In the spacious room, Lader was holding an iron cane in her hand and was slowly walking outwards, her back slowly away from Adier’s sight.

Standing in place, looking at the things in his hands, Adier nodded: “Although there are no two Chennai leaves, it can be worth switching to these things.”

Just now, he made a deal with Lader. In order to get the two gold leaves that were exchanged to Adier, the other side was also bleeding.

Some advanced knowledge about Bloodline transformation is not mentioned for the time being, and the most important one is the enchanted rune material, which can be used for research.

Under normal circumstances, these are difficult to obtain advanced knowledge, which can now be exchanged with two Chennai leaves, which is a very good deal for Adier.

“After going back, research the enchant rune information, it is best to use it immediately.”

Standing in place, Adier thought to himself: “Although the Heilong sword that has been used before is used smoothly, it will become less and less effective after reaching the third-level apprentice level, and it is necessary to strengthen it.”

The weapon he uses now is the Heilong sword given by Poria Earl when he was promoted to Knight. The entire blade is made by Black Fate Steel. It is a very good weapon for ordinary Knight and even Great Knight. The wizard’s eyes were nothing good.

After all, Black Fate Steel is a very rare material in the eyes of mortals. In the wizard’s eyes, it is just the basic alchemy material that’s all. In the Academy, you can buy a lot of magic stones, which is not a good thing at all.

The reason why I have been using this weapon is to use it smoothly. Moreover, Adier cannot find a better weapon alternative.

In the wizarding world, demonized weapons are rarer and more precious than ordinary Magic Transformed Item. Even if you see it occasionally in Academy, you ca n’t afford Adier unless you lose it.

“Exactly, this voyage will take at least one month and it can be used to study this information.”

Standing in place, after thinking about it, Adier also walked out of this room and returned to his room.

Time passed quickly.

After a few days, the ship came to another port.

At this point, the three Adiers each have different destinations and will soon be separated here.

Adier is on the same road as Lader, and the destination is the Baltic Islands generation. Crady, on the other hand, had to take a boat to some islands to the south and seemed to be investigating something.

They left each other’s mark and approximate address, ready to contact again in the future, and then separated from each other and went in different directions.

The ship continued to leave and left the port far away.

A month later.

In the morning, the sea breeze was blowing slowly, with a unique smell of the sea.

“Adier, it’s going to be here soon. How is it?”

Standing quietly on the deck, behind Lader’s voice came.

Behind Adier, Lader was in a white robe with an iron cane in his hand, his face was much better than before, and he looked younger.


Looking at Lader walking behind him, Adier said softly, “I left Baltic Islands at a very young age, and I don’t feel much about this place at at all.”

“What about you? How do you feel?” Standing in place, he looked at Lader and asked.

“Some emotions that’s all.” Silently came to Adier, Lader said with some emotions: “I left here at the age of twelve, and it is almost thirty years now. I have been in my hometown for less than three years. Stay outside most of the time. “

“It’s normal.” Adier nodded: “I heard from other wizards that there are very few resources in this area, and it’s normal for you not to stay here.”

“That’s true.” Listening to Adier, Lader felt deeply nodded: “The area of ​​Baltic Islands is too barren, there is no point of resources, and the wizards around are extremely poor.”

Hearing Lader’s words, standing in place, Adier suddenly thought of Ancient Armor City.

“It must be like that,” he thought, looking at the endless ocean ahead.

Standing in place, they talked for a while, then turned around and walked towards their rooms.

Soon, two days passed again. At noon, the ship started to dock slowly and came to a port.

At this point, Adier and Lader stepped off the ship and slowly walked away.

In the distance, after seeing the silhouette of Adier and Lader, a large group of people are quickly walking towards this place.

“Lader !!” A shout came from a distance.

In the crowd, a medium-sized man in a linen robe quickly walked towards Lader.

“Kegg, long time no see!”

Looking at the man who was walking fast in the distance, Lader also showed a smile on his face, and quickly walked forward, giving him a hug directly.

