Standing in front of the spacious laboratory door, thinking about the experiment just now, Adier was thoughtful.

After a while, he turned and walked towards the stone platform ahead, ready to continue the experiment just now.

A month later.

With a squeak, the closed door of the room was opened from the outside, and several guards walked in directly from the outside, watching Adier’s expression of respectful expression: “Master Adier, someone is here.”

“Let them come in.”

Standing in place, listening to the voice of the outside guard, Adier nodded.

Several guards retreated, and after a while, the sound of crutches touching the ground came from outside.

Elwah wore a red robe, her left sleeve was empty, and her right hand supported a wooden crutch.

His hair looked messy, and his complexion looked as if he hadn’t slept in a long time. But after seeing Adier at this time, there was still a happy look in his eyes: “Adier, is it okay?”

Standing on the test bench in the room, listening to Elva, Adier nodded.

Looking at Elva standing behind, he walked directly to the wooden cabinet aside and took out a bottle of blue potion from it.

“Drink this bottle of medicine and lie down.”

Looking at Elva, Adier opened the mouth and said.

“This …” Looking at the pale blue potion Adier handed over, Elva hesitated for a while, and drank it.

After drinking, he placed the glass bottle on a wooden table aside, then walked straight forward and lay on the spacious stone platform.

Under Adier’s gaze, a fierce tiredness came from his body, making his eyelids a bit heavy, and he could not help closing them slowly.

In just a few minutes, he fell directly into a deep state of sleep, completely losing his sense of everything outside.

Looking at this scene, Adier nodded.

The upcoming remodeling operation will be very stressful for the person being transformed. If they go to bed directly, it will be more convenient for the transformation.

“Bring the things you prepared before and take off his clothes by the way.”

Standing in place, looking at Elva, who had slept to death on the stone platform, Adier slightly opened the mouth and said.

Listening to Adier’s words, a few guards in leather armor walked forward and took off Elva’s clothes as Adier ordered.

“Chip, turn on assist mode.”

After everything is ready, standing in front of the stone platform, Adier is instructed against the chip in his head.

At a moment, a lot of data appeared in his mind, and a detailed image of the human body structure was constructed in front of his eyes.

“let’s start.”

Looking at the unconscious Elva in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, and he went directly to open a few mouths on Elva, and kept the blood on Elva out.

This is preparing for a Bloodline replacement.

For Adier, it is not too difficult to change an arm of an ordinary person, but it will be a little trouble to fully recover Elva’s body.

Through the detection of the chip, many organs of Elva within the body have been permanently damaged, and many places have lost their vitality.

If you want to recover, although Adier’s current ability is not impossible, it is too troublesome and it takes a long time to nurse. It is better to perform Bloodline transformation directly, not only can the original internal injury be cured during Bloodline’s transformation of the body, but also a new Strength can be obtained.

With the previous experimental experience and the assistance of the chip, Adier’s surgical transformation was smooth this time, and no problems occurred after most of the time.

“The arm has been connected, and after rejection has been ruled out, it has begun to regain its activity … After that, the Bloodline transformation process is still a bit troublesome.”

Standing in front of the stone platform and watching Elva’s body reaction through the chip at all times, Adier was calm and took a small glass bottle while whispering to himself.

In the glass bottle of ordinary people’s middle finger, the turbid liquid of light silver flows quietly in it, exuding a kind of silver luster.

These silver liquids have a very unique nature, like living life, but just staring silently, all have a Bloodline majesty passed into their minds.

This is the Bloodline purified by Bronze Behemoth. It has not been used since Adier was acquired, and now it is finally taken out.

“Unfortunately, the Bloodline of the Plateau Giant has lost its activity. Until now, there is no way to activate it. Otherwise, in the case of Elva, using the Plateline Giant’s Bloodline is undoubtedly more suitable.”

Standing in place, looking at the test tube emitting a pale silver light, Adier said with some pity.

Anyway, Elva is his former friend. Unlike the experimental subjects, naturally he can’t fool the Bloodthirsty Orc’s purified Bloodline.

But in addition to the Bloodline of Bloodthirsty Orc, there is only a bit of Bronze Behemoth and the Plateau Giant’s Bloodline left in Adier’s hands.

In these two types of Bloodline, the plateau giant Bloodline is extracted from the bones, because after experiencing too long, most of the activity has been lost, and it cannot be used before the activation activity, so it is naturally impossible to use it here. Therefore, you can only use Bloodline purified from Bronze Behemoth within the body.

