
Chapter 997: Trapped

"Take care!"

Raymond's solemnity caused the languid Willard to laugh out loud, glanced at him with a bit of resentment, and then muttered. "An, I'm also Chenxi-level strength anyway, self-protection is still no problem..."

"Be careful! You have never been to the abyss plane, even if you return to your clan, you need to be careful!"

Raymond once again urged Willard to produce a layer of water mist in Willard's eyes, and Willard stood in front of the door of the space with a slight hum, it smelled of speechless congestion.

There was sorrow and grief in his heart, but the elder Morrisian coughed lightly to signal that he should leave.

Raimon, who raised his hand at Willard, followed the elder Morrisian and quickly left the square, and the six Talismans who stood outside the square seemed ready. Under the sign of the Great Elder Morrisian, the entire rune formation was quickly activated.

Pang yet rich spatial energy gushes out from all over the talisman array, and the door-like phantom in the center of the square also quickly solidified, becoming like a door of space.

However, the rich energy engulfed everything above the square, and the appearance of the isolated force field located in the center of the square also made it impossible for Raymond to contact Willard.

The six talisman masters and the great elder Morrisian standing outside this square seemed to be mobilizing mana to activate the entire talisman formation, and Willard, standing in front of the gate of that space, was in the talisman formation After all the energies of's converged into the door of that space, he raised his hand at Lei Meng, then turned and stepped into the door of that space.

As if passing through a transparent water curtain, the afterimage of Willard entering it did not disappear for a while, but the faint grunt came from all around the square at this moment, and the thunder that immediately looked around Only then did Meng realize that the six Talismans had fallen to the ground. As if it was a lack of mana.

And the Great Elder Morrisian, who was standing not far from Raymond, also turned around with a tired expression. He seemed to have something to say, but in the end he spoke apologetically. "Master Raymond, please wait here for a while, the old man will send them to rest and then return!"

After that, the Great Elder Morrisian quickly appeared beside the rune formation divisions who fell to the ground. After lifting them up with spells, they left the square and quickly disappeared.

Standing in the same place, Leimen waited for a while and was looking for the great elder Morrisian, but the huge energy aura from all directions in vain caused his face to change instantaneously, and the protective force field was immediately released!

It was like an earthquake. There was a strong tremor in the empty city, followed by the collapse of buildings everywhere.

Only a line of sky could be seen above the head, which was instantly obscured by the light of the light yellow force field, which plunged the city in the canyon into darkness.

But the huge aura that came from all directions in the city quickly covered the entire square. And a kind of irresistible pressure was also placed on the shocked Lemmon, making him as if he was carrying the entire mountain range. Instantly lost the ability to move!

A strong feeling of heart palpitations struck. Without hesitation, he released the real Raymond, and instantly transformed into that bear-like appearance.

The huge body with a height of twenty meters instantly shattered the pressure applied to the body, and a single foot stomped on the ground accompanied by the appearance of the bang, and Raymond quickly lifted off.

But just after a few breaths, the city of the Abyssal Beaver tribe was completely unrecognizable, and the four huge black stone pillars rising from the four corners of the city had already stabilized.

There was a soft buzz. The energy beams emitted by the four stone pillars obliquely upwards are accurately docked just like building a void floating bridge, and after fusion, two twisted and dark energy beams are formed, crossing each other into a standard ``shape'' . And its intersection happens to be where Raymond is.

While Leimen leaped up, he was about to rush, but the throbbing on the top of his head from the twisted energy beam that was slowly pressing down on him made him feel cold and stifled for no reason. At the same time, his right hand clenched tightly and suddenly bombarded upward.

Suddenly the torn air made a screaming sound, forming a straight but violent shock wave. Even if it hit the center of the slowly depressing energy beam, what made him stunned was that the violent did not occur. The slightest movement disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea.

With his pupils shrinking, Raymond no longer tried to attack, but shook his figure and rushed in the direction where the Great Elder Morrisan disappeared.

But between these huge black stone pillars rising from the four corners of the city, an invisible barrier that cannot be detected by the naked eye has formed between each other, and Leimeng, who rushed out for a few minutes, crashed unsuspectingly. On top.

The huge body hits this indestructible but flexible invisible barrier like a bullet, but Raymond, who is fused with his real body, is immediately bounced off, staggering and retreating in the city's buildings. Knock down the building at your feet!

But at the center of the energy beam that was slowly pressing down on the top of the head, there was a thunderball-like gloom in the twilight, which twisted and turned several times in mid-air before hitting directly and hitting the thunder suddenly. Meng's back.

However, Raymond, who was bounced back by the invisible barrier film before, was not completely castrated. Although the body surface protection had withstood this strange attack abruptly, the effect of inertia caused him to knock down more than a dozen buildings. , Unexpectedly reappeared in the middle of the avenue leading to the square.

Although Leimen sinking in his heart was not injured, his failure to escape from the city and the attack formed by the energy beam above his head made him understand that this was the trap set against him.

The two energy beams in the sky were still declining with the sudden coercion, and after Raymond released his mental power, he found that there was some kind of invisible barrier between the four stone pillars rising from the four corners of the city. The shape is like an inverted bowl, completely isolating him from the outside world.

The body was slightly lowered, and Raymond, who casually looked for a direction, rushed over again, and the intersection of the energy beams above his head released another gloomy light as he began to move, which twisted strangely in the air. After turning and circling, it suddenly bombarded.

Leimen, who rushed forward in one direction, increased the strength of the protective field before the gloomy light and body, and his clenched right fist also faced the gloomy light, accompanied by a violent explosion. The emergence of this gloomy light was scattered by a blow by him.

But at this time, Raymond, who had appeared in front of the invisible barrier film, was hit by the force field film with his fist and once again suffered the impact of the rebound force. The invisible barrier film seemed to have a power reflection. As a result, the power that Raymond exerts on it will be fed back without any difference.

After understanding the reason, Raymond would naturally stop blindly attacking. The magical attack formed by the wave of the hand of Raymond who had stepped back ten steps directly hit the past.

However, this invisible barrier film that cannot be seen by the naked eye, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com revealed its shape at the moment of being hit, rippling a few ripples like a calm lake surface being thrown into stones, and then quickly recovered Calm, hidden in the air again.

The 8th-level single powerful spell that Raymond can release is released after the construction is completed, but the invisible barrier film that is slowly twisting toward the square, only flashes out of shape, and quickly disappears from his sight among.

When Leimen stayed in place, when the invisible barrier twisted towards the square and arrived in front of him, he immediately felt a soft but irresistible force, and he was forced to move towards the square.

After fusing the real body, Raymond’s strength has been raised to a shocking level, but it is still unable to withstand this thrust. In a moment, two marks reaching the depth of Misch were formed on this connection. !

And he was also surprised to find that when he stopped in place to attack the invisible barrier, the center of the energy beam above his head remained relatively still with him and did not launch any attacks, but as long as he 'S body begins to move, and that kind of weird gloom will immediately appear, suddenly bombarded... (to be continued.)


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