
Chapter 915: Plans and changes two

Raymond, who hurriedly came to Meredith's office, sat down in the chair after listening to her explanation, closing his eyes in pain!

And Meredith, who sighed long, had expressions of regret and sorrow, and continued to tell with a choked voice. "No one thought that such a situation would happen. Yvre was originally not dispatched as a combatant. The Pink Eye Legion that emerged from the purple plains and lava mountains at the same time gave the passage to the far north. Blocked, causing him to blew himself under siege..."

"When did it happen?"

"You know, the magic of the Frozen City was disturbed. About ten days ago, the elite assault team that shrank the battle line finally sent this message back after successfully attacking the channel..."

Hearing the depression in his chest, Leimen raised his head and asked questions. "It hasn't been anomalous before! How could suddenly these eyes form a legion to block the passage to the far north!"

There was a dazed and puzzled expression on his face, and he shook his head after turning his eyes to Meredith outside the window for a moment. "I don't know. The last news claimed that thousands of pink vertical eyes gathered in the southern part of the passage, and their strength absolutely reached Tier 7. Therefore, the team that launched the assault paid nearly half of the casualties to open the passage. Messages can be sent back..."

"That is to say, the passage to southern Xinjiang has been blocked by the Sith, and any messages outside the far north cannot be received?"

"Yes! The last message is this. The Sith has re-enclosed the Far North. Unless a legion is dispatched, it will be impossible to know anything about Northern Xinjiang..."

The situation suddenly deteriorated, which was impossible for anyone to make a preliminary judgment, but the fall of the Red Winger Yvli made Raymond unacceptable for a while. It is understandable that Willard, a lunatic who has always had a certain expectation for Yves, recovers from women's clothing and even becomes mentally dysfunctional after learning the bad news.

Seeing that Meredith's spirit was not very good, and his face was pale and bloodless, Raymond hesitated and asked. "Master Meredith, what are your thoughts on the deterioration of the current situation?"

Meredith sighed, turned around and looked directly at Raymond, very helpless. "What else can I do, Yong Ye's body is still asleep, and the entire Northern Territory is busy for the upcoming opening of the Realm of Mirror... The elite teams sent to the northern Xinjiang should find a place to temporarily avoid the edge. . But if you want to rescue or counterattack, you must wait for the passage of the mirror world to be closed before being put on the agenda..."

Raymond, who had already guessed that it would be the result, was not surprised, and he stood up and asked. "Master Meredith, can you send me someone who is familiar with the Frozen City so that I can find Willard as soon as possible!"

Hearing the sound, he laughed bitterly. After thinking about it for a moment, Meredith did not shirk. "Now that the sorcery connection is disturbed, it is not easy to find someone in the Frozen City. I will send someone to wait for you in the lower hall. These days are really messed up..."

Meredith, who has always been elegant and calm, has a haggard face. Although Raymond understands that she will not accept Evli's feelings, her current state shows that she is still sentimental about the fall of Evli.

Therefore, Raymond, who didn't say more, bowed and retired, and quickly came to the bottom hall of the tower.

A middle-aged man wearing a standard armor but not a full-face helmet greeted him on the initiative when he saw Raymond descend from the spiral staircase. "You are Lord Raymond. I am Sergeant Major Morrigan, who is responsible for leading you!"

The mood was very heavy. After Raymond introduced the situation, Morrigan, an extremely stable sergeant with a simple face and flaws, smiled bitterly. "Master Raymond. To tell you the truth, there are so many places where people can be accommodated in the taverns and inns in the entire Frozen City. It is really very difficult to find someone out when you can't use magic to communicate... …"

Knowing that it would be very difficult to find someone in this frozen city, but Raymond, the best candidate to enter the realm of mirrors, could only think of the lunatic Willard, so Raymond spoke bluntly. "Even if it is difficult, you must find it. If you can't find her within two days, it will be really troublesome."

Sergeant Major Morrigan, who frowned, seemed to hesitate. "Understood... It would be too difficult to find only by myself. If more people can be mobilized..."

Before he finished speaking, Raymond had already understood what he meant, and even gave a promise. "As long as the person can be found as quickly as possible, it doesn't matter if it is expensive!"

Sergeant Major Morrigan, whose eyes lit up in an instant, punched his chest with his fist boldly and smiled. "Master Raymond, please describe the image and characteristics of the person you are looking for, and I will arrange for those who are fine to start immediately!"

The wave of his hand condensed the image of the madman Willard, but when Raymond saw clearly the image of the madman Willard depicted by his memory, he was immediately stunned.

Because according to Bald Stanney, the madman Willard cried out of the tower wearing a long dress similar to a wedding dress. The madman Willard with long purple hair and slender ears has never been The image of women appeared in front of everyone, so Raymond himself didn't know how to make the somewhat sloppy Willard image in front of him look like he was wearing a wedding dress!

Sergeant Morrigan, who hadn't noticed Raymond, was confused with one hand on his cheek and opened his mouth suspiciously. "Is this the girl you are looking for?"

Understanding the confusion of Sergeant Major Morrigan, but Raymond himself was somewhat powerless. "She has never worn a skirt, so in my mind, there is no way to imagine Willard wearing a wedding dress..."

With a bitter smile at each other, the honest-looking Sergeant Major Morrigan shook his head, while Raymond thought for a moment, but his eyes lit up, dragging Morrigan out of the bottom hall of the tower, and directly to the outside of the gate. In front of the corner bald Stanney.

After waving his hands, the image of the madman Willard appeared in front of the bald Stanney, and Raymond, who was not polite, immediately asked. "Master Stanney, how different is the image of the girl you saw that rushed out yesterday?"

The bald-headed Stanney was startled, but after careful examination, he let out a dumb laugh. "Ha, ha ha! The difference is too far, there are two people at all!"

"Think of a way, I must find her within two days!"

As soon as he heard this time, bald Stanney's eyes lit up. "Oh? Within two days? That old demon... uh... Master Gracie gave you the spot?"

Knowing that bald Stanney had guessed the reason, Raymond immediately caught half of what he had just said. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com "Master Stanney, were you talking about'old witch' just now?"

His expression was stagnant, and the bald-headed Stanney, who stared in vain, immediately got anxious. "No! Absolutely not! Don't talk nonsense, kid, it's going to die!"

Lei Meng, who was laughing, looked at bald Stanney and stopped talking, until his eyes flashed with fierce light, and then he hurriedly fought haha. "Okay! I heard it wrong! Please help me solve this problem quickly!"

The bald-headed Stanney rubbed his head with a sigh of relief, and while condensing a fuzzy light and shadow between the waves, he sent out a lingering emotion. "Raymond, you haven't seen how terrible Johnson was slapped by Master Gracie's slap... After slamming through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the conference room, he crashed into the clock tower a kilometer away, Zhang Xuhou But the wall of the bell tower was smashed to the right..."

But just as the bald head Stanney spoke, the image of a slim girl in a white wedding dress was completed under his outline, and the red and swollen eyes and thin ears were extremely vivid.

Sergeant Major Morrigan, who was standing by and waiting for the result, immediately uttered a sincere admiration when he saw this. "If this is Willard, she seems pretty pretty..."

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