
Chapter 941: analysis

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The energy contained in these smoke-like substances wrapped in a field of shielding force by Raymond is not much, but its composition and structure are quite strange.

The data that is refreshing quickly in the line of sight is that the chip is decomposing and distinguishing the tasks assigned by Raymond, and classifying and summarizing the information collected so far, so that the effect of the analysis can be more objective. And effective.

Watching the percentage of the task progress slowly beating, Raymond, who held his breath, became more and more nervous.

But the horse-shaped creature phantom that was not attacked but still screamed, but it made Raymond a little annoying, but its posture of pouting but waiting to be beaten was like a bear kid preparing The posture adopted before accepting the lesson is a bit tragic.

The corners of his mouth turned up to form a smiling arc of Raymond, but he would not beat this poor guy in a calm state, because his experience was really unlucky enough.

Brought into the realm of mirrors by powerful parents to practice courage, but the final result was that it fell into such a situation. Fortunately, this somewhat stupid guy finally relied on his obsession to make him After the death and decay of life, it was successfully condensed into a brand-new biological form model, which was able to survive in this mirror space that it could never leave.

Of course, this method cannot be described as'survival', because this hapless alpaca has actually been dead for a long time. I don't know how long it has been. What remains of its original body is only the complete skeleton. That's it.

Thinking of here, Raymond saw that the progress of the task was still a bit slow, and his eyes couldn't help but turn to the luxurious floor mirror in the center of the room.

The two-meter-high luxury floor-to-ceiling mirror is like a carefully crafted artwork. Although there is no energy fluctuation or force field atmosphere, it is after the scene where you need to guess the box with the reflection in the mirror to decide whether you can leave. Raymond still felt cold all over for no reason.

That's a mirror!

It's just a mirror that allows people to see their own image!

If it weren't for this weird environment, if someone came and said and lost the guessing game with the projection in the mirror, then Raymond would have felt that this person was either drinking too much or that this person was really hell!


Damn it!

But when this word emerged in Raymond's mind, his gaze turned back to the unlucky alpaca who was curled up in the corner and howling with its ass.

This unlucky guy who has been kept here for an unknown length of time is actually a "ghost" in the universal sense.

The appellations of ghosts, grievances, ghosts, evil spirits, fierce spirits, wraiths, etc., are actually just a special biological form, and the unlucky grass mud horse in the corner should now be included in this category.

After ordinary creatures die, their souls will be quickly annihilated because they are relatively weak, and at most their existing bones can be made into puppets. But as its original soul has actually been completely dissipated, few can retain the original memory and then mutate into a ghost.

But creatures like wizards, under certain conditions, are more likely to become ghost creatures. The reason for this is not a thorough understanding of Raymond. He only knows that strong obsession or resentment persists. . It will cause the wizard's soul to mutate after death and transform into the biological form of ghost.

These are just the planes that Raymond has entered. The understanding of this biological form is very limited. And most of them have fear and hostility towards this biological form.

Because the vast majority of ghosts are creatures belonging to the evil chaos camp, their attitudes are more casual, and most of them are malicious after being discovered, so it is not difficult to understand that this situation arises.

However, it has always been a difficult problem to destroy such creatures as ghosts, because their body composition and weakness are different. Therefore, it is actually a joke that the light attribute spell can be used to kill in the classics, especially for the wizard, this statement is really just a joke!

Because most ghosts cannot be destroyed by single attribute spells. At most, they can be imprisoned for a short time, or fall into a state of weakness that cannot be noticed again.

Leimen, who was lost in thought, was a little lost for a while, but House, who was waiting for a long time without noticing the pain, finally stopped howling and quietly sneaked his head over.

As a direct descendant of the royal family of the great race of the Brown Plateau, he was originally proud and proud, but because he was brought to this strange place by his parents that year, he suffered the most painful long years, and finally waited for this. Of a guy.

Although he didn't remember how he was locked up here, but the luxurious floor mirror in the center of the room, he knew that it was the only way to get him out of trouble.


The easiest guessing!

The part remaining in his memory tells him that as long as he can win the reflection in the mirror, he can not only leave the cage, but also obtain the huge wealth in the world of mirrors!

It hurts again when I think of this, but House knows that he must not be locked in because of wealth, because he came in because of his courage, and he would never risk it because of wealth...

House who was thinking like this, quickly shrank his thoughts in order to relieve the headache, and once again looked at the guy who stood there in a daze for a long time.

Wearing a weird robe, his normal-looking figure is a bit thin, but the wave strength of the twisted force field on his body is stronger than that released by his powerful father!

Moreover, the slender tentacles like octopus tentacles formed on his left arm are so dexterous that they are inevitable to hide and avoid, and they can not only make themselves painful after launching an attack, but actually You can also create a cutting-like effect on your body!

What I saw when I turned around was the open and fleshy hind legs. The octopus-like long whip just rubbed there just now, and all the flesh of the hind legs disappeared.

Although I also understand that this body is not the same as before, but the severe pain when hit by that wrist touch is really unbearable...

Fear is slowly accumulating, and the more quiet the guy standing there is, the more bottomless is in House's heart.

I don’t have any wealth to take away, but why does this guy treat him like this...

But such a complicated and profound problem is no longer what House can think of. Therefore, looking at the man standing there for a while, feeling sleepy, House slowly lay down and put his head on the plate as usual. On the front forelimbs, he quickly fell asleep.

Because only in a dream can House see his hometown, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and parents who take good care of themselves...

The snoring sound from the corner finally awakened Raymond who was thinking about the biological form of the ghost.

His sight bet on that corner, and the unlucky grass mud horse curled up there, sleeping soundly like a baby, can see some characteristics of the alpaca by careful observation.

"Mythical beast! Grass mud horse! Ha ha... Ha ha..."

With a wry smile, he shook his head. As for how such a title would appear, I can’t get it from this memory-impaired guy. Of course, if it can enter its original plane, it is related to the titles of “sacred beast” and “grass mud horse”. The reason for this is worth digging, because in the interstellar federation, the alpaca was indeed once called a divine beast, a grass mud horse...

drop! Didi! Dididi!

The warning sound of the chip suddenly echoed in his mind, and the refreshed Raymond immediately twisted these distracting thoughts and focused his attention on the conclusion given by the chip. (To be continued)

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