Within the quiet courtyard, a faint footstep was sounding, from faint to clear, to being clearly audible, the whole process seemed clear and rank.

Listening to the sound, Nesser’s expression gradually became stiff. Only at this moment, as if there were countless people coming from all directions, his perception was disturbed, as if enemies were everywhere, making him rise up. Thriller.

After this voice completely disappeared, before he knew it, the clothes on his back had been wet with cold sweat, bringing him a burst of coolness.

I don’t know when a silhouette of a teenager appeared quietly behind him, wearing a simple white robe, dressed as an ordinary doctor, but with a handsome appearance, and he couldn’t help but want to see more eye.


Looking at Adier who suddenly appeared behind him, Nesser’s voice was hoarse, and all the contentment and pride in his heart were filled with naked fear at this moment: “When …”

“I’ve been standing here from beginning to end.” Standing on the spot, looking at the young man in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, but he looked at the other side quietly: “Are you looking for me, is there anything wrong?”

Nesser stood up, looked up, and looked at Adier: “I thought that after the war that year, if you were not dead now, you would leave unhealable repercussions, so you would hide in this corner.”

“It looks like I was wrong.”

His eyes were dignified, he looked at Adier in front of him, and said such a thing.

In this regard, Adier not at all said something, but just looked at each other quietly, the sleeves on his hands were dancing with the wind.

It wasn’t until a long time before Nesser spoke again, watching Adier solemnly, “I’m here to fight you.”

“Go to war?” Adier gently frowned.

“After three months, Red Spirit Knight will be coming to Maran.” Deep take a deep breath, Nesser said again: “” I challenge you on his behalf, and three months later, Catutan City will have a final battle. “

“Red Spirit Knight Herama?” Listening to this, Adier frowned even deeper.

Red Spirit Knight Herama, this is also a Legendary Knight.

Legend has it that this Knight was the Prince of a small country, but due to the game between several great empires, the country eventually died.

However, the Prince innate talent was extremely powerful, determined to revenge after the country’s collapse, and eventually joined Tuling Church, becoming the first guardian of Tuling Church Knight. It has been more than 300 years.

“Herama!” In the distance, when he heard the title of Red Spirit Knight, Sisely’s face was cold, and the killing intent brewing in her heart broke out suddenly, almost impossible to control.

Beside her, Daycali and other Knights from the Dekara Empire also did the same, with irresistible killing intent in his eyes, as if he had a bottomless hatred with this person.

For their response, Adier was not surprised.

Although the news has been closed for three years, Adier is not unclear about external news through its own channels.

About two years ago, the Red Spirit Knight Herama raided the border of the Dekara Empire, singlehanded the slaughter of the entire frontier, forcing the then King of Dekara and his decisive battle.

Needless to say, the final result of the decisive battle is that King Dekara was defeated by Turing Knight. It is said that he was seriously wounded in 30 moves, and the Life and Death is still unknown.

The result of this battle directly led to the destruction of the Dekara Empire, and even Dekara himself was unconscious.

With this experience, Sisely and the others may be anxious to kill Red Spirit Knight soon after, it is naturally impossible to have a good face.

“Challenge me?” Adier said quietly, “What if I refuse?”

“Of course, you have the right to refuse.” Nesser waved his hand: “After all, World is so big, if you really want to leave, no one can stop you unless our Your Majesty takes a shot.”

“But … with the spirit of Red Spirit Knight, if you can’t find you, I’m afraid next step will directly challenge King Maran, even Alina Princess.” He watched Adier quietly opened the mouth and said, There was some playfulness in his eyes.

“I’m afraid this is your original purpose.” Adier opened his mouth and said calmly to Nesser.

“Of course.” Nesser nodded: “I’m not afraid to tell you.”

“King Nook, King De Carla, Malan Kingdom, Prince Solar, these people are already dead.” Nesser shouted with regret on his face, calmly shouting each and everyone, at least the name above Radiant Knight: “All are Red Spirit Knight did. “

“Solar is dead too?” Adier frowned, surprised.

“He was too arrogant, he wanted too much, but he didn’t have that strength, so he was solved by Red Spirit Knight himself. The whole process didn’t exceed ten strokes.” Nesser began to explain, and then continued: “After three months, King Maran and Alina Princess. “

“If you are willing to go, then in three months, you will fight the Red Spirit Knight instead of the two of them.”

“But if you don’t want to go, the end result may not be what you want.”

With a stiff smile on his face, he finally offered a Knight gift to Adier: “We’ve set you up on stage.”

“If you are willing, use this stage to declare your return.”

The words fell, and he finally laughed, and then left chicly, exposing his back completely to Adier and the others.

Looking at this scene, in front of Adier, many people faced killing intent, but just looked at Adier standing there, and the large number of Knights next to Nesser, but they didn’t do it in the end.


Standing in place, watching Nesser’s back disappear into sight, Adier finally smiled.

At this moment, in his depth of one’s soul, a faint glowing sensation was rising, as if a fire was burning and expanding.

In Adier’s body, after more than three years, Boundary Energy, which had slowed down, suddenly began to increase suddenly, and the originally slow growth rate suddenly accelerated.

“Looks like it’s involved in a major event.”

Feeling the change in his body, Adier smiled, then turned and walked towards the training ground aside.

“Teacher!” Mengla sounded behind him.

He shouted there, asking Adier: “Are you really going to go?”

“Of course.” Adier’s silhouette paused, and a little clear voice came from the front: “Three days later, let’s go.”

As the words fell, he continued to move forward, and the silhouette did not hesitate.

Behind him, Mengla looked at his back quietly, watching the scenes that he had been with, and his mood was a bit complicated.

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