“What about the rest?”

Standing on the aisle, with the zealous gaze of Zide Mu’s eyes, Adier ran away several mutants, then looked at Zide Mu and asked.

“We were suddenly raided by these people before. Several people were injured and now we are lying in the room.”

Looking at Adier, Zide had a moment in his heart, he couldn’t help but put away the long sword in his hand, and reported to Adier.

“Well, good job.”

Adier nodded, looked up behind.

The rain outside is still raining, accompanied by thunderbolt from time to time, but at this time there are already signs of getting smaller. The winds of all around are still whistling, blowing away the gathered bloody air.

“The rain stopped almost, and as soon as it dawned, we left immediately.”

Looking at the sky outside, Adier opened the mouth and said.

the next day.

When the outside sky was lit, the rain almost stopped.

Adier asks several guards to pick up luggage, and then, led by Bonnie and Brand, slowly searches for the rest of the town.

Each of those mutants is a weird trumpet. The Strength that can be obtained after killing is not small. Adier has each one and is not ready to waste.

There were two locals leading the way, and the process went well. Finding seven or eight a fish that escaped the net was a success.

In the process, Adier also found the little girl named Amy before.

She had been hiding under a wooden bed in a small room last night and was not found by anyone. She only came out during the day and happened to be discovered by Adier.

After thinking for a while, Adier decided to take her away.

After last night’s assassination, the town has completely become a dead town, and there are still weird residual radiation effects around it. It is just such a little girl that leaving it in this town is no different from murder, it is better to be direct Bring back to the manor for resettlement.

In the case of no interest, Adier is willing to help.

After searching the whole town and confirming that there was nothing to gain, Adier merged with Zide, rode the horse directly, and quickly left the town.

Leaving the town, they did not follow the originally prepared route, but chose the return trip directly.

This is what Adier decides.

The purpose of his trip this time was to search for some forbidden places and see if he could find some weird things in it to accelerate his Spirit.

But in this small town, he has learned a lot. Not only has he slaughtered the mutants for a while, but he has also killed two weird heads. It is enough for the final accumulation. Naturally, there is no need to go to the forbidden areas that do not know the truth one’s luck.

In addition, this time coming out of the town, Amy and Bonnie were also next to them. It would be a bit inconvenient to continue to move forward.

Walking on the road, walking on the softened land after the rain, Adier led the team and continued to walk in the direction of the return journey.


More than two months later.

In a luxuriously furnished room in the manor, Adier opened his eyes and ended this meditation.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 14.8. Agility: 15.4. Constitution: 15.2. Spirit: 11.4.”

In front of the eyes, the familiar attribute panel emerges, putting the physical data in front of you clearly.

“In more than two months, I completely digested the two newly obtained Crystal Nuclei, and finally reached this point.”

Sitting up in bed and looking at his physical data, Adier was satisfied with nodded.

It has been more than two months since I left the town.

For more than two months, after Adier digested the two newly obtained Crystal Nuclei, he suddenly pulled his body to the current level.

Leaving aside other data, only Spirit is the most important value for the promotion of a formal sorcerer. At this time, the promotion standard has been reached. If it is not pressured by Adier, the promotion can be started at any time.

A large amount of random around, Adier walked to a glass mirror in the corner of the room, staring at his appearance.

In the pure glass mirror, a handsome, dark-eyed teenager emerged, with a little silver hair mixed in a black hair. The whole person looked calm and confident, with a bright temperament and charm.

Looking at the silhouette in the mirror, Adier was calm and unresponsive.

It really counts, he is almost nineteen years old at this time, but still looks like a teenager of 16-17 years in appearance, and there is almost no change compared with the past.

This should be the effect of elf bloodline in the half of the body. Compared with ordinary person, the elf race has a longer life. Even ordinary elf can live to 120 years, and in adolescence, elf is much longer than human.

If nothing else, this image of Adier will last for a long time, and it will not change until the twenties.

But Adier doesn’t care about this.

