
Chapter 917: Plans and changes four

"It's here until the end of the trace. This girl has not come out since she came here yesterday..."

Sergeant Major Morrigan, who was standing next to Raymond, was still explaining, but a young man with a flustered expression rushed in from behind. After saluting Sergeant Major Morrigan, he approached his ear and started. Whispered.

But as the young man spoke, Sergeant Major Morrigan's expression became more exciting.

Surprised, suspicious, stunned, but finally became a little serious.

And Raymond, who had not moved at the door, explored everything in the entire tavern during this moment. Surrounded by the central long table, there were ordinary knights, low-level wizards, and a few just now. Deformable monsters, the rest are mostly ordinary residents with stronger bodies.

And the girl holding a wooden barrel for binge drinking, she instinctively released a layer of protection on her body when Raymond’s mental power approached her, and the huge flowers hanging on her shoulders seemed to appear. There was a tremor.

The nerves that had been tense at this moment were relaxed. Although Raymond did not see the face of the girl who was drinking with the barrel, the unique force field fluctuations were difficult to imitate, and they were hanging on her shoulders. That huge flower of, is also a certain kind of special effect magical device, its safety is worry-free in this tavern.

The noisy and noisy tavern seems to be carrying out a carnival, and the protagonist is the girl with her back to the door, and it seems that this carnival has been going on for a long time, because there are still six or seven statues lying under this long table. He was a drunk sleeping guy.

It was just that Sergeant Major Morrigan was walking beside the young man, but he immediately approached and said lightly. "Master Raymond, if this is the person you need to look for, then you have at most half an hourglass time to take people away... I'm sorry. Because the people from the Yingshu tribe are also aware of the search by your subordinates, Their people are rushing here..."

I was a little surprised, Lei Meng, who turned his face, was all inexplicable. "People of the Yingmouse family? How could they come to trouble Willard?"

Glancing at the girl's back with a wry smile, Sergeant Major Morrigan seemed to be a little suspicious as he spoke. "It was said that it happened before this girl came here. Someone tried to stop her and was struck into the ditch by a few lightning bolts, and all the people present were young boys..."

"How much power does the Yingmouse currently have in the Frozen City?"

"Master Raymond, these are not things that a little sergeant major of mine can know..."

He clicked for a sign to understand, and passed the pocket full of spars in his waist pouch. Raymond thought for a while before continuing to ask. "Can you know where those people came from?"

After receiving the pocket with the spar, Sergeant Major Morrigan's smile became more relaxed and brighter. "The Yingshu tribe has a lot of properties in the city. But the people who come here are from the west of the city. There are not many but they are like the guards of Johnson. It is said that there are several Chenxi-level strengths, so there is no need Conflicts in this environment..."

Just now Morrigan, who claimed that he was just a small sergeant major, now even made a judgment on the strength of these people coming from the west of the city. Obviously, Raymond's timely payment made him tell the truth.

Looking at Sergeant Major Morrigan, who had a simple face but was actually extremely slippery, he realized that this was also the protection he must have for survival. Therefore, the relieved Raymond stepped down the stairs directly after thanking him. Ready to walk towards the girl who just knocked her opponent to the ground and laughed.

Patting the wine barrel placed on the table, the laughter seemed extremely cheerful and hearty, but what the girl said was a bit intermittent. "Dare... dare to fight with me... I haven't encountered one in so many years..."

The entire tavern people gathered around the long table, but Raymond, who separated the crowd from behind and walked slowly to the girl's back, still attracted some people's attention.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, Raymond released the unique force field aura of the dawn wizard. It was like a icy and sharp humanoid giant sword, when even the guys who wanted to speak or rush over were timid, they backed quickly one by one.

Therefore, the originally lively and noisy tavern quickly became silent, and only Willard, who was flapping the barrel in front of him, was smirking.

Raised his hand and prepared to touch Raymond the lunatic Willard. But when the palm of the hand was close to half an inch of her back, a feeling of being peeked appeared in my heart in vain!

Cold and icy, the cold hair on the back of the right hand that stretched out has been erected, and this icy breath even spread along his wrist to his arm.

I was very surprised to feel the icy air slowly rising along the forearm, and only after a while did Raymond determine that the source was the huge flower hanging on the girl's shoulder.

The delicate petals like a peony bloomed, but the stamen in the center seemed to be as deep and pitch-black as eye-catching, which caused Lei Meng staring at the flowers to faintly dizzy!

The appearance of this feeling surprised Raymond, and after taking his hand back, he came to the front of the girl.

The slightly pink face is very delicate, and the long purple hair adds a lot of charm, but the seemingly hearty and open smile contains unconcealed loneliness and sadness.

The strange silence around also made the girl finally awake, and the sadness in her eyes could no longer conceal after seeing Raymond. "He died...he actually died..."

"Life and death are destiny. As long as the dead can stay in the heart of the living, he has the meaning of existence..."

Raymond's words of comfort caused the tears in the girl's eye sockets to flood out, and she threw herself into Raymond's arms and beat them hard, and also let out a cry of grief and despair. "But he shouldn't have fallen. He abandoned everything and came here. He shouldn't have fallen..."

The fist that struck Raymond's chest was very hard, and the banging sound seemed very abrupt in this strange and quiet tavern, and it also caused a commotion among the drinkers who had just gathered around with enthusiasm.

Standing there and letting the madman Willard beat Raymond for a long time, the force that fell on his chest gradually weakened, and then he held the girl in a wedding dress in front of her in her arms and put it in her ears. Said softly. "Willard, come back with me first..."

After the madman Willard promised with a hum, he fell into Raymond’s arms as if he had lost his strength, and hugged his right arm tightly like a drowning man, his expression also changed. In a trance.

Raymond, who had been watching her carefully, found that the huge flowers on her shoulders seemed to have withered when she fell into her arms, losing the original delicate color and becoming very wilting.

Breathing out the suffocating breath in his chest, Raymond, who was supporting the madman Willard, followed him and walked directly out of the tavern. UU reading www. uukanshu. cm

Sergeant Major Morrigan, who had cleaned the outside of the tavern for Raymond, immediately handed a ball of memory to him when he came out. "Master Raymond, this is a map of this area. The members of the Yingshu clan are about to arrive. It can already be confirmed that six of them are the guards of Johnson..."

Knowing that Sergeant Major Morrigan was kind, but Raymond, who pushed the memory ball back, smiled and opened his mouth. "If they know that you are the one who led me to find, will it be troublesome for you?"

"Hey, I'm just a small sergeant major. In this frozen city, I'm just a little person who inquires about news and finds some tricks. There will be nothing wrong..."

After nodding, Raymond didn't say much. After helping the madman Willard turned into the alley next to the tavern, he returned directly to the laboratory at the bottom of the third peak of the frozen mountain.

But Sergeant Major Morrigan, who had been standing at the entrance of the tavern and did not leave, saw the group of people rushing over with one of his men while Raymond's breath disappeared.

There was a candid smile on his face, and Sergeant Major Morrigan immediately greeted him...to be continued. . )

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