“I think you’re fine, and here I remind you.”

Lie on a slate, looking at Adier in front of him, a gray cat lifted its feet, then opened the mouth and said: “If it is not necessary, it is better not to go to the Southern Continent recently.”

After saying this, he closed his eyes directly, his furry body stopped moving, and he seemed ready to take a nap.

Looking at the gray kitten quietly in front of him, Adier stood up slowly, his eyes became a little dignified.

“Is it Southern Continent?”

He looked at the kitten in front of him, murmured to himself, and then continued to walk towards the market.

When he came out again, it was hours later.

“It seems that something really happened over Academy.” Adier’s face was a little dignified as he walked along the road.

Judging from the news in the bazaar, it is likely that Secret Realm has really been blocked by several wizarding organizations.

I do n’t know what happened in the Secret Realm. The reactions of several participating wizard organizations are very abnormal. Several Academy have already announced that they will be closed, and they seem to be preparing something.

“Anyway, I have to go back to Academy.”

Walking to the place where he tied his horse, Adier flashed a variety of thoughts: “Although Secret Realm is blocked, from the perspective of the wizarding organizations just closing the courtyard, it should not be too dangerous for the time being.”

“Furthermore, the resources to promote a formal wizard are only available in Academy. If you don’t go back, you won’t find any clues outside.”

Standing in place, he thought.

After leaving Academy for so long, especially after reaching the third-level apprenticeship criteria, he also tried to find resources to assist in the promotion, but without any news.

The resources of third-class apprentices are still like this, not to mention that the resources required for promotion of formal wizards are monopolized by the wizarding organization, and ordinary wizards simply cannot get it.

Adier is seventeen years old this year, and if he hasn’t been promoted to the full wizard before 40, the chance of promotion will become extremely slim.

He couldn’t stand it, so he had to go back to Academy.

“I have now reached the third-level apprenticeship criteria. As long as the resources are in place, I can start the promotion at any time.”

Standing in place, Adier thought to himself: “I’m not yet 20 years old, and I have a fourth-class qualification. In theory, it is very likely that I can reach a formal wizard, and it will be cultivated by Academy as the key seed of the wizard. Get a resource that impacts formal wizards. “

“In contrast, if I stay outside Academy, even if I can be promoted to third-level apprenticeship, the resources needed to promote a formal wizard are monopolized by those wizard organizations. It is extremely difficult to find enough resources for promotion, It’s a matter of luck! “

Thinking of this, he made a decision immediately, mounted the horse directly, and continued to rush to the direction of Academy.

As time passed, Adier got closer and closer to the Southern Continent where Academy was.

One morning a few months later, Adier came to a plain.

When he came here, he could not help frowning.

Through the keen Spirit, he felt something awkward. The content of some negative energy particles in the surrounding space seemed to increase a lot. He also felt a kind of uniqueness, which made him feel uncomfortable.

“The chip detects the surrounding environment and compares it with the last record.”

In his mind, Adier said to the chip.

In the area in front of him, Adier also walked once when he left Academy several years ago, and the chip in his head accurately recorded the environment at the time.

“Negative energy particles grow, and an unknown radiation force field appears in the air. Long-term exposure can have unknown effects …”

In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

At the sound of the chip, Adier frowned, then turned around without the slightest hesitation, ready to bypass this area and leave on other roads.


At this moment, there was a sudden noise in front, with a creepy rhythm, making the silhouette that Adier originally wanted to leave could not help but stagnate.

He looked towards the direction of the sound, beside a stream, a silhouette full of two meters rushed out quickly.

Paula …

A flash of light and shadow flickered, and then the sound of corroded flesh came, accompanied by the sound of the collision of the earth.

Adier stepped off the horse and walked forward, looking towards the huge silhouette that was hit by his spell.

It was a giant lizard, two feet long, with black scales that looked like they were covered in armor.

On the head of this giant lizard, there is a sarcoma that looks rotten, and there are many light green small insects that are constantly squirming and appear a little disgusting.

“Pollution species?” Adier frowned after looking at the giant lizard in front of him, after roughly checking it.

The so-called polluting species refers to an individual that is affected by various types of radiation pollution from a wizard, and often produces some kind of mutation.

