
Chapter 985: Breech birth

As Casper was the peak of the Dawn in the Second Army, his residence was not hard to find.

In the entire frozen city, there are not few people who can reach his level, but because he belongs to the family of the children of nightmare, he is qualified to have a residence in the prosperous area of ​​the frozen city.

Although Raymond had the note with the address on it, Willard actually found the place.

After being led by Willard to a secluded and very cold and quiet area, he discovered the residential area hidden in the uniform building complex.

It is like this area specially built for the officers of the army. It is all built with blue rocks mined from the Ice Crystal Mountains. Every house looks exactly the same, so I entered it. Raymond brought a solemn and solemn feeling.

Straight, clean but spacious lanes, the walls on both sides have imprints left by the years, but there are no flashes of people in the clean and tidy, and the gates of the small courtyards that pass by are closed, and they are not aware of it. Someone living in it seems to be vacant.

Only after finding Casper's house according to the address, this situation at the end of an alley in front of Casper's house made Raymond a little confused.

An animal cart was parked at the door of Casper’s residence, and the courtyard door was wide open. A sergeant in legionary armor was standing next to the door. Two strong men in servant costumes were carrying things covered with rain cloths. It was loaded with a car, and the vague sound of cursing came from the courtyard.

After confronting Willard, the expressions of both of them were puzzled, so Raymond, who accelerated to the door, stepped up.

But the sergeant standing by the door moved two steps horizontally and stopped at the door, and his voice was very rigidly blocked. "Stop! Please explain why!"

"I'm Raymond, come to Casper's son!"

Raymond's answer made the sergeant stunned, but after Jin followed him, he brought his legs together and bowed his chest with one hand. "Master Raymond! Sorry, please come in!"

The sergeant who gave the ceremony gave way immediately. But the inexplicable emotions in his eyes made Raymond more confused.

Taking Willard around the screen wall behind the door, after seeing the scene in the courtyard clearly, Raymond's face immediately sank.

An old man leaning on crutches but with a mocking face stood at the door of the main house. Although his voice was low, he was berating the young man standing in front of him, and Raymond looked through the old man's side and looked inside. The room was empty, and the ground was full of traces of the heavy object being moved.

"Your father is dead, so you must enter the clan secret place to meditate, no one can be an exception!"

She has a thin body and a pale face. But the young man with his neck held high was stubborn, his eyes were reddish as if he was trying his best to restrain him, staring at the condescending old man in front of him for a moment, the young man suddenly clenched his fists. "Father has never taken care of my life and death, and I have never been recognized by anyone... This is just a temporary residence. Why do you ask me to comply! I want to go home! I want to go home!"

With a muffled ‘pop’, the old man, who seemed weak and aging, waved the crutch in his hand in vain. It slammed heavily on the shoulder of the boy. Shouted sharply. "Little York! Don't forget whose blood is in your body! You are Casper's only son!"

He abruptly withstood the heavy blow, but the young man with a stubborn neck had a ray of hatred in his eyes. "He never recognized me! I will never accept his arrangement!"

The furious old man immediately raised his crutches again, and the crutches with the sound of wind whistling suddenly slammed on the top of the young man's head. Seeing this stature, Raymond appeared behind the young man, and his right hand peeked. Hold this crutch tightly.

But Willard, who was a little slower, appeared beside the boy. He dragged him to the side and directly protected behind him.

The old man who froze for a moment, immediately furious. "who are you!"

Although the reason is still unclear, Raymond roughly guessed that this old man was Casper's elder from the previous dialogue, so even though he was angry, he didn't show it. "The child who has just lost his father. Why treat it like this!"

"Where is Casper's son? He is Casper's enemy. He is not worthy to be Casper's son!" The old man snarled angrily, but made the young man who was guarded by Willard hoarse. Screamed. "He destroyed my mother's clan! He also snatched me here! I never recognized him as a father!"

The interrupted old man still wanted to growl, but when he heard the young man's roar, he closed his eyes in pain, his expression looked desperate and sad.

Suddenly there was only the heavy breathing of the young man left in the courtyard, and Raymond who let go of the crutches was suspicious in his chest, but for a moment he didn't know how to intervene, but Willard was right at this moment. As he winked, he dragged the boy around the front room and walked back.

As if aware of the boy's departure, the old man who opened his eyes suddenly glared at Raymond and asked. "who are you!"

"I'm Raymond, I'm here to find Casper's only son so that he can pass on his relics!"

"Hey... guess it might be you, otherwise his subordinates won't let you in..."

The expression became helpless as he spoke, but there was a flash of gratitude in his eyes, the old man immediately took two steps back, and after bowing and saluting, he started to tell directly.

It turned out that the old man was the elder of the Casper clan, and the young man he reprimanded was Casper's only son, little York, but little York did not recognize Casper as his father, and hated him extremely.

Speaking of it, it is a stain in Casper’s life. A few years ago, he met Little York’s mother during a mission, but because the children of the nightmare race has a tradition of not intermarrying with foreigners, why Casper would Even the old man found this son to be born by combining with the mother of little York.

"Casper is the most rigorous and self-denying child in the clan. He has never made mistakes since he was a child. So when he brought this little York back to the clan a year ago, no one believed that this would be his son. York’s talent is surprisingly high, strong enough to rank in the top ten among the younger generation in the clan..."

Speaking of this, the confused old man appeared on his face, but he shook his head. "It's a pity that this child believes that Casper killed his mother's whole family, so he is unwilling to accept the training within the clan, even under the pressure of Casper, he refuses to bow his head, but his current ability is limited and he cannot resist. ..."

The old man's statement made Raymond's expression become weird. Although he had to give the storage ring to his son because of the promise, the situation in front of him was a little embarrassing. U U Reading www.uukahnshu.com

This young man didn't even recognize Casper, let alone receive training within the clan, and the minimum requirement to open this storage ring was that he had to reach the level of a formal wizard.

In the memory of Casper, a guy who was rigid, hard-spoken and threatened with self-destruction at the final moment, he had such weird stains in his private life, which made it difficult for Raymond to accept for a while, and he hesitated. He took out his storage ring and handed it to the old man. "Then what do you think about this matter?"

An eagerness flashed in the eyes of the old man who saw Casper's storage ring, but instead of picking it up, he laughed bitterly. "Casper usually takes all of his belongings on duty. Although the things inside are beneficial to the growth of Little York, my old man can't take it for him..."

Having said that, he was very nostalgic and glanced at the ring for the last time, but the old man who bowed his salute directly left, and walked out of the courtyard without saying a word.

But the sergeant who was guarding the door before rushed in from the outside, and when he saw Raymond, he immediately saluted. "Master Raymond, because this residence has been taken back by the Legion, the elder said that you will need to trouble you to decide whether or not York will stay..." To be continued...)

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