“The chip, based on my current body data, with the help of thorn tree sap, simulates the success rate of being promoted to a formal wizard!” Standing in place, Adier instructed the chip in his head.

“Task creation … Extract database data … Start simulation …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

“The end of the simulation … It is expected that the promotion success rate of the official wizard will be 79.1% …” It didn’t take long before the sound of the machinery sounded again.

“Such a low success rate?” Adier frowned at the cue of the Chinese and Western chips in his head.

The chance of promotion is actually not low. Having more than half of them is likely to be promoted successfully. In the case of other apprentices, I am afraid I will wake up with a smile.

But for Adier, this success rate is indeed a bit low.

He is a rarely seen fourth-class qualification. As long as he meets the promotion conditions and has a promotion resource, the chance of promotion can reach about half. Not to mention his physical data is so powerful, I am afraid that the strength of the body alone is not even comparable to some formal wizards, and the vitality in it is naturally not comparable to other apprentices and apprentices.

The stronger the vitality the apprentice has during promotion, the higher the chance of success.

In addition to vitality, Adier’s Spirit also greatly exceeds the promotion standard. With so many good conditions piled up, the chance of promotion is actually less than 80%, which is indeed a bit low.

“You can also wait. The promotion of a formal wizard has only the best chance of success for the first time. You must ensure that the promotion is as successful as possible.”

Standing in front of the glass mirror, Adier thought calmly: “It seems that the drop of spirit medicine should still be made.”

During this time, apart from the improvement of physical fitness, in other aspects, he did not gain anything.

The alternative formula of the drop of spirit medicine has been simulated. The reason why it is not refining during this time is not that Adier does not want it, but the material is very troublesome.

The new drop medicine formula can be replaced by the materials of this world in most of the materials. Many things are easy to find, but there are also several materials, which are also scarce in this world and are difficult to find. Kind of.

Among them, a medical ingredient called dead spirit grass is one of them.

Dead spirit grass, this is an extremely rare thing. In this world, it only grows in a large number of cemeteries, or some places where the forbidden grounds are located. It is a very rare thing.

This thing is very toxic. Once an ordinary person eats it, it will immediately produce an extremely strong hallucination. Finally, it will die in a frenzy, and it has always been regarded as a poison in this world.

In a forbidden area before, Adier had also obtained some of these things, but unfortunately they were not many in number and were used by him long ago.

“It seems you can only ask Thor while they send someone out to inquire.”

Pushing open the door of the room, Adier thought as he walked.

Compared to his outsider, Thor, the local nobles, is a local tyrant, and it is much more convenient to find things than Adier.

Moreover, dead spirit grass is a very toxic, concealed and extremely powerful poison in this world, maybe there are some aristocratic collections.

With this in mind, he went to another room, picked up a pen and paper, and prepared to write to Thor, asking him to help find it.

After sending the news out, some good news came soon.

After Adier promised to use the crimson blood, and some other things in exchange, Thor immediately gave Adier a few dead spirit grasses in his castle, and promised to continue to help Adier find them.

Sitting on a wooden chair in the living room, looking at a black box passed by the messenger, Adier reached out to take it, and opened it.

As soon as the black wooden box was opened, a unique aroma came out immediately, which was startled by Spirit.

In the wooden box, several black dead spirit grasses are lying quietly, because the water has been evaporated for too long, and the water has started to dry out.

Sitting on a wooden chair, smelling this unique fragrance, looking at several black dead spirit grass in the wooden box, Adier could not help smiling.

Although the dead spirit grass in front of me is not too much, it is enough to make drops of spirit medicine. As long as luck is not too bad, it should be able to make a finished product.

Keeping the messenger in front of him, holding the black box in his hand, Adier turned and walked towards his laboratory.

After a while, he returned to the familiar laboratory, walked directly to the test bench, and lowered the wooden box in his hand.

In the laboratory, there are many things that are specially collected by Adier. Many of them are the raw materials required for the drop of Spirit Medicine. At this time, they have been processed without Adier’s extra effort.

Quickly put the materials on the simple test bench, and after adjusting his condition, Adier began to refine.

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