“In fact, in addition to being a blood wizard on the battlefield, there is another method that is more feasible.”

Standing in the room, hugging his grandson, Terence suddenly spoke.


His words stunned Adier, who could not help but look towards him, with some questions in his eyes.

However, in the face of Adier’s inquiry, Terence did not continue, but turned the style, opened the mouth and said: “Is there really no way to completely cure Bloodline’s disease of my grandson?”

He looked at Adier with a little expectation in his eyes.

Interrupted by the other side, Adier frowned, but still spoke, somewhat helplessly said: “Bloodline’s disease is complicated, and you must know it. But with my current ability, there is really no way to do this.”

His words were not excuses, but really helpless. If he has a way to cure Bloodline’s disease, he will definitely speak up if conditions permit, in exchange for more benefits.

Bloodline disease is an extremely complicated mechanism, strictly speaking. This is like the outbreak of unfavorable factors contained in Bloodline, just like very few people in humans are naturally weak and easily get sick.

Within the body For people with an ancient Bloodline, once the Bloodline within the body is thinned to a certain range, the Bloodline within the body may be tempted to produce mutations, and eventually cause Bloodline to begin to collapse and begin to have problems with the body.

In view of this Bloodline disease, Adier’s achievements in Bloodline knowledge have only found a few ways.

The most direct way is, of course, to transform Bloodline again, to bring new Bloodline power to within the body, so that Bloodline that becomes thinner within the body becomes richer again, and Bloodline disease will naturally disappear.

However, this method has long been impossible in this era.

In the current wizarding world, Mora Earth Dragon has long since disappeared. Even if it exists, it must be in an unknown corner and cannot be easily found.

And even if you can really find a living Mora Earth Dragon, Mora Earth Dragon is an adult whose strength is comparable to that of a Level 3 wizard, and in the end, who kill who is really uncertain.

Apart from this most conventional insurance method, there is only one way to stabilize the near-collapsed Bloodline chain.

There are many ways to stabilize the Bloodline chain, whether it’s a powerful wizard or a potion.

Adier’s previous method is a method derived from the chip.

The Bloodline of Silver Behemoth is used as the raw material, and some of the characteristics of Beamon Bloodline are exerted through the refining method of Bloodline medicament, which is used to neutralize the Bloodline disease on the other side and achieve the effect of stabilizing the Bloodline chain.

Although this method is effective, it can only last for a period of time. After the potion expires, the Bloodline chain will collapse even faster.

“In his current situation, even with my potion, it can only last for four or five years.”

Standing in place, looking at the little boy in his arms, Adier shook his head: “It’s too difficult to find a way to cure Bloodline in such a short period of time. It might be better to let him get married early so that Bloodline will not be completely cut off. “


Listening to Adier, Terence didn’t say much, and sighed a long time later: “Think again, if I haven’t found any solution in two years, I will take him to find a place to settle down … “

“Do you still have the potions you used before?”

After a while, he looked up and looked at Adier.

“There are still a few, but there are not too many.”

Adier shook his head and looked at him.

“Leave it all to me.” Terence opened the mouth and said.

“It depends on what you can offer.”

At last, Adier finally smiled.

“Rest assured, you will be satisfied.”

Looking at Adier, Terence also smiled on his face: “I said before that if you want to get the magic crystal, it is the most direct way to go to the battlefield to make military achievements. But in addition to this method, there is another way The method is also very good to get the magic crystal. “

“any solution?”

Looking at the expression on his face, Adier asked.

“Go explore the ruins.”

Facing Adier’s eyes, Terence said directly, “You should have also seen many records about ancient wizards. Our current wizard civilization is actually built on the ruins of ancient wizards.”

“Established on the ruins, although our inheritance has a fault, but after many years of development, it has also developed our own things, such as purified medicine is one of them.”

“Although there were similar things in the ancient wizarding period, not at all invented a purification agent using magic crystals as raw materials. In that era, magic crystals existed only as a more precious currency than magic stones. Discover its value as a raw material for purified pharmaceuticals. “

Having said that, a smile appeared on his face: “Also for this reason, among the relics of ancient wizards, some of the remaining magic crystals can often be found.”

“Like the previous Southern Continent ruins, although there was danger in the back, some people on the Early Stage also found a lot of magic crystals. It is said that they were divided up by several wizarding organizations involved at the time.”

“This is a way.”

Standing in place, listening to Terence’s words, Adier’s eyes first brightened, and then he frowned: “But the ancient ruins can not be encountered casually. It is really difficult to find a ruin that has not been patronized by others. too big.”

“It’s going to involve us in the next deal.”

The smile on Terence’s face didn’t change, and now he looked confident: “I just had an address of the ancient ruins in my hand. I accidentally discovered it a few years ago and has not been patronized.”

“As long as you are willing to give me the potion in my hand, I will give you what I have in my hand, including a map of the ruins.”

Listening to this, Adier lowered his head slightly and began to think about the gains and losses.

It took a long time before he looked up, with a smile on his face: “The deal.”

Listening to Adier’s answer, Terence’s face also smiled with satisfaction.

A transaction was quickly concluded.

After sending Terence away, sitting on a wooden chair in the room, Adier looked at the two things on the wooden table and lost his thoughts.

At this point on the wooden table was a map and a bronze-colored signboard, which Terence said was obtained with the map, which was given to Adier together.

“Is the cold mountain range … Anyway, find a chance to see it.”

Sitting on a wooden chair and looking at two things on the wooden table, Adier muttered to himself.

After a while, he put away the two things on the wooden table and went out.

Outside the door, a cool wind blew, making Spirit unconsciously relaxed a lot.

Facing the cool breeze, Adier wrapped in a robe of Phnom Penh, set his mind slightly, and looked toward the inner city.

With yesterday’s experience, the chip has already fully recorded the distance it has traveled before, and at this time it has no strangeness yesterday.

Soon he came to a hall.

Shimmers of light are constantly lit around, with the fluctuations and fluctuations of energy particles, and it looks very soft and beautiful.

each and everyone Dressed wizards walk here, bringing a little life to this spacious place.

“Sir, what business do you want to do?”

Walking to the counter in front, a beautifully dressed blond female apprentice immediately walked up and asked Adier enthusiastically.

She wore a red tight robe, her plump figure was extremely hot, and with her blond hair and nice face, it was very attractive to some people.

“I want to take some tasks.”

Gently glanced at the female apprentice in front of her, Adier opened the mouth and said.

“Please come with me.”

Listening to Adier’s words, the smile on the female apprentice’s face did not change, and she took Adier directly to the side.

In a corner, a huge stone slab was standing there, and there was a flicker of Spirit waves on it, making Adier helpless.

He extended Spirit’s power, and in a flash, a lot of handwriting appeared in front of him, with the task of each and everyone on it.

Although most of these missions were issued by scattered wizards, many were issued by nearby wizarding organizations.

In the Northern Section Plains, because there are many more wizard organizations, there is also much more communication between them.

For example, this West Wind City is actually jointly established by many wizarding organizations around it, and the benefits are shared.

If there are any problems in the wizarding organization that are not easy to solve, they will also post tasks here to let other wizards outside help.

“found it.”

His gaze was constantly scanning on the slate in front of him. At a certain moment, Adier’s eyes suddenly flashed.

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