be thawed like a well-behaved cat, pursed her small mouth with great effort. After her hands covering her mouth regain consciousness, Only then was he struggling to push away the finger poked on his face.

The finger poked on the face was pulled back. Then a tired voice of apology came from above her head. "Sorry, I told you to tell me earlier..."

Hearing the sound, I wanted to complain, but the porcelain girl Anita closed her mouth in the end and waited quietly and patiently for her body to return to normal. Then she hurriedly took off the collar that was blocking her vision and moved her head. Probed out.

In the area shrouded by the isolation force, the most conspicuous sight is the black and white cocoon.

There will be a distance of Michel. However, Anita, who hadn't been out for observation for a long time, discovered that the promotion of the bio-form panda placed in the miniature gathering talisman should be about to reach a critical moment.

咚, 咚咚... 咚, 咚咚...

Very rhythmic, like a heart beating sound. After a while, Anita's breathing rhythm also changed. It was only because the interval of the sound was very long, so Anita quickly became depressed. I noticed something wrong.

There was a soft "pop". Anita slapped her face angrily, her shoulders collapsed, very depressed. "You stupid! No problem even if you don't breathe, you have to find yourself uncomfortable..."

As if he had noticed this soft noise, a soft sound came from the top of his head, but the cocoon in front of him stopped in vain and throbbed, and the chin that had just drooped rose again.

Her breath became unblocked again, and Anita, who was tapping her small hand on her chest, let go of her heart.

The teacher who placed her in this position only through a layer of underwear. I want to use his body temperature to keep myself warm, but the environment here is strange and terrifying, even if it is close to the teacher’s chest, when the fire energy energy instilled into the body by the teacher is exhausted, he is It will still be eroded by the extreme cold.

Anita shuddered involuntarily at the thought of the extreme cold that could freeze even her mind and a little bit of heat, and quickly dissipated these terrifying memories from her mind.

Anita, a porcelain girl staring blankly at the stubble chin above her head, and blinking her eyes quickly became depressed. So she knows the problems currently facing. "Hey... Now it's a drag on the teacher, what can we do..."

Brought out by the teacher from the porcelain village, the teacher's cultivation and care of himself have been buried in my heart. The teacher who sheltered me for so many years may also feel tired and annoyed because of my troubles...

But... but I have really worked hard...

Anita, who was thinking about it, felt a little sore in her eyes. She didn't know how long it had been since she was promoted this time. For herself, it was a dream she didn't want to wake up.

The vague but intimate image in the dream. It should be the ancestor who sheltered the porcelain people in the legend. Everything I saw, heard, and felt in the dream has not been forgotten, and it clearly exists in my mind until now.

"We are a forgotten race, and we are also a created race. But when there is a strong one, he will inherit everything and create brilliance..."

The peaceful voice that appeared in the dream, as if there was a lingering rhyme in the ear, this time the talent that was comprehended or awakened did not understand its effects, but the ancestors in the dream said that the ancestors said that there is no doubt of……

But this time the innate ability teacher he has understood has been questioned twice. Although he said that he would not ask again for the last time, he should follow the ancestors in the dream to keep secret, or tell him the most respected. What about the teacher...

Anita, a porcelain girl with frowned brows, was in entanglement...

It's just that Anita, who was in entanglement, didn't notice. Just when she was at a loss, the cocoon placed in the miniature gathering talisman array had reached the moment of breaking out of the cocoon.

Raymond, who had been patiently waiting for five days, finally cheered up after seeing this.

Although the long sleeplessness made his spirit a little tired, he didn't want to miss the moment when the biological panda was about to emerge from its cocoon.

Although the chip gives a score of 81% for the advanced probability analysis of the panda, as long as it is not 100%, it means there is a possibility of failure.

A soft "poof" followed by the sound of air leaking from a balloon being punctured.

The cocoon with a diameter of more than two meters began to collapse and shrink inward. In a moment, the original hard shell seemed to be softened, and while shrinking inward, it also folded and gathered.

A humming sound came out of the cocoon, and when the entire cocoon shrank to only one-tenth of the original size, the sound of inhalation was followed by a click, The sound of chewing!

Standing up, Raymond leaned to the side of the cocoon. After constantly changing his observation angle, he finally discovered the cause of these sounds.

The biological panda that has just completed the promotion is sucking the cocoon shell that wrapped it into its mouth and gnawing wildly. It is covered in black and white little things with no hairs, just like a newborn panda cub. Generally, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com only follows the decrease of the cocoon, which resembles the biological form of a baby panda, but this change is happening rapidly!

The almost transparent body gradually turned white, and the stubby limbs were quickly covered by black hair, and the head curled up on the chest quickly produced the black and white blocks of an adult panda.

Click, click...


Suddenly the sound that appeared from the bottom of the neck was mixed with the gnawing sound. After a moment, the stunned Raymond reacted, and quickly put his hand into the collar, and the porcelain girl Anni who was frozen again The tower pulled out.

The light red fire energy that appeared on the palm of her hand made Anita's body temperature quickly return to normal as if she was heating up.

The apology on Anita's face made Raymond a little embarrassed, but when he re-focused his gaze on the promoted biological form, he was completely stunned.

In just a few seconds, the biological form that looked like a juvenile panda just now has undergone earth-shaking changes!

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