
Chapter 948: Gift three

As the creator of the front line, Azis's remnant soul, just a few words formed such a situation.

Raymond, who was violently attacked by Casper, suddenly became calm.

After the phrase ‘the only survivor can leave with a gift’ is said, the emergence of the current situation is an inevitable result.

The force field protection shield that was constantly released, collapsed continuously under the fierce attack of Casper Wind Blade, and was repelled hundreds of meters away from the center of this void in a short time. Yu Guang could already see the spatial turbulence and gaps behind him.

If forced into there, it is estimated that even the double puppet will not be able to save their lives...

Raymond, who was thinking like this, also launched a counterattack, but the sharp touch wrist formed by his left arm had no effect on the double protection field in front of Casper, just because it was not only flexible but also extremely dexterous. , Still possesses the indestructible characteristics, it makes Casper have to focus part of his attention on the wrist, and there is no time to release more powerful spells.

Only after releasing his true body, Casper's aura that revealed his Nightmare Child form suddenly rose, and the ripples of the force field he released turned out to be spiral-shaped vortex shapes, just a few breaths of time. Raymond may no longer have his wrist touch.

But in such a huge and empty endless starry sky, as Raymond was constantly forced to the area where space turbulence was raging on its edge, the space he moved had actually expanded. Therefore, after Raymond decisively retracted his wrist, The number of force field protective shields he released with all his strength has been greatly increased, and following the opportunity, he will withstand the storm-like wind blade attack, and a spatial sparkle suddenly appears outside the area covered by the wind blade.

Seeing this, Casper was stunned for a while, but finally opened. . "Give up! Hopeless!"

And Raymond, who continuously displayed the shining space, has returned to the door of the space after leaving the area swept by the wind blade, but the spherical shield still exists, and the force field ripples on its edge As soon as he approached, Raymond was pushed out by an irresistible force.

Seeing Ramon trying to enter the door of that space, Casper's eyes turned cold and accelerated suddenly, but the miniature hurricane condensed between his hands was rapidly taking shape.

Seeing this, Raymond raised his hands, but immediately yelled. "The purpose of the projection is to kill you and me. Can you be sure that you can leave after killing me?"

"No problem!" Replied without any hesitation. The miniature hurricane that Casper suddenly launched, but after letting go, it whizzed and swelled, but within half a breath, it has formed a number as high as ten. Mi's giant tornado rushed towards Leimeng with that harsh scream.

The tornado that gradually expanded from bottom to top produced a huge suction force while rotating. It had completely locked Leimen before it was completely close, making him feel inevitable.

The protective force field was defeated in the sneak attack, and when he noticed that the pulling force of the wind column had hindered his own space shining, he sighed secretly.

"In this case, then there is no intention to communicate..."

As he was thinking, Raymond no longer releases those force field protection shields, but the phantom that appeared from his back in vain quickly rises and expands. Before the tornado arrives, it merges with Raymond and condenses into a little Weird creatures.

The fat and huge body is like a bear cub, but there are ten thick and short tentacles on the back of the neck. After its sturdy limbs stand firmly, the whole body suddenly expands again, and it became before the tornado arrived. A behemoth twenty meters high.

The originally powerful tornado was completely shattered by the behemoth with a slap, and turned into countless cyclones that quickly dissipated.

Seeing this, Casper's complexion sank, but his hands slammed together. After a muffled bang, his body began to swell.

Five meters...

Ten meters...

Fifteen meters...

In a short while, Casper’s body was raised to 20 meters, and the completely revealed real body was shining with gloomy light. The force field ripples that spread out from his body also quickly swept everything around, even making it from the edge of the void. The space turbulence that spread over has appeared stagnant for a moment.

Behind him were bony wings, his body was dark but he was extremely strong, and his shoulders had sharp bone spurs. After the folded hands were stretched out, Casper, who was no longer in human form, seemed to become somewhat different. Excited and issued a low growl. "Ha ha ha... no wonder you sent me as a guard, it turns out that you have a top real body, come on!"

For the second time, Raymond did not take action immediately, because the fusion of his semi-perfect top-level real body still felt a little uncomfortable for him, and his actions were slow to react. But after speaking, Casper had already rushed over. His clenched fist was shining with an inexplicable force field luster, and immediately after he approached Raymond, he hit his face with both fists.

Raymond, who reacted slowly for a while, just raised his arms, and the fist that came directly hit his arm. Such a huge force made Raymond take a few steps back, but the surrounding area of ​​the impact point instantly turned into a vacuum. The air that was squeezed by force formed countless air currents, scattered and developed a sharp and ear-piercing. The sound of wind whistling.

As for Casper who launched a sudden attack, the luster of the force field on his fist was instantly dimmed, and he could not stabilize his body under the shock, but was immediately bounced off.

However, after being shocked, Raymond lowered his arms and twisted his neck to move his body. After the fusion of the real body, this huge body was all sensed and controlled by him, just because The inadaptability of the distance made his movements stiff and deformed.

But Casper, who was bounced off, was stunned after he stood firm. The joints of his fist that he had sent in front of him had exploded, and even the internal finger bones were severely fractured. Obviously the sudden blow just now Under him, he was completely defeated.

Seeing Raymond standing next to the shield and not attacking, a desperate Kasper flashed in his eyes, but he suddenly tightened his breath and bowed his head slightly. "Master Raymond, what level is your true body?"

The mental power released by Raymond surrounds Casper's body. Raymond, who didn't feel his hostility, was very confused. After a little thought, he answered frankly. "It is said to be a semi-perfect top real body, and it is still in the process of condensing."

Casper's expression became a little weird, he sighed long, and he sighed as he looked at his trembling fists. "The gap in the real body cannot be made up by the realm, I am not your opponent, I have given up!"

Casper, who had simply dismantled his true body fusion, revealed white stubble on his fist that was smashed into pieces, but he flicked his right hand as if it didn't matter, and the two rings floated in front of him. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Master Raymond, if you can transfer my relics to my only son, then I am willing to hand over the three boxes I just obtained to you!"

Casper's tone is very calm, but the meaning of it makes Raymond a little puzzled. "Casper, what do you mean!"

Looking directly at Raymond's eyes, Casper's mouth overflowed with a smile, but his tone became a little sad.

"If I explode now, everything within a hundred meters of the surrounding area will be sent into the endless void, and you will get nothing!"

While the seemingly peaceful Azis spoke, the aura that spread out became chaotic and violent. The violent fluctuations in the force field caused the void around him to produce twisted force field ripples, making it clear Gather all the power!

The turbulence in the space that swept from afar was speeding up, and at most a hundred breaths would completely engulf this space.

"Okay! I promise you! As long as I can get out of here alive, your son will get your relics and a promise from me..."

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