This is what the giant lizard looks like. According to Adier’s observation, this giant lizard was obviously not what it is now, but in the end, there was a mutation, and forcibly became what it is now.

“Because of the radiation effects here?”

Looking at the giant lizard in front of him, feeling the inexplicable force field around him, Adier thought.

After a while, he mounted the horse again and walked quickly in the other direction.

Time started slowly passing.

A month later, in the distance, the shadow of Wlardo College was faintly visible.

“Boy, stand still!” A deep, hoarse voice sounded in his ear.

Walking to a huge iron gate, a black crow was standing on the iron gate, and a pair of pure black eyes stared at Adier.

Just now, Adier felt a little tingling in front of him, and was stabbed by a strong Spirit force.

Suddenly, Adier’s heart was afraid, and he didn’t dare to look up to continue to look at the other person’s eyes, but instead took out a black ring worn by the right hand.

“Sir, here are my mission credentials.”

He lowered his head and said to the black crow standing on the iron gate ahead.

Having said this, he lightly held his hand, and the black ring that had been put on his hand disappeared in a flash, floating in front of the other person.

“Yes, indeed, our Academy’s mission credentials.”

Taking a look at the black ring in front of him, the crow was nodded: “Your luck is good, if you come a few days later, the Academy will be completely blocked.”

While talking, the black ring in front of him rushed towards Adier and landed quietly in his hands.

Bang …

With a light sound, the huge iron door in front of it slowly opens, revealing the scene behind it.

“many thanks adults.”

Watching the door open, Adier thanked the crow, and quickly led the horse forward.

After entering the Academy, the silhouettes of the apprentices around were significantly fewer.

Adier noticed that the ordinary slaves used to handle chores in the Academy had all disappeared at this time, apparently they had not been replaced for a long time.

After continuing for several hours, Adier went straight to the underground market.

Apprentices walked around intermittently, but basically they were first-class apprentices, and silhouettes of second- and third-class apprentices were rarely seen.

Standing in situ and observing for a while, Adier found that the number of first-class apprentices around him remained basically unchanged compared to before he left, but the number of higher apprentices suddenly decreased.

This is why Academy ’s mandatory call is only for higher apprentices. For example, first-class apprentices are not as good as a Knight except for their intelligence and Spirit are higher than ordinary people. Naturally, there is no need to call, so basically all Survived.

However, the Secret Realm call at this time has ended, but the surrounding atmosphere has become more suppressed. It seems that something happened during this time.

Thinking of these things, subconsciously, Adier wanted to find someone to know the latest news in Academy, so he went directly to a few familiar places.

The final result made him a little surprised.

In a few familiar places around, the apprentices that Adier was familiar with are now not in there, and it looks like they have either died in Secret Realm or have not yet returned.

“It seems that I can only go directly to the mentor.”

Looking at the first class of apprentices passing by each and everyone around, Adier thought helplessly.

He walked out of this underground market directly, and after a period of time, quickly walked to the tower where Intis’ mentor was located.

When he came here, what made Adier sighed in relief was that, on the gate of the tower in front of him, a rune lit quietly, and it seemed that the owner was still inside.

After hesitating for a while, he walked directly.

As he walked forward, the familiar tower door detected the breath on him and automatically opened the door.

“Adier, are you back?”

Arriving at the upper level of the tower, Master Edith has walked to the hall.

She was wearing a white robe, and her wide sleeves swayed down quietly. At this moment, looking at Adier was a little surprised: “When I just felt your breath, I almost thought I had hallucinations.”

“Teacher Edith, you have no hallucinations.”

Looking at Edith in front of her, Adier smiled. “I’m back.”

“At this time, it’s okay to come back … if you want to come back for a while, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.”

Looking at Adier, Edith shook the head and shook his head at him: “A few of my apprentices, except you and another person, have either died in Secret Realm, or lived outside, until now did not return.”

“What happened?”

Standing in place, looking at Edith, Adier was a little puzzled: “When I was outside Academy, I heard that Secret Realm has now been blocked …”

“It’s not just Secret Realm. In fact, we have enclosed the entire Secret Realm, including the large area around Secret Realm, with large wizards.”

Listening to Adier’s doubts, it seemed to recall something, and Edith’s eyes became a little dim, and she opened the mouth and said directly.

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