呲 ···

The light pedalling sounds constantly in place.

On a meadow, the entire group rode forward, riding a horse.

This is a very long team. There are both girls and guards in the team, and there are dozens of them.

And in the middle of these people, Alina rode a white horse alone, her face calmly staring at the distant scenery.

There, a manor was standing, with the door of the mansion open, and some people were waiting there.

Several tall Knights stepped out of it. At first the man looked very young and handsome, wearing a decent black shirt, which was very noticeable.

He looked at Alina walking in the distance, with a decent smile on his face: “Welcome, Alina Princess.”

“I’m Herot, son of Orris Earl.” He saluted, impeccably mannered.

“What about Oris Earl?” A loud voice sounded at this moment.

Beside Alina, Anumu, wearing a bronze armor, walked forward on a black horse, with a trail of crimson Battle Qi emerging, accompanied by a unique momentum.

After Adier’s previous treatment, this Azure Firmament Knight’s stump has been connected. Although his strength cannot be fully exerted because he has not fully adapted yet, he can also fight face-to-face with Azure Firmament Knight.

He looked at Herot like this, and his face looked a little uncomfortable.

Alina after all is Princess, belonging to the top group of people in this country.

Although Orris Earl is an old nobleman with great strength, he didn’t greet him personally in front of Princess, but only let his eldest son come out.

This behavior is very disrespectful to Anumu, and naturally he will not give the other person a good look.

Just facing his inquiries and suffering the oppression of Battle Qi conveyed by the other side, Herot has no change in his face, but just apologizes. “Sorry, at the front end, father was injured because of some things, and now he has some actions. It ’s difficult to meet Princess in person, and I can only do it for me. ”

“What kind of situation is it that can cause a Titled Knight to be injured, even to go out to meet?”

Anumu said in a bad tone to the other person’s words, and said Herot, staring in front of him.

“Forget it.” At this moment, Alina’s cold voice sounded.

Looking at the Anumu in front of her, she waved her hands, expressionless on her face: “Oris Earl after all is elder, now that I am injured, it is true that I should meet on my own initiative.”

While speaking, she turned to Look Aside Herot: “Take the way.”

“Yes.” Seeing Alina say this, Herot could not help relaxed, then turned and walked towards the manor.

Following Alina, looking at Herot’s back, Adier’s face was calm.

“Name: Herot. Strength: 6.7. Agility: 7.2. Constitution: 6.5. Spirit: Status: Good.” In front of him, a familiar attribute panel emerged.

“A Great Knight, by his age, it’s not bad.”

Looking at the data, Adier silently commented, and then stopped paying attention to the other party and turned to all around.

Relying on strong induction, when entering the manor, Adier clearly felt a deep chill, and seemed to have several pairs of eyes faintly, watching him all around the manor.

“Five Great Knights, two Azure Firmament Knights, all are masters in hiding, and have practiced the corresponding breathing methods.” On the other side, in Alina’s mind, the soft voice was ringing, lurking all around Knight number tells her.

“Only these?” Listening to this number, Alina was a little puzzled: “Orris Earl is an old nobleman in the military, plus Tuling Church, and my big brother. Is this the only thing under the command of Strength?”

“This should only be the Strength of the other party.” The soft voice continued: “Tuling Church is a cult, and Prince is your brother. If these two forces want to deal with you, no one can see the light on either side, otherwise Will lead to significant consequences. “

“If you are careful, the strength of the Prince and Tuling Church may still be lurking.”

The voice continued: “Even if the other party finds something, it is possible even if they are not here.”

“After all, the other party’s operation here is just a possibility and cannot be determined.”

“Good.” Listening to the analysis of that voice in her mind, Alina silently nodded: “But if something really goes wrong, is it enough to deal with the Knight I brought this time alone?”

This is not a pointless concern.

Whether it is Tuling Church or the Prince, it is not a good role to deal with, and the Strength that can be taken out by his men is horrible.

In this trip, in order to create an unsuspecting illusion, she only brought two Azure Firmament Knights, Anumu and Adier, and Great Knight only brought five people. Once in conflict with each other, not at all had the slightest advantage.

“It doesn’t matter.” The voice continued: “As long as there is no Knight at Radiant Knight level, I can settle the rest of you, and I can take you away if I feel bad.”

“That’s okay.” Listening to this, Alina finally nodded, and her already tight heart was slightly relaxed.

Radiant Knight, this level of existence, can already be said to be a town-level existence.

Malan Kingdom is one of the four strongest countries in the world, and there are definitely no more than ten Radiant Knights in the country. Each has a Legendary-like story and has a prominent identity.

The main reason why the Great Prince Solar has such a great advantage is that he is a Radiant Knight in addition to his military support.

With military support, he is also a Radiant Knight. If this generation of King Malan is still young and can still be in office for a long time, the heirs of this generation may have been determined.

A Radiant Knight, whose horror is enough to perish a small country by one person, is so high in status and won the honor that ordinary people would never imagine.

Because of this, Alina was sure that there would be no Radiant Knight this time.

Radiant Knight’s powerhouse of this level, each has a heavy responsibility on his body, staring at countless people in every move, and it is unlikely to venture out to attack her, a sensitive Princess.

On the road, the sound of crisp horseshoes kept ringing.

A short while later, they walked to a hall where a middle age person wearing a black robe was sitting there, with long white hair. At this time, his eyes were closed and he looked calm.

It wasn’t until Alina came to the door that he opened his eyes with a polite smile on his face: “Alina Princess, long time no see.”