“The chip, based on the target’s affordability, simulates the degree of Bloodline conversion.”

Looking at the light silver test tube in his hand, Adier instructed the chip in his head.

“As soon as the mission is established, start to compare the database …”

“The simulation is over, according to the database data comparison … The expected maximum Bloodline conversion rate is 0.23% …”

After a while, the sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded again.

“Such a low conversion rate?”

At the sound of the chip, Adier was surprised.

The so-called Bloodline conversion rate refers to the proportion of a certain Bloodline within the body.

With some Bloodline knowledge and hands-on experiments during this time, Adier understands. For the transformation of Bloodline, each life has its own limit of endurance. Once the limit of its own endurance is exceeded, it is not only likely to die directly, but will also be transformed into other creatures.

Take Adier’s previous experiments as an example. If a stronger ordinary person transplants Bloodthirsty Orc’s Bloodline, then once the degree of transformation exceeds 20%, the body will inevitably transform towards Bloodthirsty Orc, not only its own skin will become the blood gray of Bloodthirsty Orc, but the body will also Constantly grow taller, showing some degree of animalization symptoms.

But if the Bloodthirsty Orc Bloodline was transplanted by a Knight, then because Knight itself has a stronger bearing capacity, the proportion of this Bloodline conversion can be increased.

However, the higher the conversion rate of Bloodline, the greater the Bloodline bonus you can get after conversion.

“After 1,700 simulation comparisons, 96.7% of the transplanted Bloodline may be Silver Behemoth Bloodline …” At this time, the sound of the chip in his mind sounded again.

Listening to the sound of a reminder in his head, Adier froze before he responded: “Organize the database and bring up Silver Behemoth’s data!”

“As soon as the mission is established, start to compare the database …”

“Silver Behemoth, Level 2 creature, with ancient creatures-part of the Bloodline of the primitive beast giant beast, the adult body is one 100 meters tall, has a strong physical strength, and can compete with Level 2 wizards …”

“According to thirteen books including Bloodline’s book, Beamon’s scroll, and other world notes … Beamon was born among the orcs, and Bloodthirsty Orc combined with a small chance to give birth to Bronze Behemoth giant beast, Bronze Behemoth’s Silver Behemoth giant beast is born with a small chance between them, and Golden Behemoth giant beast is born with a small chance between Silver Behemoth “…”

“What is the minimum chance?” Adier asked subconsciously, listening to the cue of the chip machinery in his head.

“Exclude false information … According to the true records of the thirteen materials, the probability of the birth of Bloodthirsty Orc combined with Bronze Behemoth is one in 10,000, the ratio of Bronze Behemoth combined with Silver Behemoth is one in five hundred thousand, and the probability of Silver Behemoth combined with Golden Behemoth Unknown … “In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

Listening to this chance, Adier corner of mouth twitching, a little speechless: “Such a low success rate … no wonder no wizard has heard any ideas about orcs.”

“If you really want to get a higher Bloodline in this way, I’m afraid you’ll die first.”

Thinking of this, Adier looked at the silver Bloodline in his hand, and thoughtfully thought to himself, “However, if the Bloodline purified through the chip has reached the level of Silver Behemoth, then the conversion rate is so low. . “

The higher the Bloodline, the stronger the pressure on the lower Bloodline.

Erhua itself is just an ordinary person. Although he has Knight qualifications, he does not at all activate Life Seed. When the body is emptied by wine and wounded, the bearing capacity may be worse than that of ordinary person. In the face of creatures like Silver Behemoth, it’s impossible to change too much.

“But even if it is only a little conversion, it should be enough.”

Settled down, looking at Elva lying quietly on the stone platform, Adier thought.

Silver Behemoth after all is comparable to Level 2 wizard’s creatures. Even if only a little Bloodline is transplanted, the Strength contained in it is enough to make an ordinary person shed the body and exchange the bones. Healing Elva should not be a problem at all.

Thinking of this, he continued to look at Elva on the stone platform in front of him.

On the stone platform, the Bloodline transformed Wizard Array is fully lit, and Erwa is pale. At this moment, he is lying on it quietly, and it seems that he has no sense of the outside world.

Looking at Elva, Adier opened the bottle with a silver luster in his hand, and carefully sprinkled the thick liquid of silver on the stone platform.

As if activating the life thing, the Bloodline on the stone platform transforms into the Wizard Array and emits a burst of light, which is brighter than before.

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