
Chapter 952: Turn on

The sorrowful but terrifying scream still has a lingering rhyme in his ears, but Raymond has already cut a small piece of flesh from the **** of the giant squirrel Patrick, before it turns into light gray smoke and reintegrates into his body. Before, it was wrapped in an isolation force field and delivered to the hand.

But Patrick, who was wrapped in the imprisoned force field, rolled his eyes quickly while screaming, and his whole body was twitching in pain.

Seeing this, after taking back the blade-like wrist contact, Leimen kindly expanded the scope of the imprisonment field a little, and then asked curiously. "Before you mutated into this form, what kind of mouse were you?"

Painful eyes protruded from the eye sockets, and Patrick, who was almost unconscious in pain, let out an angry roar immediately after waking up. "Old, old man is going to kill you! You, you, you despicable bastard!"

Raymond, who was dealing with the light gray smoke wrapped in the isolated place, laughed after glancing at it. "It's just that you have cut some skin off your ass. You can recover at any time. Don't think I don't know!"

But Patrick, who had already noticed that his body could move, arched up and used his big fluffy tail to completely cover his butt, his face full of grief and indignation, as if he was about to cry, and his vocal cords choked with a cry. "Old man's ass! You **** bastard..."

It's just that Patrick's words are halfway through, and the light gray smoke formed by the small piece of skin and meat it has been cut off has turned into the shape of a horn under Raymond's kneading. Was completely fixed.

Perceiving that Patrick's yelling voice disappeared, Raymond, who was a little surprised, turned his head and opened his eyes. "You haven't answered the question just now. What kind of mouse are you?"

He stared in amazement, and followed Patrick completely. "The old man is the Demon King Squirrel! The old man has nothing to do with the mice that command the hole in the ground! This shameless bastard..."

The tentacles that had just been retracted appeared in front of Patrick again, and Raymond laughed. "Then you are a native creature in the sea of ​​time and space?"

With an uncontrollable shake, Patrick, who became honest, lowered his voice. "That's right, I don't know how the old couple's family is developing now..."

At this point, there was a daze in his eyes, and Patrick lowered his head with a sad expression.

At this time, Raymond had already instilled the spell that Patrick said before into a memory ball through the recording function of the chip, and placed it on the bottom of the horn made of light gray smoke. Then began the play of this spell.

Obscure and difficult to distinguish, I don’t know what kind of language it is. After passing through the wall of the trumpet, it changed its tone a little, but as the entire spell ended, it was in the middle of the void at the gate of the phantom space. , But a certain kind of energy fluctuation suddenly occurred, and the vague force field ripples also oscillated. It spreads out slowly like a water wave.

At the first moment when the curse sounded from the horn, Patrick, who was still immersed in sigh, raised his head and stared at the horn made of light gray smoke in amazement, and finally he was watching. After the ripples of the force field, his mouth opened wide, but there was only a chucking sound from the throat, and the claws pointed at Leimen trembling. Then he rolled his eyes and raised his head, as if he was fainted by the scene in front of him.

But before the seemingly peaceful Raymond did all this, he was still nervous in his heart, until he saw the ripples of the force field, that was completely relieved.

The ripples of the force field that are like waves change from slow to rapid. But after getting close to Leimeng, he wiped past him like extremely gentle, and continued to spread toward the endless void.

And the turbulence in those spaces that blocked the void before. It retreats quickly as if it had been expelled, but those space gaps quickly twisted and disappeared under the ripples of this force field, and soon the endless void in Raymond's sight returned to its original calm.

And with the place where the force field ripples are generated, a door of space is gradually taking shape. With the extremely soft and warm light covering the entire void, the originally very cold and lonely environment becomes like a starry sky. It's refreshing.

And Raymond, who flashed with red dots in his pupils, only after confirming that the chip had recorded everything just now, he exhaled the turbid breath that he held. The effect produced by this inexplicable force field rippled. Meng was completely shocked, and his admiration for Azis, the son of space who created the realm of mirrors, suddenly reached an infinite level.

Because the space turbulence and space gaps that existed in this void before, they are definitely not some kind of illusion or the existence of illusion, but absolutely real!

It is possible to dissipate the turbulence in space if there is a tremendous amount of energy to suppress it, but if you want to heal or even disappear the gaps in space, you need to master the attributes of the space to the extreme before it is possible!

Raymond, who has the affinity of space energy himself, used to try to get out the giant squirrel Patrick hidden in the gap of space, he tried to merge with the real body, but even for a short time to penetrate into the gap of space. As a result, he still paid the price of the flesh on his right forearm and severe injuries.


It's shocking!

It's incredible!

The effect brought by this inexplicable force field ripple, the kind of rules contained in it, the kind of understatement but the extremely shocking effect, made Raymond's eyes and longing incomparable, and finally couldn't help but sigh with emotion. "Could it be that this is the result that can be brought about by understanding the attributes of space to the extreme? It can make the gaps in space so simple to heal or even disappear?"

Lemmon was puzzled. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't understand the cause of this phenomenon. However, the force field ripples rippling from the door of space were like soft waves, in this void. The rippling in it made Leimeng's ears as if he heard the sound of the sea tide, and even the whispering sound of seagulls...

Raymond, who was intoxicated in the previous scene, was stunned as if lost. He stretched out his hands blankly to touch the ripples of the force field that was still rippling, but this was faint but extremely soft. The force field ripples, but like a naughty child, quickly slipping away without waiting for Raymond's palm to approach...

Time passed slowly, and Raymond, who was immersed in inexplicable feelings, completely forgot about time. UU read www.uukanshu. Com, he stared at the void in front of him, trying to analyze, understand, and comprehend the causes of this force field ripple...

But with the passage of time, the giant squirrel Patrick, who suffered from the confinement of the force field, finally woke up slowly. It seemed to wake up from a deep sleep. After opening his somewhat dim eyes, he faced Looking at the emptiness in front of him that looked like a brilliant starry sky, his eyes slowly regained their energy.

But just after it woke up completely, recalling everything that had happened before, the giant squirrel Patrick immediately lifted its front paws, and started to twitch on his cheeks with his head covered in despair. Roar. "This is impossible! This is impossible! Only the old man can control everything in the realm of mirrors! The old man's ten thousand years of hard work cannot be stolen so easily! Everything is an illusion, all this is an illusion! A liar! Liar! Bastard! Bastard..."

The hoarse roar caused a discordant tone to appear in this brilliant void, and Lei Meng, who was immersed in the inexplicable atmosphere, soon woke up.

The tidal sound in the ear weakened until it disappeared, while Patrick's quirky but desperate scream, and the door of the space where the force field ripples were slowly released not far away, came into view, immersed in inexplicable feelings. Raymond was awakened...

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