“Haha! It’s long time no see. It’s been more than three years since you last came back.”

Earlier, a middle-aged man named Kegg looked at Lader said with a smile.

“No way. It’s too far from Southern Continent. It’s too much trouble to get back.”

Listening to the other person, Lader had a bitter smile on his face, watching the other person explain.

“Come, let me introduce it to you.” After a while, he pulled Kegg to the side of Adier and smiled at them.

“This is Adier, like us, the same apprentice we went out here.” He looked at Kegg and explained.

Hearing Lader’s words, Kegg turned back and turned his attention to Adier.

Suddenly, he froze, and the Spirit force instantly felt the undisguised unique mana fluctuations on Adier in front of him, apparently reaching the level of the third-class apprentice.

Feeling this, and then looking at Adier’s young face, he couldn’t help but be surprised, then a very warm smile appeared on his face: “Welcome back to my hometown!”

“Thank you.” Looking at the warm smile on his face, Adier said with a polite smile on his face.

After introducing Adier, Lader turned to Kegg: “This is Kegg, and he is also a third-class apprentice.”

“He is the Elder of the Southern League of Nations, and is also the patriarch of a local wizarding family. In the future, Adier, if you need anything, you can ask him for help.”

“Speaking of which, Adier, your family should also be located in the southern countries.” Standing in place, paused, Lader continued to opened the mouth and said: “In this case, you can also be considered a wizard who was born in our southern countries, completely Can hold an Elder role in the Southern League. “

“Southern League?” Adier asked, puzzled, a little strangely.

“The so-called Southern League is the alliance of the southern nations. Basically there are some native wizarding families.” Looking at Adier, Lader shrugged: “You know, in fact, the royal families of many countries are basically some wizards. family.”

“Joining this alliance and serving as Elder in it is not too restrictive for you. Instead, it can be convenient for you to borrow the strength of the alliance to get some resources. Great benefit. “

“If that’s the case, then you can think about it,” Adier said, thinking for a while.

Organizations like the Southern League sound like a looser category. If conditions are acceptable, Adier wouldn’t mind joining them.

After all, he has left Academy and many resources will need to be found by himself. If he can integrate into the local wizarding circle, it will undoubtedly be more convenient.

“We will discuss the specific regulations later.”

Standing aside, Kegg smiled and said, “As for now, take part in the banquet we have prepared for you.”

After saying this, he said a word to the two, then took the lead and walked ahead.

“Lader Elder!” Several voices sounded ahead.

In the front of the welcoming team, several people wearing Chinese clothes, who looked like nobles, came to Lader and said respectfully.

In this regard, Lader is just nodded, and looks very indifferent, without the enthusiasm when he was with Adier and the others before.

After a quiet walk, they took the carriage and came to a manor deep in the harbor.

Entering the manor house, some aristocrats walked in from around one after another. When they saw Lader and Kegg, their faces were extremely respectful, without any aristocratic temper.

“Which is that lord?” A slight voice came from the side.

Silently beside Lader and Kegg, Adier’s face was calm and he walked quietly across the middle of the road, looking calm and natural.

His appearance was very good. At this time, he was wearing a moon-colored robe, and stood with the other two in the center of the sight of the surrounding people.

“Are they the descendants of Lader Elder and Kegg Elder?”

Aside, someone saw Lader and Kegg both side Adier, not help speculated.

“Have you ever seen that younger dare to stand side by side with Lader Elder and Kegg Elder?” A refutation came from beside him.

Listening to this, the nobles around were nodded.

The nobility has its own set of etiquette. The nobles who were qualified to meet Lader were basically higher nobles, and they paid more attention to this.

On the front central road, Adier is completely side by side with the other two. In a certain degree of etiquette, this means that Adier’s status is not lower than that of the other two, and it is a completely equal relationship.

“Is it …” It seems that something is coming to mind, and many nobles around him are in front of their eyes, and the look towards Adier can’t help but be a little hot.

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