
Chapter 987: haze

The young sergeant holding Little York only felt that Raymond and the girl who came with him had disappeared.

But just after he stood up happily, the air on the left side of the door was suddenly distorted, and two people appeared from the distorted force field, and a powerful but irresistible pressure was immediately enveloped. The entire courtyard.

I was able to release the protective force field to protect the little York in his arms, but when the young sergeant waited to see the dark, sturdy person in front of him, he hurriedly bowed to salute. "Master Vernal!"

Vernal, the commander of the Second Legion, who was still wearing the Legion standard half-length armor, nodded with a smile, and his tone was very gentle. "You handle the funeral of Casper?"

"Return your lord! Casper's funeral has been dealt with, and his subordinates are preparing to send Casper's son Little York to the clan secret area, and then the subordinates can return to camp immediately!"

"Well done, Casper is the strongest in your clan. It's a pity that he was too accidental... and a pity," said this as if to appease, but Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, turned his attention to He walked into the courtyard behind him, and asked as if casually. "Apart from your clan elders, who else has been here just now?"

"My lord! It was Lord Raymond who handed Casper's storage ring to Little York and a girl, but because Little York couldn't open the storage ring, he just left..."

After listening to the Second Army Commander Vernal, whose expression remained unchanged, his tone immediately returned to seriousness. "Okay, do your business and return to camp soon!"

The young sergeant who bowed to salute again immediately retired with the little York in his arms, and the Second Corps commander Vernal, who was standing at the gate, waited for the young sergeant to leave before turning around to release a place. After the isolation force field enveloped the area in front of the courtyard, he opened his mouth to the old man who was following him, who was covered in maroon and looked like weathered rock. "Frank. Are you sure that the person who appeared here just now was the murderer who killed Saliye?"

"Master Vernal, the old man is absolutely sure! It is the Sali Xie killed by the murderer who just appeared here, and his body still has the breath of Sali Xie's life stone!"

"Such a serious accusation is a bit difficult to handle. If it was Raimon who killed Sally, he was protected by Master Gracie. I am not Master Gracie's opponent..."

Hearing the sound, Frank knelt to the ground, crying hoarsely. "My lord, please call the shots! Sali Xie is the most talented person of our clan for thousands of years. If you fall into the realm of mirrors normally, there is nothing to say, but being killed by a living person is not acceptable to my clan! It takes all the power of the family to kill the murderer!"

Looking at Frank, who was crying and sad, the commander of the Second Army Vernal nodded slightly but chuckled. "Haha. The power of the clan is just for a murderer? Does your sandstone orcs have to do this?"

Frank, who was kneeling on the ground looking up at Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, had anger in his chest, but he couldn't vent his anger. After a while, he hung his head and spoke with sorrow. "Master Vernal, as long as you can give a little help, our clan vowed to kill this monster in order to comfort the heroic spirit of Salixie!"

Frank's attitude definitely made the smile in the eyes of Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, even stronger. But he turned his gaze to the shadow wall in the nearby courtyard, as if admiring the colorful paintings on that shadow wall.

Seeing Frank waiting patiently. My heart is getting heavier and heavier. His expression also became nervous.

However, Vernal, the commander of the Second Legion, who looked at the shadow wall, was not in a hurry. On the contrary, he seemed to be attracted by the patterns on the shadow wall, and he quickly started to watch it.

Frank, who followed behind him, was full of sorrow, but he dared not show the curse in his heart.

After a long time, Vernal, the commander of Frank's Second Army, who had been quietly observing Frank, finally turned around with satisfaction, and handed over a ball of memory light. "In that case. Then I will arrange for you after the supplies on the list are delivered, but everything needs to be done by your clan independently, there must be no leakage of information, otherwise there is no need for Master Gracie to pursue it. The captain will go first. Take care of it!"

At the end of the Second Army Commander Vernal's voice became cold and his expression became very sullen and determined. Frank, who was dumbfounded, couldn't help but shiver, but as a result, the memory ball quickly piled up on his face. Be grateful and bow to salute. "Thank you for your accomplishment, my sandstone orcs will definitely remember your kindness!"

Staring firmly at Frank's expression change, after a while, the shady bird on Vernal's face of the Second Army Commander turned into a smile, and the probing hand tapped Frank's shoulder twice, staring at his eyes and said softly. "Within three months, your goal will leave this frozen city, but there is only one chance, so don't make any mistakes!"

The expression of Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, was very relaxed, but the chill in his eyes made Frank's heart tight, and he promised that there would be no omissions.

Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, who did not speak any more, was very satisfied. He waved his hand and formed a space door beside him, and quickly disappeared when he stepped in.

Frank, who confirmed that Vernal had left the Second Army Commander, sighed, as if he suddenly aged a lot and sat staggeringly on the stone steps.

Staring blankly at the empty bluestone lane in front of him, Frank, as the patriarch of the contemporary sandstone orcs, was full of sorrow, but the expression on his face was still the deep sadness and sorrow he had before.

The most talented Saliye in the family has been killed by someone in the realm of mirrors. This shame for the entire family must be retributed, but although the murderer has been found, he wants to kill him. The price that needs to be paid is also a little too much...

Frank, who thought of this, extracted the information from the memory ball. Although the expression on his face did not change, he uttered an angry roar in his heart. "Vernal! Someday you will suffer retribution!"

But Frank, who knew he was not capable of fighting the strength of Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, finally laughed helplessly and turned his mind to how to make arrangements.

But when he calculated the strength of the two sides, he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged and helpless.

"It's not difficult to besieged the guy with the Chenxi level strength, but the guy who can integrate the semi-perfect top-level real body is comparable to the existence of the eighth rank. This is not what the seventh-order elders in the clan can handle..."

"The difference in ranks is difficult to make up with numbers. It is impossible to get a dozen elders for the revenge of Salixie, but when this guy merges with his real body, he will rely on the elders of rank seven in the clan. It is unrealistic to besiege him, so how can it be possible to besiege him..."

I was dazzled by hatred before, but now he has reached an agreement with Vernal, the commander of the Second Army, but in the end Frank discovered that the clan did not even have the ability to siege, UU read www.uukanshu. Frank, who was suddenly full of frustration at com, was stunned there, feeling mixed with all kinds of flavours in his heart.

After a long time, Frank stood up slowly, grabbed a crutch with a unique shape, and started walking outside along the bluestone alley in front of him.

Enmity must be reported, because the sandstone beast clan is established in this way, and the entire clan that allows the murderer to escape the law will lose cohesion and cannot survive in the harsh environment of this far north...

Since there is no possibility to change the goal, it means that the choice is reduced, and if the time is only one month to prepare, what needs to be considered at present is **** the murderer with the strength of the eighth rank after the fusion of the real body. , Although there are many powerful and powerful elders in the Sandstone Beast clan, it is not worth the gain to take revenge on the elders...

But the **** Vernal asked to execute on the strength of the clan alone. This is a bit of a headache. If he can't be supported, then asking for foreign aid is the only way, but who is willing to face a Tier 8 What about the capable guy...

The rhythm of the ‘Da Da Da’ that the cane prodded on the bluestone was chaotic, and the mood of Frank, the head of the sandstone orcs, also became confused...to be continued...)

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