
Chapter 971: Mystery

Quinnie the blood spotted leopard lying flat in the anti-gravity field, her eyebrows frowned and her facial muscles were still twitching from time to time, but the light blue liquid previously configured by Willard has now completely penetrated her skin. Although it eased the episode of addiction in her body, it made her complexion a little strange.

And Willard, standing next to this force field, was still whispering the reason.

"These are the messages my grandfather has sealed in my memory. I didn't expect this part of the sealed memory to be unlocked in advance because of Yves's strength..."

"Raymond, do you know... The duty of the true lords of natural disasters in the Far North is to lead the powerful men gathered under their command to plunder the plane, and in this way to enhance their own strength and cultivate Loyal subordinates, fighting against those families and forces that are not willing to depend on them, to put it bluntly, the ultimate goal is still one, which is to grab and occupy resources..."

"Although the original Northern Xinjiang Alliance will still carry out plane plunder, in fact, even if such plane invasion is not carried out, most people can live very well... But if the extreme north does not carry out such plane plunder , It's completely over..."

Seeing Willard's eyes became a little straight when he said this, Raymond coughed slightly and asked. "Then why did your grandfather leave the Northern Xinjiang Alliance? Where has he gone now?"

"Leave? No, no, no... He was forced to leave, in order to enable me to grow with peace of mind, and leave for those people living in the abyssal world, but I firmly believe that he is still alive because of my induction. He still exists in the middle, as if he has never left..."

It seems to be looking forward to it, but it also seems to be nostalgic, but the sadness and confusion in the tone are not concealed. And there was a sorrow flashing in Willard's eyes, who no longer spoke.

For a long time, the Yongye that Raymond came into contact with because of Gracie seems to be very different from the Yongye that Willard learned in the frozen city, but he wanted to come under the guidance of the law of the jungle. In the extreme north, it is not difficult to understand that Cheney is extremely ignorant of the weak and the strong.

Time passed slowly, and when Queenie the Blood Spotted Leopard woke up, Raymond asked carefully about her physical condition.

The addictive pill toxin that had occurred once before being surrounded by those metal puppets has now completely dispersed into her body. Although Willard’s light blue potion has relieved, there are three hourglasses. She could not get the antidote given by Cheney within time. Then she will lose her mind and become a puppet-like existence.

Realizing that time is pressing, Raymond no longer wastes time, and after Willard and the blood spotted Queenie follow him, they speed up and start moving forward.

The huge and strange maze, when Raymond entered its inner ring area. It showed its power in vain.

Hallucinations, hallucinations and even inexplicable low-power attacks began to appear one after another.

Because it is impossible to use mental power to explore the traps in the passage ahead. So the three people had to work hard to face it.

There is a passage with a slight slope. Narrow and boring, people will gradually develop a sense of irritability and depression during a long time.

But Raymond, who has a complete road map, doesn't care about the roots of these traps. He just urges Willard and the blood spotted Quinnie to follow him closely, and they continue to sprint in this maze at the speed of ordinary people's 100-meter sprint. Shuttle and move forward, toward the center of the maze.

The whining wind. In fact, it is a precursor to some inexplicable attacks.

And the faint but screaming scream that came straight to the mind was a warning that the illusion was about to appear.

And the inexplicable flash that appeared in front of the passage, but it represented that the choice of the fork ahead was about to appear an important choice...

Although Raymond could not remove the trap in this maze, let alone invalidate it. But he is very familiar with the changes in any regional trap, and he will not go wrong, so a lot of time is saved.

But even if Raymond had a complete path map, this maze of winding twists and turns and countless inexplicable traps, it still took everyone's two hourglass time to make three people come to the core area of ​​the maze.

Suddenly a corner of the slender passage appeared. After turning, the force field film covering the entire passage suddenly appeared in front of him. After seeing this, Raymond was finally relieved, but after stopping, he spoke to Willa. De solemnly explain. "You stay here with Queenie the Blood Spotted Leopard. After you find that the color of the force field film has changed, you will come in to find me with Queenie the Blood Spotted Leopard!"

Willard, who was full of joy, was taken aback when he heard the sound, but immediately reacted. "There is danger inside?"

"If Cheney has not been able to escape from the illusion, then anyone who enters will be attacked by her. It is better for you to stay here!"

Willard, who nodded the promise, had doubts in her eyes, but she still took the blood spotted Quinnie to stand next to the force field.

However, after taking a deep breath, Raymond exerted swiftness, brute force, light body and other gainful states on his body, and then he walked directly into the force field film.

After passing through the force field film like a water curtain, there is a slight coolness.

But Raymond, who had only entered the interior, suddenly heard a loud shout in his ear! "Kill you! Kill you! Kill you..."

The sharp and panicking yelling sound was as if exploding in the ears, and there was a faintly fluorescent Raymond in front of me, and I only felt a violent force hitting the right shoulder, and then his body fell uncontrollably. Left.

With a muffled sound, Lei Meng was caught off guard and directly hit the wall next to him, as if he heard the sound of a bone crack in his left shoulder and thigh, but from the corner of his eye, he found that the attacker had already rushed. come.

There was chagrin in his heart, but Raymond, who had his back on the wall, bounced up quickly. After avoiding the jab that seemed to be a sharp weapon, the Void Slash backhand condensed with his right hand was released!

The figure that leaped over was because the weapon in his hand had been let by Raymond and almost brushed past him, so this Void Slash hit her right shoulder firmly!

With a cry of extreme pain, Raymond, who turned around, saw that it was Cheney who had been trapped here for several days that had attacked him.

The Beatles were sluggish, and Cheney's protective force field was dimmed to the extreme, and the Void Slash that Lei released just now almost defeated her protective force field, and the huge power generated by the Void Slash was also Cheney. What he couldn't bear was knocked over by one blow, and fell to the ground as if he was seriously injured!

Cheney, lying on the ground very embarrassed, had a side face facing Raymond. Her eyes were red and her face was distorted. What she held tightly in her hand was actually a thin and short sharp thorn sword. poison. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

You don’t need to observe Raymond to know everything about the surrounding environment. Raymond, who cannot be entangled with Cheney, immediately flew back and retreated. After getting away from the entrance that entered here, he turned back and rushed to the right side of the entrance, and ignored it. Cheney, who snarled at him like a wounded beast, didn't have any thoughts or thoughts in his hard working mind, but just started to move forward as if it were scattered.

It was dim but still a narrow and boring slightly curved passage. The sight range was only a few meters away, and Raymond, who had just started running, suffered an irresistible resistance.

It seems to be the kind of'rule' before. This resistance is not like the effect of a certain spell, and there is no fluctuation in the force field that can be detected, but Raymond, who has slightly increased his speed, feels that there is a block in front of him that cannot be broken. The iron wall is average!

It's a very strange phenomenon, although it didn't notice any force field aura, let alone any energy surge, and it seemed to have nothing to do with its own strength.

However, in Raymond’s heart, it is extremely contradictory to be able to recognize one thing, that is, if he still wants to increase the speed and forcefully rush over, then there will be nothing wrong with the invisible, intangible, and untouchable iron wall ahead. But others will surely hit their heads and bleed...to be continued...)

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