
Chapter 950: capture

After fusing the real body, Leimen, although his movements became a bit sluggish, but that strong and huge body brought him a surge in strength and an increase in defense.

But even so, just extending his arm into the area raged by the gap in the space still left Raymond's right arm with flesh, and the injury was serious.

But after flying away from that area, the palm of his right hand felt that the guy pinched in it seemed to be a physical creature, so Raymond suddenly applied force while roaring, and clenched his right hand tightly.

A miserable scream came from Raymond’s completely clenched palm, but in vain he felt that there was nothing in the palm of Raymond, but facing the light gray smoke that came out of his fingers. Angrily, his eyes suddenly widened.

It seemed to have a life-like light gray smoke that gave out a miserable howling. It quickly gathered to become a giant squirrel with an extremely long and extremely fluffy tail, but the body formed by the light gray smoke was not like that. It is a physical existence, and it leaped up and down, waving its thin and short front paws, and roared at Raymond in anger. "Asshole! Asshole! How dare you ruin the old man's body! The old man will let you survive and die!"

Seeing this, Raymond pinched his index finger and thumb, and after approaching the giant squirrel, he snapped a shot, but the index finger that hit this guy's body immediately passed through his body without any hindrance.

Seeing this, the giant squirrel, who was no longer roaring, was stunned and laughed teasingly while covering his stomach with its front paws. "Hahaha! Although the old man has been ruined by you for so many years of condensed body, you **** don't want to let the old man be constrained again! You are dead! You are dead!"

And as the giant squirrel burst into laughter, there was a little dusty Raymond in his palm. The last light gray smoke in the palm of his hand also poured into its body as if attracted by it. Along with the surging of weak energy aura, a **** squirrel appeared in Raymond's sight.

It's just that the eyes of this giant squirrel are rolling around, and suddenly think of some possible Raymond. But it immediately released the imprisonment field against it!

The huge force field aura has a faint fluorescent sparkle, like the giant squirrel looking for an escape route can’t help but froze for a while, but its back arched and immediately made a jump, and it relaxed from the imprisoned force field released by Raymond It popped out, and the triumphant giant squirrel protruded its front paws, pointed at Raymond and opened his mouth and laughed wildly. "Hahaha! Too stupid! Too stupid! I even want to use the force field to imprison the old man, hahaha..."

The force field imprisonment is invalid, and the whole body looks like an entity, but the physical attack is invalid.

But there was a grinning Raymond on his face. However, he ignored the giant squirrel who was still laughing wildly at his nose, but his heart moved to dissolve the fusion of his real body. The imprisonment force field released by his left hand at the moment of regaining his body shape once again used the giant squirrel. The squirrel was enveloped.

After Raymond merged with his real body, the twenty-meter-high body suddenly disappeared, but it made the giant squirrel a bit at a loss, but after it noticed that another imprisonment field appeared next to him, it was holding his stomach in this imprisonment force. Rolling all over the field, he continued to laugh wildly. "Hahaha! Saying that you are stupid and still don't give up, the old man will just stay here at your disposal, and see how your idiot can treat the old man!"

And Raymond, who was located below this confinement force field, slowly came to the side of this confinement force field. The tip of the wrist tentacles formed by his left arm was shining with a metallic gloom, which looked extremely sharp.

It's just that Raymond, who didn't take immediate action, sneered. With a move of his mind, he manipulated the imprisonment field and began to shrink inward, while the giant squirrel, who was still laughing wildly, was shrinking because of the imprisonment field as he rolled. And hit the edge of the force field.

But when the giant squirrel was bounced back, its laughter ceased, and its body shape appeared beside the film of the imprisonment force field that it hit just now, and suddenly stretched out its claws to reveal the sharp claws. .

Raymond, who was tight in his heart, immediately became nervous. But after this round and flawless force field film was hit hard. However, a bulge in the shape of a claw tip appeared on the surface, but it was followed by rippling force field ripples. However, this sharp bulge, less than an inch high, calmed down, and the entire imprisonment force field film returned to its original appearance in less than half a breath.

The dark and round eyes popped out, and facing the result, the giant squirrel jumped up like crazy. "Impossible! Impossible! This is impossible!"

The big fluffy tail rolled up. With a bow of its back, the giant squirrel suddenly rushed up, hitting its head on the force field film!

An extremely clear head protruded from this force field film, but the huge rebound force that followed immediately bounced the giant squirrel away.

The squeaky anxious roar became harsh, like the giant squirrels crashing around in this confinement force field, but it made the force field film constantly appear bumps, or the giant squirrel The head, or its sharp claws, even has the shape of its puckered buttocks.

But no matter how hard this giant squirrel tried, the confinement force field released by Raymond’s left arm was unbreakable, and as Raymond made it continue to twist inward, it was quickly completely wrapped in the confinement force field film. The giant squirrel that got up seemed to be **** with transparent plastic wrap, with its limbs spread out in a strange posture, but apart from shouting, the whole body could not move any more.

Raymond was finally relieved with a sneer, and then he probed the wrist formed by his left arm, but although the giant squirrel has lost the ability to move, its expression still has a deep expression. Deep contempt and thick disdain.

And when the giant squirrel saw the sharp tentacles with metallic luster at the top, it seemed to be relieved and suddenly became tough. "Boy! Even if you can imprison the old man, you can't do any harm to the old man at all! Let me go quickly, otherwise you will never be able to leave here..."

But when I heard Raymond here, he had already found the position. The sharp tentacles formed by his left arm slowly plunged into the force field film, accurately poking into the fat **** of this giant squirrel. !

The round eyes protruded from the eye sockets, and the four claws stretched out like a spasm, and suddenly the hidden claw tips were pushed out, and the fluffy tail instantly all the fluff down, making it quickly close. Only a thin, long, bare tail remains in the force field film!

Staring closely at the giant squirrel's eyes, the giant squirrel who seemed to have regained his sanity after a while, suddenly opened his mouth and wailed in pain. "Pain, pain, pain... the old man is so painful!"

This giant squirrel reacted like this, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com Raymond also pulled out the wrist tentacles poking into his butt, and then caused the tentacles to sway and sway in front of the giant squirrel.

The giant squirrel's eyes, which were tightly wrapped by the imprisoned force field, moved with the tentacles that swayed from side to side, but after a while it roared furiously. "The old man is going to kill you! The old man is going to kill you! You bastard! You despicable, nasty idiot! The old man will imprison your soul, and the old man will make you suffer the pain of eternal life!"

But just as the giant squirrel yelled at it, the sharp tentacles that disappeared from its sight plunged into the force field imprisonment film, and slowly moved along its back toward its tail.

But Raymond, who was slightly closer to the face of the giant squirrel, opened his mouth with a smile at this time. "Since the pain just now can't make you face the reality, then check your health status, can both parties establish a friendly, harmonious and pleasant communication channel?"

The giant squirrel stared in astonishment, and finally a touch of terror flashed in its eyes, but its tone was still tough. "Asshole, asshole! You...what do you want to do!"

"Although it would be disgusting to check your body, but since you are not willing to communicate well at all, then I have to endure the nausea and try it!"

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