
Chapter 976: Above the Wall II

On the wall that had just fallen into the weird silence, this ridiculous voice was surprising. [This article comes from]

But the brawny man, who was obviously more powerful just now, quickly bowed his head to salute, lowered his posture, and hurriedly spoke carefully. "Return to Master Gracie! I have to do my duty!"

Gracie looked at the brawny man in the bust sitting opposite with a smile, and then slowly nodded Gracie, who narrowed her sharp gaze, and then continued to ask after a sigh of relief. "Then Lord Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, what you have learned, let's talk about it!"

Respectfully bowed his head slightly, and opened his mouth with a bitter smile, the Second Army Commander Vernal, but his face was confused and puzzled. "The four of them are all trapped in the area reachable by the seven outer passages. Until the time when the realm of mirrors is closed, the doors of space that can be left recover from the solidified state, except before they are released. Apart from collecting a lot of low-level resources, no useful information was obtained..."

"That is to say, the four of them didn't even meet Raymond and the others? After spending half a month in those areas, they rolled out?"

Facing Gracie with a dumb expression, the puzzlement on Vernal's face, commander of the Second Army, became more intense. "My lord, I guess the situation is like this. Except for the sandstone beast Saliye and the blood spotted Queenie, there are only the people you sent and my subordinates..."

Gracie frowned as if she was thinking, and then a surprise appeared on her face, and her smile became brighter. "Haha! It seems that those little guys should have gained something, otherwise the space gates outside the realm of mirrors would not have this situation..."

Gracie had just said this, but the space door facing the pergola once again produced force field ripples, followed by a fragile woman who walked out of it.

The gloss of the force field on the body surface is very dull. The original white face was covered by a layer of faint gray air, and it looked like he was seriously injured.

And the old man who was sitting on the left side of Gracie before with his eyes closed and rested, suddenly stood up, and turned over the small table in front of him and the chair under him at the same extent, in the sound of the clanging of the cup. , The bang of the seat fell on the ground and the exclamation of his own voice sounded at the same time. "Queeny! God! What's wrong with you!"

With a flickering figure, the old man rushed to the four nightmare children who were stationed at the door of space.

Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, who was still puzzled before, stunned and roared immediately. "Go back! To be an old man is fart!"

The expression of the old man who was originally full of excitement and joy stagnated, but after winking at the woman who came out of the door of the space, he quickly retreated to the original small table and immediately glared at the angry one. Vernal bowed to apologize. "Dear Vernal. Please forgive me for a moment of forgetfulness, sorry!"

The old man’s attitude was still not satisfactory to the second legion commander Vernal. He stopped entanglement after several cold snorts, and at this time, the blood that was blocked by the four nightmare children in front of the door of space Spotted Queenie spoke immediately. "I'm fine, but the injury has not healed..."

It's just Quinnie the Blood Spotted Leopard's opening. But it caused the second legion commander Vernal to stop. "Shut up! Come here right away!"

The four nightmare sons who had stopped Queenie the Blood Spotted Leopard in front of the door of the space heard the sound and retreated. Quite amazed, Queenie the Blood Spotted Leopard turned her gaze to the old man who was sitting back at the small table. . Seeing him nodding his head again and again, he hurried to the Second Army Commander Vernal. Bow down and salute.

An isolated force field between the waves was released. This time, the second legion commander Vernal’s question was not concealed, but a detailed questioning began in front of Gracie.

The exhausted-looking blood-spotted Leopard Queenie, although she does not know why she was treated in this way, she honestly explained her experience in the realm of mirrors, except for the persecution of the sandstone beast Saliye and afterwards Beyond the encounter in the cave with fluorite. Everything else was said frankly.

For the other part of the Second Army Commander Vernal didn't seem to care, after repeatedly questioning a lot of details, he asked him about Cheney again in vain. "Since you have taken the heart-breaking pill, how can you persist until now?"

"I, I don't know. It was in a maze that Master Raymond finally found Lord Cheney's relic, and Ms. Willard finally found the medicine in it, but because of the long time she went back, she still needed a good rest. Restore the original strength..."

The same explanation was made again, and the Second Army Commander Vernal stopped speaking a little depressed, but Gracie, who had not spoken here, asked with dissatisfaction on his face. "Then why didn't Raymond and Willard come out with you?"

Having been answering questions respectfully, she also had confusion in her heart for the girl, the blood spotted leopard Queenie, who could see clearly, and she quickly answered after seeing that the Second Army Commander Vernal hadn't stopped her. "Lord Raymond sent me out to test something, so I will come out later..."

Gracie nodded and didn't speak any more, but Vernal's complexion deepened, and he waved his hand to signal that Queenie the Blood Spotted Leopard could leave.

After the respectful salute, Queenie the Blood Spotted Leopard ran to the small table on the left and quickly left with the support of the old man.

Time passed slowly, but no one came out from the door of the space. The Second Army Commander Vernal, whose face was getting more and more ugly, couldn't help standing up and wandering anxiously at this small table. .

Only Gracie, who had learned of Raymond's message, was smiling. After the Second Army Commander Vernal wandered for dozens of times, he cried out with dissatisfaction. "There are currently five out of ten participants, and Raymond has no major problems. This time the opening of the Mirror Realm is very successful. What are you not satisfied with!"

Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, who stopped abruptly, grumbled with a calm face. "One of my people is dead!"

Gracie, who was covering her mouth and chuckling, didn't care about the anger of the Second Army Commander Vernal, and immediately teased. "It's normal for a dead person to die. If the world of mirrors is opened before, half of them will die! Don't ask too much!"

The Second Army Commander Vernal, who sighed, shook his head and sat down again. As he was seated, the door of the space rippled with force field, and followed a man and a woman. Came out.

Seeing this, Gracie finally relieved her heart and raised her hand and waved. "Come here now!"

Leimen, who came out of the realm of mirrors, had already seen everything on the city wall at this time, but the second legion commander Vernal who sat down quietly moved his right hand on his leg. Moved. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

At this point, Leimen sighed with relief and walked straight over, but before he could get close to the pergola, on the vacant seat that was originally facing the door of space, a slight spatial distortion suddenly appeared, and then followed A handsome and gentle man sat on it.

Seeing this, Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, who stood up immediately, bowed and saluted. "Master Yong Ye!"

And Gracie, who was sitting next to her, didn't move, but her face was calm. "What are you doing here!"

"Hehe, the world of Mirror has been opened for so many years, so Master Gracie is willing to participate in it, I naturally want to come and see what can be gained in the Realm of Mirror..."

"Hmph! I'm afraid the harvest will be swallowed by my old lady, you should put it away if you think about it!" Gracie's voice is not high but not low, enough for everyone on the wall to hear.

Yong Ye, who still kept his smile with Hexi, didn't refute, but instead cast his gaze on Raymond, who had just walked over, and nodded slightly and smiled. "Thank you, the mystery in the realm of mirrors has always been a mystery. I hope you can bring useful information to subsequent entrants!" To be continued...)

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