“It’s ok.”

Looking at Thor in front of them, Adier shook his head, said with a smile.

He promises to accept this unborn child as a student, largely because of the innate talent that the child now shows.

Just one month of pregnancy can have such a strong vitality. This child’s innate talent is probably very amazing, which made Adier think of accepting a student.

If, for this reason, Adier also promises to take care of each other, but at most it is to take care of it and put it into a mortal family to be a nobleman. There will never be any extra thoughts.

“It looks like you have a great time in this place.”

Walking inside the tavern, looking at the new decorations around him, Adier smiled: “Since then, you will stay here for the rest of this time. We will leave after the child is born.”

Upon hearing Adier’s words, Thor and Yana looked at each other with a smile, and they seemed happy with the arrangement.

“Master Adier, are you leaving?” Thor asked again.

“Well, there’s one more thing to do.”

Adier nodded, didn’t say much: “This small town is very remote, you can live here without worrying about other issues.”

They chatted for a while in this place. In order to detect the curse outbreak on Yana, Adier stayed in the town for two days before leaving and leaving the town.

“Basically everything is done, it’s time to go.”

Walking on the deserted trail, the fallen leaves were flying around. Adier whispered at the scene of this bleak scene.

With his mind moving, next moment, Adier came into the dark soul space.

In the dim space, stars are dotted on the sky, most of them are dim, only the light of three stars is bright, and a faintly discernable connection is intertwined with Adier.

Of these three stars, the strange Strange World that has been explored is the weakest. As for the other two, they are almost the same, and the brilliance above is not much different.

Without much hesitation, Adier directly looked towards one of the stars.

The next moment, he turned into a glimmer of light, rushing directly into the stars.

The glory of scarlet red bloomed in an instant, and a huge world door suddenly opened, and Adier was accepted in an instant.

A sense of dizziness came from the depths of Spirit, with an extremely uncomfortable drop, which made Adier’s consciousness dim.

When he woke up from that obscurity, a strong bloody smell came from around him.

He opened his eyes momentarily and looked towards.

On the withered ground, a corpse is stated around, although most of them are human, some alien silhouettes can also be seen.

Blood spilled over the ground, the yellow grass was wet with the blood, and a strong bloody smell gathered, making Adier frown.

“It seems to be coming directly to the battlefield.”

A thought flashed through his mind, then quickly looked towards the other side.

In that direction, there was the shouting and killing of soldiers, and even the kind of mana breath familiar to Adier.

“Solana Princess, come with me.” A voice sounded around.

In a plain, a corpse is displayed around it. In the center, a group of heavily armed soldiers was standing there, and Knight, headed by this time, said.

This is a very handsome young man Knight, wearing armor with silver light on it, embroidered with dragons, holding a black giant sword in his hand, riding a horse, complexion grave and stern Looking at the opposite.

Opposite him, there were several guards wearing armor, and a young girl with blonde hair and delicate face.

“What do you want to do?”

At this moment, the delicate-looking girl was angry, and looked at the anger of Silver Armor Knight, who opened the mouth and said, “Hello Blanche, who gave you the right to let you attack my guard.”

“This is Becky Prince’s order!”

Blanche looked cold and indifferent to the anger of the young girl: “As for what I want to do, ask Solana Princess you.”

“You!” Solana’s words lingered.

“Who is there.” Suddenly she suddenly complexion changed, opening the mouth and said in a certain direction.

“No, Solana Princess …”

Blanche complexion grave and stern, half spoken, suddenly snapped, then looked towards a certain direction in which Solana was pointing.

In that direction, a boy with a handsome face wearing a black robe was standing there, full of inexplicable meaning.

“Sorry to bother you.”

After being discovered by these two people, Adier didn’t feel embarrassed, he directly opened the mouth and said: “I just want to come and ask for a way …”

“Get down!” The cold voice sounded again.

In situ, Blanche complexion grave and stern, looking at Adier in the distance, directly ordered.

Suddenly, the surrounding guards surged in, and rushed towards Adier.

Looking at this scene, Adier couldn’t help sighed.

He rushed to this world, and he didn’t want to conflict with other people until he knew the situation of this world.

However, the other party didn’t seem to think so.

Thinking of this, he also lost his patience and waved his hand directly.

A breeze hangs slowly, gradually spreads, and slowly responds with surrounding energy particles, and then erupts.

Howling time roars. In a storm, everyone’s vision is disturbed, and even their bodies are blown down.

“You are a mystery !!”

At a moment, Blanche and Solana were greatly changed. Before they could say anything, a dark shadow appeared.

Adier’s silhouette disappeared into the spot instantly, and when the people around him saw him again, he was already standing on a small mountain peak, carrying two people with both hands.

The palms were gently released, and Solana and Blanche immediately fell to the ground, and were compulsively controlled by a force field. They had to turn their heads to Adier.

“I said it, I was just asking for directions.”

Adier’s face was indifferent, and his deep eyes did not have a little color: “Now I ask, you answer!”

To Adier’s surprise, when he heard him, the two in front of him flashed panic for a moment, but then they calmed down and did not show ugliness like ordinary person.

“Sir, please forgive my recklessness before!”

Blanche lowered his head, and the face that had always been sober became very sincere: “I am Knight of the Kingdom of Gorra. If you are just here, what do you need to come to the Kingdom of Gorra, our kingdom welcomes everything Alien mystery. “


His attitude surprised Adier a little, and he couldn’t help but say, “I just met you. How do I know that when you arrive in your kingdom, will it be your army?”

“The adults are laughing.”

Blanche respectfully said: “I’m just a Knight. If Your Majesty knew that I had offended the adult, he would only cut my head off, how dare you disrespect the adult.”

