
Chapter 943: Try two

In the quiet prison, the luxurious mirror returned to its original appearance.

Standing not far away, Raymond, with red dots shining in his pupils, was looking at all the information the chip had collected through the vision of the wizard's eye spell.

This side of the mirror capable of guessing punches will gradually produce energy fluctuations only after winning, although it is weak, it is real.

All the intercepted images are analyzed and compared by the chip. Such a curious phenomenon must be explained.

Raymond did not believe that there would be such a magical and long-lived intelligent creature in the cemetery of a strong man, which could be completely hidden in the mirror without letting him notice it. Therefore, in Raymond’s judgment, the current situation is just because of the naked eye. Observation can't find out the mystery.

After ten minutes of confrontation, Raymond’s mana has been abnormally reduced. If the strong man who created this cemetery does not want people to find his secret treasure, then there is no need to set up such a troublesome trap. It just needs to be undetectable. The existence of this cemetery, or leaving a strong prohibition at the entrance, can wipe out the crowd peeping at this cemetery.

As he was thinking, Raymond frowned, but soon his attention returned to the ongoing analysis of the chip, because the number of data sources used in the ongoing analysis of the chip was too large. Almost his imagination.

The line of sight of ordinary people can distinguish between 20 or less continuous pictures per second, and his current limit is only to double this number, but the chip’s recording of pictures per second is as high as 500 or more, obviously. It will take some time to process such a huge amount of data.

After calming down, Raymond returned to the luxurious mirror and began to wander around. There was nothing unusual about the mirror that had lost energy fluctuations, and the material of the frame was still that kind of empty gold stone. The mirror inlaid inside is also extremely thin, as if it is exactly the same as the mirror in the corridor outside.

After wandering around the mirror for a long time, Raymond, who still had no special gains, walked towards the wall of the prison. The spiritual power released was helpless against the wall of this inexplicable material, and could not penetrate into it for inspection.

The length and width are only fifteen steps. The flat and featureless walls and floors cannot be destroyed by magic or brute force. Only after solving the problem of the mirror can new changes occur.

And Raymond wandered around the room a few times, but the shrunken and timid Mahousi kept the farthest distance from Raymond. When Raymond released his spells or boosted his power to attack the room, the guy’s eyes were horrified and fearful, but in the end he felt that Raymond didn’t care about it at all. It calmed down a bit.

And Raymond, who had been tossing in this prison for a long time, had gathered all the clues. The strength of the strong man who created this cemetery is increasing.

Those fierce beast phantoms on the periphery of the realm of mirrors, the huge and regular space gates. And the secret rules hidden in the doors of these spaces. But it can make people enter the secret passage, and after accepting the test of the strength of those garrisons, finally enter the bowl-shaped Colosseum.

The four hundred space doors in the Colosseum hide four one-way teleportation space doors. Only when all space doors are activated will the space doors leading to the endless corridor be opened. !

And in that endless corridor, if it can't induce the chaos of space energy. Then it is impossible to enter the area of ​​the circular corridor, let alone the prison created by this kind of mirror!

They are interlocking, but they can make people unconsciously perceive the magic of space energy, and after space energy is used to the extreme. The various effects that can be formed.

After thinking about all of this, Raymond was keenly aware of what Gracie had told him before. The most important thing was the exploration in the realm of mirrors, which made people feel the energy of space. Get promoted and sublimated, and then it is possible to form a key perception of your own strength improvement!

Based on the basic setting that the strong man who created this mirror world was not hostile to the explorers entering his graveyard, Raymond's heart suddenly opened up.

Since all the traps and arrangements are designed to enable people who enter here to have a deeper understanding of space energy, there must be a way to solve the current dilemma, and it must be related to the perception of space energy!

Leimen, who turned his gaze to the grassy horse in vain, immediately began to question again.

The grass-and-mud horse who had tasted Lei Meng's power was very honest, and under Lei Meng's interrogation, he said everything he remembered.

Although the plane where House is located is a bit vague about the division of strength, the parents who brought him in to practice bravery can roughly reach the realm of dawn.

It’s just that the dead grass mud Mahaus has lost some key parts of his memory in the process of his life form mutation. Even the spells or abilities he was good at before his death have been completely forgotten. However, it still retains its own speed, judgment of danger and cowardly nature.

The gains from the grass mud horse house are not too great, but it also indirectly confirmed some of Raymond's guesses about the creator of this mirror world.

After interrogating this guy, the analysis of the chip finally gave the result. As expected, the speed of the weird reflection in the mirror exceeded the limit that can be observed by the naked eye, which caused the people outside the mirror to always It is impossible to win.

And the faster the person outside the mirror is, the more mana or energy is absorbed by the mirror after losing, resulting in the illusion effect released by the mirror being continuously enhanced, and ultimately leading to being imprisoned in this prison. People of 'will never be able to break through the barrier of the mirror, nor will they be able to leave this prison at all.

After finding the reason for the failure, Raymond, who had some thoughts in his heart, stood beside this luxurious mirror. With the chanting of the spell and the release of the spell, hundreds of miniature water elemental puppets were released.

The water element puppet, only a few inches high, was transparent and enveloped by the energy shielding force released by Raymond, and was controlled by Raymond to stand in front of the mirror.

And the next Raymond controlled these water elemental puppets, causing them to start guessing the boxer facing the reflection in the mirror.

Scissors, paper, rock……

Hundreds of water elements are piled up together, and the reflection in the mirror almost fills up the entire mirror surface, and the simultaneous gestures of Raymond's mind control make the mirror very messy.

Because Raymond divides these water elements into three parts, they can start to change gestures according to the prescribed order of punching. Therefore, when these water elements start to guess the punches with the reflection in the mirror, they will soon make a soft buzz. , This luxurious mirror produced weak energy fluctuations!

Although every water element guessing game is still a loser, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but because of the existence of the Raymond shielding force field, the mirror cannot extract energy from these water elements.

In just a few minutes, the reflections of the water elements in the mirror became blurred. Although the energy fluctuations emitted from the mirror were extremely weak, Raymond, who maintained the strength of the shielding force field, discovered that, The reflection of the water element gestures in the mirror finally appeared confused, and because of the speed, the few water elements finally started to win.

The energy fluctuations diffused from the mirror gradually strengthened and quickly turned into an inexplicable force field, but Raymond only needs to maintain the strength of the shielding force field, and manipulate these water elements to change three gestures to achieve his purpose.

So when the reflection in the mirror finally showed a lot of confusion, the victorious balance began to pour towards Raymond.

The muddy horsehouse hiding in the corner, but the more he looked at it, the more shocked he became. In the end, he couldn't bear to come closer and roared very angry. "How can this be! How can this be!"

And Raymond, who was certain that the situation was being reversed, calmed down...to be continued. . )

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