“Long time no see, Lord Orris.” Looking at the middle-aged man in front of her, Alina looked polite, and saluted there.

However, despite saying so, her face was still indifferent, without any respect for this person in front of her.

In this regard, Orris didn’t care.

He was wearing a black robe, with long white hair hanging down, and his face seemed to be in good condition, but he was already tired, and he looked very old.

“Who is this?”

Standing in place, he keenly saw Adier standing behind Alina, and could not help asking.

At this time, Alina was able to accompany him into this hall. Naturally, they were trusted by the other party, and the number was only four.

He knows the other three people. The only thing that needs attention is Anumu. Only Adier has never seen him before.

“This is my new collection of Knight.” Listening to Orris, Alina turned and looked towards Adier, introduced to Orris: “He is also a Knight student of Maran Academy.”

“Hello, this is Adier.” At this time, Adier also took the initiative to speak out, with a polite smile on his face, coupled with his exquisite looks, it was very impressive.

Just for Adier’s self-introduction, Orris didn’t say anything at all, just stared at Adier quietly, without talking.

Time seemed to stagnate until next moment, a shining sword light quickly passed through the air.


A sword glow glided across the air, the light black Life Energy condensed on a long sword, and finally fiercely chopped forward.

Under Alina and the others’ unbelievable gaze, Orris shot violently, a long sword was quickly cut down, and a scary sword glow was drawn.

“You!” At this moment, Alina’s surprised and angry expression appeared on her face, but she was too late to look at the sword glow in front of her.

bump! !!

The collision sound of Jintie sounded at this moment, and the two Battle Qis contained therein collided with each other, and at this moment they exploded directly.

The wooden table in front of him was shattered on the spot, swept by the aftermath of Battle Qi, and crushed on the spot.

At this point, the Alina talents saw the situation in place.

At the critical moment, Adier drew his sword directly, and forcibly blocked the opponent’s blow at that moment, without even shaking his body.

He looked at Orris in front of him, without the slightest expression on his face, but with the powerful Life Energy rising on his body, faintly condensing into the appearance of a Battle Qi armor.

“Lord Orris, what are you doing?”

Looking at the scene in front of her, Alina’s face was cold and she looked at Orris opened the mouth and said.

Behind her, the Anumu were also looking at each other, and they looked very bad.

As Knight, they saw the blow from Oris Earl just now.

The blow was extremely sudden and suddenly broke out with the strength of the opponent’s Titled Knight. Even Alina and Anumu had no time to react.

If Adier didn’t stop the blow in the end, maybe an Azure Firmament Knight would die like this, there is no value in death.

Just thinking about that possibility, Alina was afraid in her heart.

Azure Firmament Knight is not Chinese cabbage. On the contrary, as a peer with a formal wizard, Azure Firmament Knight is also very rare in this world, enough to support a strong family.

Alina is the seventh Princess. Although there are mother forces behind her, so far, there are no more than five Azure Firmament Knights under her control. Each one has been solicited, and it is difficult to bear one.

Not to mention, Adier is still very young and suspects that the top King Descendant may even be promoted to Radiant Knight in the future.

Such a potential Knight genius, if it were to fold here, would be a huge loss for Alina.

“Alina Princess, don’t be nervous.”

Standing in front of her, facing Alina Princess’s inquiries, Oris seemed very calm, even with a faint smile on her face: “Sorry, the old problems on the battlefield have been committed again, and when I see strangers, I cannot bear I want to try. “

“It is this Knight who has condensed the Battle Qi armor and is also an Azure Firmament Knight.”

While speaking, he turned and looked towards Adier, with a smile on his face as well: “You can block my sword, you are very good.”

“There is a little strength that’s all, it is nothing in your eyes.” In front of Adier, his face was calm, and it seemed that the other party did not care at all: “I just do n’t know, if I just ca n’t take your sword, the final result What will happen? “

“Please believe in the ability of an old Knight to hold a sword.” Orris laughed: “My sword is very stable. If you do not respond at that time, this sword will not continue to be stabbed, at most it only scares you. . “

“Really?” Adier just smiled and said nothing.

It was only in his heart that he sentenced Orris to death.

At the moment of Fang Cai, he could feel that the clear inundation in the opponent’s heart was all killing intent.

This is definitely not a temptation, but really wants to kill Adier without any reservation.

If it weren’t for the simple Azure Firmament Knight that Adier was, I’m afraid it’s already under the opponent’s sword.

After all, the opponent’s strength is not simple. As the Titled Knight, the opponent’s strength is undoubtedly standing on the Peak of Azure Firmament Knight. Otherwise, it is impossible to obtain this title.

Various thoughts flashed in my heart, but on the surface, Adier’s expression had not changed at all, and he still had that polite smile, as if he hadn’t taken the previous thing into his heart.

It was Alina and Anumu and the others that looked at Orris’s expressions were getting worse. If there was a little restraint in his heart, there might have been a conflict.

“Suddenly remembered, I seem to have one more important matter left unaddressed.”

At this moment, Orris suddenly got up, and looked a little apologetically at Alina: “Alina Princess, I am missing for a while.”

“Speaking of which, Herot is also a student of Maran Academy, or your Senior, so you can take this opportunity to communicate for a while.”

He looked at the crowd and said in earnest, and then looked towards the door.

In situ, looking at Oris’s back, Anumu looked towards Alina in front of her: “Princess, I want to go out and breathe.”

“Okay, come back early.” Alina nodded directly.

Listening to Alina’s words, Anumu and Adier looked at each other very closely, and then went straight out.

“How about that Knight’s strength?”

A husky voice sounded in the dense forest.

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