“And for grown-ups, mortal troops are probably nothing.”

Finally, he complimented.

This attitude surprised Adier a bit, and could not help but look towards the side.

On the side of Blanche, the woman named Solana was also there, at this time her face was a little pale, and she almost dared not look at Adier.

On the previous battlefield, those soldiers who had been scattered by Adier’s spell also had fear on their faces. Some people even shivered, making Adier speechless.

“It looks like there should be wizards in this world, and it’s very high.”

Looking at the performance of others around him, Adier flashed this thought.

The coordinates of this world are derived from a music box that Adier has acquired in the past. From the scene Adier once dreamed of, it should be related to elf.

However, since the music box of this world can be transmitted to the wizard’s World, it also shows that this world has been linked to the wizard world, and there is a high possibility that there are wizards in the world.

Thinking of this, he thought for a while, and Adier said again, “Give me a map!”

The voice fell, the force-field restraint shrouded in the two people nearby disappeared instantly, and the body recovered its ability to move.

Hearing Adier’s words, Blanche respectfully gave Adier a noble salute, then quickly walked among the soldiers below, took out a map in it, and gave it to Adier.

Holding the map, Adier didn’t even bother to stop at this place, turned directly and walked away.

“Solana Princess, we can leave now.”

It was not until Adier had left for a long time that Blanche was sighed in relief and looked towards Solana aside.

“Just … that guy …”

On the side of Blanche, Solana’s face looked a little pale, at this time looking at Adier’s back: “also Bloodline of the Moon God …”


For a moment, Blanche seemed to think, and his face suddenly became serious: “Are you sure you did not feel wrong?”

“Nothing can be wrong.”

Solana shook her head, looking very sure: “On the mysterious body just now, I sense the breath of Bloodline, the moon god.”

Blanche didn’t speak, and was a little shocked.

He didn’t doubt Solana’s words, because on the body of Solana, there was a Magic Transformed Item from the royal family, which could sense the breath of the Moon God Bloodline within a certain distance.

“Is this mysterious, Bloodline lost by the royal family?”

Standing in place, Blanche looked serious, thinking of this possibility.

In several countries around this, the Bloodline of the Luna is only circulated among the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Gora. If an outsider owns the Blood God Bloodline, then the ten-eight-nine is the illegal child of the Royal Family.

This situation has not been in the past. After all, as a Royal Family, in some accidents, it is normal to leave an illegitimate Bloodline outside.

However, most of these illegitimate Bloodline will be recovered by the royal family and included in the Royal Family. Only those illegal children whose Bloodline is unqualified and who do not have the qualification of a mystery will be abandoned.

“Forget it, go back and tell the truth.”

Looking at Adier away in the distance, Blanche flashed the thought in his mind after a while.

On the other side, Adier was on his way.

After obtaining a map of the Kingdom of Gorra from Blanche, Adier headed directly to the largest city nearby.

“Go to a nearby big city and see if you can find native wizards in this world.”

On the road, Adier thought as he hurried on his way.

When he came to this world, his original purpose was to find traces of the ancient Moon Elf.

From the analysis of the chip, this world is very likely to belong to the several worlds that elf used to mainly do. In such a World, the possibility of having Moon Elf descendants is very high.

As long as the descendants of the ancient Moon Elf can be found, the problem of insufficient purity of Moon Elf Bloodline on Adier may be solved. Even if there is an opportunity to find the inheritance of the ancient Moon Elf, maybe even the next few layers of Moon God’s Sacrifice can be obtained.

If it can make up for the shortcomings of Moon Elf Bloodline, the strength of the ancient Moon Elf Bloodline, with the advanced Meditation Method of Moon God’s Sacrifice, Adier will go a lot better.

A few days later, in the early morning.

Long convoys walk between rough roads.

In the convoy, Adier was riding a horse and was patrolling in front of the convoy.

After a while, he returned to the team, riding a horse and watching silently on both sides of the team.

“Master Adier, I’m bothering you during this time.”

At noon, a somewhat obese middle-aged businessman walked down from the carriage, holding a few pieces of finely made white bread in his hand, and walked towards Adier sweating.

“It’s ok.”

Take the white bread handed over by the other, Adier said with a smile.

His clothes were neat and tidy, even if he had been riding a horse for a long time, but at this time there was no sweat on his body, which was in sharp contrast to the middle-aged businessman in front of him.

The two talked for a while, and after a while, the businessman left respectfully and went back to the previous carriage.

Sitting in place, watching the people in the businessman silently use lunch, Adier turned and looked towards the distant stream, silently observing the surrounding scenery.

A few days ago, while hurrying on the road, Adier happened to run into this small caravan, and he helped the caravan to solve some minor problems and killed a few gangsters who wanted to rob.

In the wild wilderness, a person’s journey is a bit boring. Although Adier has a map on hand, because he is unfamiliar with the surrounding roads, a lot of time is wasted halfway. He simply followed this small caravan and saved some effort.

It was noon at this time. The sun on the sky was very large, and the sun shone on the ground, making people sweat.

After a while, when the people had finished their lunch, the caravan set off again.

This time, they had a lot of speed. In the early evening, they saw the outline of a city from afar.

Walking outside the city, Adier said goodbye to the caravan and walked quickly towards the city.

“Three bronzes for entering the city.”

Walking under the city gate, the guard’s husky voice sounded.

Listening to the guard’s voice, Adier said nothing, took out three black coins, and entered the city.

As a person shuttled from the Wizarding World, it is naturally impossible for him to have coins of this world.

However, in the previous journey, he encountered several groups of robbers who were trying to rob. The coins in front of them were taken from the robbers.

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