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How to use the dier tool? 0

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However, it is no wonder that the owners of these things are basically some apprentices. There is not even a formal wizard. Naturally, there cannot be too many good things.

After packing his things, Adier turned to look away, looking towards the open area ahead.

After observing for a while, he walked straight forward.

A little light shone quickly, and then disappeared.

On Adier’s neck, a faint force field emerged, ripples in the surrounding space.

This is a distorted force field, which was self-excited before blocking something.

“Just then, if you hit an ordinary wizard, it’s enough to kill a second-class apprentice.”

Feeling the pressure from the moment, Adier glanced forward and looked forward: “It’s weird here.”

Ahead, as he walked in, the originally flat road began to change, and became a black river directly.

In the river of black, an extremely disgusting smell emerged, making a sense of disgust in the heart, instinctively trying to destroy everything in front of him.

“An abnormal force field fluctuation was detected …” At this moment, the sound of the chip in his head came again.

Time and Space seems to be at a standstill. At this moment, all the surrounding World has become black.

The dense flowers around it also started to turn black, with a bunch of human faces growing on it, and at this moment all looked at Adier.

Deep Spirit pressure struck, and Adier felt a pain in Spirit in his head, and the world around him suddenly returned to normal.

“This is … Spirit?”

Standing in place, his breath became a little disordered, and he was standing there panting, but his face was calm.

He looked towards the front again, seeing the flat ground in front, and the conspicuous flowers around him, everything seemed so calm and beautiful.

After calming down the turbulent breath, Adier continued to move forward, and finally came to a small wood house.

This is a large black wood house. The whole looks like iron and wood casting, but it looks very worn and has a thick layer of dust on it.

Going down the road to the front, Adier came to the door of the wood house and nudged his arm slightly.

On the arm, a unique sense of touch came, and the door in front of him was much heavier than expected, which made Adier feel a little surprised.

Looking at the slightly trembling door in front of him, he strengthened his hands and continued to push forward.

With a squeak, the front door opened in response, revealing the scene inside.

The first thing that came into my eyes was a hall. Because of the darkness at this moment, it looked dark and could not see the specific scene.

Looking at this dim scene, Adier moved his mind. Around him, a little bit of energy particles began to gather, condensed into each and everyone light groups, emitting a faint light, and illuminating the surroundings.

Adier saw the scene in the room.

In the dilapidated hall, old and dilapidated furniture are everywhere, and in front of it is a large wooden table and a skull wearing a black robe. Even if it has died for many years, the body still emits a weak radiation response.

In front of the black robe skull, there was a book with a black cover, and a quill.

After walking to the front and confirming that there is no problem, Adier took the worn-out book in his hand and opened the first page directly.

The yellowing is that after the pages of the book have been opened, lines of scribbled handwriting are revealed, looking a bit messy.

The text is written in a language called Mora. As for this book, it should have been specially processed, even after decades, the handwriting above is still very clear.

“Sorry … child … I can’t save you …”

“Maybe if I can be promoted to a formal wizard …”

“Everything is ready, this time it will be successful!”

“I failed again … but no one came to save me this time …”

“It’s a pity … inheritance of the cold mountain range …”


In the books, lines of scribbled handwriting are revealed, looking like an essay diary.

From these sporadic content, it can be speculated that from the identity of the diary master, it should be an apprentice who failed to attack the formal wizard twice.

However, what made Adier care is that at the end of this diary, there are some descriptions and records of the cold mountain range.

“Inheritance of the cold mountain range …”

Looking at the record of the cold mountain range in the diary, Adier was a bit surprised: “This apprentice knew decades ago that there are the remains of ancient wizards on the cold mountain range? Is there anything even clear in it? “

Adier also learned about the ruins on the cold mountain range from Terence. He didn’t know what was there. He just wanted to go there and try one’s luck that’s all.

However, the description in this diary has given Adier a little more emphasis.

Those who can qualify as inheritance must have a lot of advanced knowledge for inheritance, even magic templates. If it was the inheritance of the ancient wizard, the value would be immeasurable.

“If there is an ancient wizard inheritance in the cold mountain range, then this time you must get it anyway.”

Looking at the diary in his hand, Adier thought a lot of thoughts, and then put away the diary in his hand and put it in the package behind him.

In the spacious living room, several light clusters are still shining, and the low light everywhere illuminates the surrounding area.

Along these faint lights, Adier stepped aside and prepared to search in the living room to see if there were any unexpected gains.

It’s been two hours after I searched it completely.

To Adier’s disappointment, not at all left too much in the entire wood house. After all, after decades, most of the things have been decomposed, except for the magic stone and some materials, there is nothing left.

After confirming that there was no more harvest, Adier stepped out of the wood house and slowly walked in the previous direction.

Walking under the iron tree before, the sound of a sword collision kept ringing. Three groups were facing each other, looking at each other two shining fruits hanging on the iron tree, with longing in their eyes.

Speaking of which, they will face each other here, in fact, also has a responsibility of Adier.

Knight, who would choose to venture to the Moonlight Garden to find the fruit of the moonlight, mostly has some problems. It is not difficult to activate Life Seed because of his body, or he is too old to complete the promotion by himself. last step.

Originally there were three ripe fruits on the iron tree, which were enough for the leaders of these three groups, but now one of the fruits was picked by Adier, leaving only two fruits on the tree.

This is destined that only two people can achieve the goal, and the last person naturally will not be willing, so they immediately confronted each other and are still in negotiations with each other.

Looking at the three men, Adier shook his head, his twisted force field opened up, completely covering his breath, and then he went out quickly, without paying any attention to their thoughts.

On the outside, all the luminous mushrooms, which were originally full of forests, were almost gone, leaving only a small amount of glimmer still flashing, bringing a little light to the dim night.

Looking around, Adier walked directly in the direction it came from, and quickly returned to town.

the next day.

But when it was just getting bright, Adier stepped out of his room and out of the hotel.

Outside, the driver was already waiting in the carriage, and now he saw Adier coming out, with a respectful expression on his face: “Lord!”


Looking around casually, carrying a parcel in his hand, Adier took the carriage and opened his mouth to the driver.

A horseshoe sounded in place, and with the driver’s a light shout, the carriage slowly moved forward, heading for an unknown distance.


After more than a week.

“Lord, we’re almost there.”

Walking on a small path, the driver in front turned back and said, “When you reach the small town in front, the surrounding mountain range is around.”

“Working hard.”

A gentle voice came from the carriage.

After a while, Adier stepped out of the carriage and sat directly on the side of the driver, looking at the surrounding scenery.

There is a small town in front of it, but compared with the previous Yefeng Town, this town looks a lot more downcast. Not only can’t you see many caravans passing by, even the surrounding roads are very rough.

In the distance, there are mountains of trees, tall trees everywhere, and mountains, which are all part of the cold mountain range.

Before coming here, Adier had explored some information about the cold mountain range.

The so-called cold mountain range is actually a large area. If you talk about the area lightly, it is already worth less than half a province.

Because of the mountain range isolation, the road here is very difficult, and the surrounding residents are mostly poor. Few people will come here except for some caravans that buy mountain goods and animal skins.

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