
Chapter 992: Homesick

The sound like the whistling of the wind and the sound of breaking through the air are echoing between the world and the earth.

The soldiers of the Fourth Army who have passed the inspection of Yongye are marching toward the south in a neat line. They will appear at the outlet leading to northern Xinjiang in two weeks and launch a storm to open a safe passage through northern Xinjiang.

And Raymond and Willard, who stood on the third peak of the Ice Crystal Mountain Range, watched them go away, but they had a different mood.

Willard, with red eyes and a bit heavy aura, clenched her fists on both sides of her legs and looked very excited. Therefore, today is the day of the counterattack against Northern Xinjiang, and she firmly believes that the retake of Northern Xinjiang is just around the corner.

And Raymond, who stood beside her, didn't have any special feelings for the recapture of Northern Xinjiang, but he was deeply moved after witnessing the incomparable strength of the Fourth Army, and there was also a strange emotion in his heart. .

Eternal Night, which had been sleeping for more than three hundred years, awoke three days ago. According to the plan made by Meredith, when the vents through the far north and northern borders are retaken, the Second Army will also The rapid opening was used as the main force to counterattack northern Xinjiang.

It is expected that the two legions to be dispatched have more than 50,000 Nightmare Children whose strength is above the Dawn-level wizard, the commander of 2,000 Dawn-level strength, and the high-end battles dispatched by those forces attached to the Frozen City. Lei Meng was deeply shocked by the power data that suddenly appeared in front of him.

With only one-third of the combat power of the Frozen City, he has the strong confidence to counterattack northern Xinjiang. Although Yong Ye himself will not appear in the northern Xinjiang battlefield, according to Meredith’s speculation, this time The campaign to retake the Purple Plains, the Hurricane City, and the entire Northern Territory, and then drive all the Siths back to their original planes, will have full confidence.

Under the scorching sun at noon, the huge army of dark clouds that faded away. Finally about to disappear from sight, Willard let out a sigh after a long sigh. "Only one-third of Yong Ye's strength is equivalent to more than ten times the original strength of Northern Xinjiang. The end of the Sith is here..."

Raymond, who turned his face sideways, looked at Willard, who was so excited that his face was flushed. Smiled. "Among the people who came from Beijiang with Meredith, except for her mother and daughter and the sick beauty Misiah, it seems that you and I have not joined this battle. You Why are you not willing to step into Hurricane City in the first place and take back everything you lost?"

"Cut... I was not a native of the Nightmare World. After losing my beloved Ivry, the whole world is meaningless to me..."

The **** Willard was lost in vain. Lei Meng knew that she had made a mistake, but she smiled immediately afterwards, and after taking her skirt back two steps, she spun under Lei Meng's gaze. There was a silver bell of laughter. "It's okay, do you think such an image still fits my identity?"

The upper body was wearing a tight-fitting red leather armor, and under the slender waist was a white long skirt that fell on the ground. With Willard’s rotation, the flying skirt corners and the long purple hair that splayed out make Weiwei Ladd is like a gorgeous lily in full bloom. Aside from her slightly contrived expression, she looked like a pretty lady.

Seeing Willard's eyes have a wing of expectation, but his expression still has a trace of sadness, Raymond hesitated and laughed. "If you can get rid of your pretentious expression, it will have a little bit of a ladylike flavor. It's a pity that I haven't seen other dark elves, but there seems to be something missing for such a figure..."

Willard, who stopped spinning at the corners of the skirt, glared at Raymond and pouted, but the cuteness of her deliberately made Raymond feel even more weird, and his face could not help showing a jealous look. .

"I really don't have eyesight. The dark elves are known for their beauty. No matter how you get here, you won't get any appreciation..."

While speaking, Willard restored his original hearty appearance, and after thinking about it, he raised his hand to condense a ball of memory light and threw it directly to Raymond. "This is the plane data I exchanged from the Abyssal Beaver clan. They can't even pay for the broken art tool I repaired, so they can only use this to pay for it!"

"Abyss beavers? Could it be that they are so poor?"

"They were also captured from the abyss plane, just because they have some special abilities, so they are not reduced to the fate of being treated as food like a succubus. They always talk to me, the dark elves. There are still some sources, so...the resources exchanged for them are slightly more..."

Willard’s explanation also reminded Raymond of the old patriarch of the Abyssal Beaver. This race moved from the Far North West to seek refuge in the frozen city. These alien races want to survive in the far north of the nightmare world. , It is almost impossible to want to be independent, and it is fortunate for them not to become a slave or food.

Survival is not easy, but in many cases a choice must be made.

Thinking of the news that Willard said about the ‘asylum’, Raymond felt a little helpless for a while, not to mention that as Yong Ye wakes up from his slumber, the battle of plane plunder will not be too long.


As Yong Ye wakes up, he and Willard, who have not joined the ranks of the counterattack against Northern Xinjiang, can't always be under Gracie's protection, so the requirements Meredith made when they met yesterday , It must be carefully considered.

While thinking about it, the plane data in the memory ball thrown by Willard was stored in the chip. As the chip checked these plane data, Raymond, who received the chip alert, began to check it. .

Abyssal Beavers are a race with unique talents. Although they do not have the ability to shuttle between planes, they can locate their spatial location relatively accurately through the aura remaining on items taken from other planes.

The Wizarding Plane, the Abyss Plane, the Linghu Plane, the Bone Sea Plane...

There are dozens of plane information stored in the memory ball given by Willard. Among them, Raymond is familiar with the fairy plane and wizard plane. Unfortunately, only the general introduction is not specific. Space coordinates!

After being stunned, there was excitement, but then Raymond was confused and suspicious!

"As far as I know, all spatial coordinates are time-sensitive. According to the law that the plane is moving, it must be accurately positioned to be able to transmit in space, otherwise it is likely to enter the turbulent flow of time and space or even be inexplicable. In the gap of time and space, you can never return!"

Raymond's words made Willard give him a vicious look, and then she yelled. "Satisfaction! The Abyssal Beavers regard these plane data as wealth at the bottom of the box. If it weren't for the high value of the art tools I repaired for them this time, they would rather owe debts than reveal them!"

Willard's tone made Raymond a little puzzled, UU read www.uukanshu.com for a moment and asked. "Why do you want them to take out these plane coordinates as reward?"

"What else can I think about, this is the far north of the nightmare world. Although northern Xinjiang is likely to be quickly retaken, I myself want to pay some price to obtain this information, and I may be able to return to the abyss plane in the future to live. ..."

"Although the abyssal plane is a medium-high plane, it runs through the extreme **** plane. According to the introductions I have seen in the classics, survival there is even more difficult!"

"But there is always the birthplace of the dark elves. I always feel that I have been called there, so I will go back if I have the opportunity..."

Seeing Willard said solemnly, Raymond still asked pretentiously. "This... is it a feeling of homesickness?"

His gaze turned to the disappearance of the Second Legion in the distance, and Willard paused for a long time before he lowered his head and sighed. "Maybe...it seems to have a similar feeling..."

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