
Chapter 946: Gift one

As soft as silk, as warm as the sun, and as comfortable as the spring breeze...

Leimen, who was wrapped in the rich spatial energy, almost wanted to let out a long roar in comfort, but the desolate mood mixed in the rich energy made him feel sad for no reason.

However, this inexplicable emotional induction made Lei Meng startled, his muscles and muscles instantly tightened, and he immediately raised his guard.

But after the rich spatial energy surrounding the body was absorbed by Raymond, Raymond’s vision was no longer blocked. He seemed to be in a certain starry sky, and the area under his vision had no matter in it, and it was out of reach. There are stars shining in the distance.

It is so huge that it seems to be a real starry sky, but there is still oxygen in the environment, and all the free energy around is of space attributes. Even if Raymond did not notice the existence of the force field, he believed that it would not be real here. A certain starry sky.

When Raymond was about to release his mental power, he began to investigate carefully.

But before he started to act, an old and gentle voice echoed abruptly in his mind. "Brave explorer, welcome you here!"

Hearing the sound, his pupils shrank, but following Lei Meng, he found that there was a weak force field fluctuation in front of him, followed by a spirited old man in a white robe before his eyes.

He knew that the old man should be some kind of projection, but with the disappearance of the weak force field fluctuations, the old man in front of him gave Raymond the feeling that he was completely physical.

The old man with all white beard and hair had a faint joy in his expression, and with the tap of his right hand, three simple boxes appeared in front of him one by one. "As an explorer who finally arrives here, you will receive a gift from the old man, please choose!"

Standing in the void, the old man didn't have any energy fluctuations. There was no force field ripple on the body, but Raymond, who was excited in his heart, asked immediately. "who are you?"

"The old man is Azis, once known as the son of space, but unfortunately the last step to impact the ancestor failed..."

As if opening a conversation box, the white-robed old man Azis, who talked endlessly, quickly told his past.

Born in the sea of ​​time and space, Azis was born with a sense of space energy, and his perception of space energy also gave him the possibility of impacting the ancestors.

But in the end, he fell in the process of impacting the ancestor, so the strand of consciousness left by him created this mirror world in accordance with the last wish left by the body.

Azis, who used all his life's perception of space energy in this world of mirrors. Some powerful artifacts that he used and manufactured back then were left here, and he wanted to use this screening method to find a wizard suitable for his inheritance.

Speaking of the last voice with a little emotion, Azis, who had told everything, pointed to the three boxes in front of him and introduced. "The three gifts given by the old man can make you have a powerful secret treasure, and can also make you qualified to enter and leave the realm of the mirror. It can also give you the old man's perception of space, please choose!"

"How can I get out of here?"

"After choosing, there will be a space door to leave. But if you want to have the complete inheritance of the old man. It depends on the speed of your strength improvement..."

After getting an affirmative answer, Raymond breathed a sigh of relief and hesitated before slowly moving forward and coming to Azis.

The smiling Azis stood with his hand holding his hand. After Raymond approached, he discovered that his body was actually a kind of energy projection. The three simple boxes in front of him were of color and size. The shapes are exactly the same, there is no difference at all.

Observe carefully for a moment. Still nothing was gained, but Azis, who was standing there, did not urge, but stood motionless with a smile on his face.

"What if I take away all three boxes?"


The question raised by Raymond. But even if he was rejected by this Azis, his expression did not change in any way, and while Raymond was moving around his body, the projection of Azis kept facing him. The three boxes neither moved nor turned, nor did they show any impatience.

And Raymond, who returned to Azis, put his right hand out after hesitating, but when his palm just touched the box in the center, the boxes placed on both sides were Immediately there was a blur, and it became a little hazy. Obviously if Raymond would take away the box he touched, the other two would also disappear.

Leimen, who moved in his heart, immediately withdrew his hands, but he stretched out his hands at the same time and grabbed two of the boxes at the same time!

The box that was not touched by Raymond was immediately blurred, but Azis, who was standing behind the box, did not respond to this. He still maintained the posture of holding hands, smiling, but his eyes were It is lit up.

Seeing this a little excited Raymond, he immediately asked. "Could it be that as long as I can collect three boxes at the same time, then it's okay?"

The smiling Azis didn't say a word, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the aura emanating from Azis became stronger.

Seeing this, Raymond withdrew his hand immediately but fell into contemplation. A moment later, his figure moved, but he quickly retreated and began to test the edge of the void.

Raise the speed to the extreme, but soon Lemmon discovered that no matter how fast he is, the shining stars in the distance are keeping an unreachable distance from him, and as long as he pauses, he will appear here. In front of Azis, it seemed that he was in an illusion, and he had never left the place at all!

Raymond sinking in his heart hesitated a bit, but if the things in the three boxes in front of Azis were really what he said, then each one was extremely precious and worth a fight!

The Azis in front of me is just a projection, and the realm of mirrors has existed for a very long time, and Azis only said that it is not allowed to collect three boxes at the same time, but he did not explain how he would be treated if all were collected!

Therefore, when he calmed down, Raymond carefully checked the double puppet that still existed in his heart. After confirming that it could be used, the three tentacles formed by his left arm appeared in front of Azis at the same time. Tied up.

There was a light hum, and at the same time the box bound by the wrist was shaking, and Azis, whose aura began to climb, although his expression did not change, his eyes were bright and a little dazzling. A violent coercion also suddenly came, making the force field brilliance on Raymond's body immediately bleak!

Raymond's left arm touched his wrist and quickly retracted, and three simple boxes were also stuffed into the storage ring by him.

Pang however irresistible coercion, UU reading www. As the intensity of uukanshu.com increased, Raymond felt shocked, but Raymond, who was trying his best to maintain the protective field, flew back and tried to distance himself from this Azis.

But the smiling Azis did not move, but raised his head slightly to stare at the rapidly retreating Raymond.

It was just that with Azis's gaze, Raymond found that not only did he not stay away, but he was getting closer and closer to Azis's body, and the tremendous pressure also caused his protective field to appear. Signs of collapse!

But at the moment when Raymond felt unable to hold on, a vortex suddenly appeared in the void not far behind Azis. Along with the ripples of the force field, a figure rushed out of it!

The sudden change made Azis's eyes staring at Raymond bewildered, and as his body became a little fuzzy, it seemed as if the force field fluctuations of the previous Azis projection appeared, but not far away. It appeared everywhere, and an Azis projection with its back facing Raymond quickly appeared in this void!

But the person who staggered from the void transmission channel turned his head after standing still, and cried out in surprise after seeing Raymond. "Raymond!" To be continued. . )

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