
Chapter 900: gain and loss

After leaving the third legion resident, he was led by bald Stanney back to Raymond, the central tower of the Frozen City. On the road, he saw many collapsed and damaged buildings, as well as huge cracks in the ice crystal road.

More than two months have passed since the strong earthquake caused by the third peak of the Frozen Mountain Range. Although the Frozen City has made corresponding efforts to repair these buildings and restore the roads, most of them were damaged due to Gracie However, the buildings and roads in China have not been repaired.

Directly led Raymond into the floor reserved for him, and the bald Stanney standing in front of the huge French window sighed. "It's a pity that such an exquisite and beautiful city has entered a period of decline in vain. If you want to restore its original appearance, you must look at Master Gracie's mood..."

With the drink brought by the maid in his hand, Raymond walked slowly to the window and was a little confused. "why?"

The bald Stanney, who turned his head to the side, had a weird expression, and when he saw Raymond's face blank, he explained. "All the former Master Gracie in the Frozen City cannot be controlled, but now she is able to enter the surface activities, so unless Master Gracie is willing to let the Frozen City be repaired, any repairs will be a challenge to her... …"

Gracie, whose body is the Ice Crystal Mountains, was actually sleeping or being sealed before, but after a strong earthquake more than two months ago, she was able to move her body out of the range of the Ice Crystal Mountains. Brings the biggest crisis in the frozen city.

"It is estimated that only Master Yong Ye knows about it, but you can understand it after thinking about it." During the explanation process, the bald Stanney, who spread his palm flat in front of Raymond's eyes, slowly turned his palm to simulate. "If Master Gracie is in a bad mood and turns her body slightly, then the frozen city will immediately become history..."

After understanding the reason, Raymond was very speechless. The ice crystal mountain range is Gracie's body, so if she moves her body a little, then the result of the disaster of the frozen city is foreseeable.

Seeing that Raymond understood the reason, the bald-headed Stanney let out a goodbye.

After sending the bald Stanney away, Raymond checked the facilities on the floor prepared for him.

The diverticulum, the complete potion configuration room, and the simple magic power test room are basically prepared for his long-term retreat here, and on the wall inside the gate leading to the outside, there is a square ruler. Control panel.

A control panel similar to a touch screen can control the settings and corresponding strength of the protective force field in these rooms, and can also establish instant image communication with personal contacts in the magic spell. It can be regarded as a very advanced master controller-like facility.

After roughly checking, Raymond also turned on the magic spells blocked during this period of time, and checked the messages and related messages inside.

The lunatic Willard has the most messages. He has owned a large surgical instrument manufacturing laboratory during this time because of Meredith, and has achieved great results.

And the message sent by the Meredith people. It does mention a lot about the changes of the Sith in the northern borders of the nightmare world, but the meaning expressed in these messages. But I hope Raymond can give transactional help. She can't be too busy alone...

But I don’t know for what reason, all the messages in Spell Youli were sent by people in the far north, and the fairy world or the headquarters of the Shadow House were in a state of being unable to communicate, even The contacts in the northern borders of Nightmare World are in a state of being unable to communicate.

After turning off Shufayou, Raymond opened the strongest protective force field and walked into the diverticulum for meditation. Sit down and sighed. "Obviously the Far North is also in a closed state, but I don't know what level of strength can reach after the real body is stabilized..."

With a thought at this point, Raymond's spirit cheered up. Anyway, he can't establish contact with the outside world, so what he needs to consider is still to stabilize his own strength first.

The box containing those resources was taken out. After Raymond checked the contents of the six vials inside, he was still a little shocked.

Four copies of the blood of the heart core of ancient monsters, two of the blood of monsters in the sea of ​​time and space, and the two egg-sized pills have been carefully blended. Although the materials used cannot be reversed, they are believed to be taken. The effect afterwards is predictable.

He didn't immediately start taking the retreat Raymond, but turned on the detection function of the chip, and once again performed the most detailed scan of his body.

Although the three magic worm eggs implanted in the shoulder blades did not change in size, the energy contained in the egg shells was very large. According to the conclusion of chip data, they almost reached the second level. The limit that the wizard can contain.

The faint throbbing in the left arm was finally noticed by Raymond. Its attributes were biased towards the earth element, and when the mind calmed down and felt it, it was possible to detect the faint intimacy and the weak Mu Ru was very similar to the feeling that the pandas had brought him before.

It's just that the wispy wisdom hidden in his left arm is too weak to communicate and communicate. How to make it continue to grow Raymond has no experience or methods, only looking for opportunities or waiting slowly.

Lei Meng, who thought that the spiritual intelligence of the biological panda had disappeared in the self-detonation before, was only relieved by the feeling of guilt and guilt in his heart at this time.

After turning off the detection function of the chip, Raymond then calculated his gains and losses in Ice Cave No. 5 in detail.

The destruction of the rune formation in Ice Cave No. 5 due to the seizure of the Star Demon Okis, however, caused most of the source power of the entire Ice Crystal Mountain Range to be absorbed by both the Raymond body and the true body.

According to Gracie’s explanation, this part of the source power absorbed by the real body that Raymond condensed made his real body not only reach a semi-perfect state, but also surpassed the real body’s strength in one fell swoop. Body, to the point where only an eighth-level wizard can have it!

And the act of absorbing most of the source of the entire ice crystal mountain range, but Gracie, who was imprisoned and unable to escape from the ice crystal mountain range, finally got rid of the shackles and was able to appear on the periphery of the ice crystal mountain range in a certain way of projection. This is also the thunder. There is no real reason why Meng didn't suffer any punishment for absorbing the power of Gracie's source!

Thinking of this, Raymond couldn't help showing a smile on his face. The communication with Gracie after he woke up made him understand what he had gained in the No. 5 Ice Cave this time, and the opportunities he could have in the future!

If Gracie, who has suffered a certain kind of imprisonment, wants to be able to leave the range of the ice crystal mountain in the form of projection, or even want her body to move in the future, then the source power of the entire ice crystal mountain must pass through his truth. Take it with her body, otherwise Gracie will still have to stay inside the Ice Crystal Mountains forever because of the imprisoning power.

Thinking of Raymond here, UU reading www.uukanshu.com couldn’t help but see the scene that happened in the Third Army’s garrison, and the power he had when he finally merged the body with the real body was what he had never seen before. He hasn't been able to experience it, the kind of power is even beyond his imagination!

The force field protection jointly released by thousands of Nightmare Children of Dawn-level strength was unable to withstand that sudden blow!

At that moment, Raymond believed that his strength after fusion with the real body truly reached the level of an eighth-level wizard.

It's just that Lei Meng, whose physical strength has only reached the peak of Dawn, understands the many problems he needs to face.

The semi-perfect top-level real body needs to be stabilized, and if the real body wants to continue to grow in the future, a lot of resources are still needed...

Although the body has reached the peak of the dawn level, all the spiritual power crystals that were originally condensed have disappeared. Not only does it take time to restructure, but the promotion of the body also requires the assistance of corresponding techniques...

And what surprised Raymond the most was that the male and female spore plants in his genes had entered the mature stage...to be continued...)

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