On the high platform outside Catutan City, Alina stood up with King Maran and the others, and at this moment all looked towards a certain direction outside.

In their induction, in that direction, a powerful air machine was being used.

bump! !!

The ground is broken and the vegetation is inclined.

At this moment, a silhouette of a mighty shore like a demon stepped out of the wilderness, step by step left in the ground, and walked towards Alina and the others.

It was a tall, magnificent silhouette with a very ordinary appearance, but with some perseverance, but the breath on her body was peerless and terrifying, so that Alina and the others felt far away could not help being thrilled, and she could not even raise the emotion of resistance for a while.


Watching a man coming from the wilderness in the distance, like a man on the shore like a demon, Alina gritted her teeth, and a fear rose in her heart for a long time, and it was difficult to disperse in her heart for a long time.

It’s hard to imagine, if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she could hardly imagine this horrible momentum, which was more terrifying than everyone she had ever seen, and 10,000 times more terrifying.

“Strength, terror.”

In Alina’s mind, Lilice’s voice was also sounding, with some dignity: “Just in momentum, this Knight is not inferior to me.”

“If it wasn’t for the seed of Qiyuan in this era, he would be able to break the boundaries of the seed of glory and promote Qiyuan immediately!” Her voice trembled, watching Herama walking in the distance, the vibration in her heart could not be calm.

Around Alina, the faces of other Knights also didn’t look good.

Knights of the same kind of glorious seeds are okay. At this time, although they are ugly, they can at least control themselves.

But those Azure Firmament Knights, even the weaker ones, are terrible. At this time, no matter how strong the will is, the body is constantly trembling, and it is impossible to stop the fear in the heart.

This is an absolute suppression at the level of life, which cannot be suppressed at all. Even the more resistance in the heart, the stronger the sense of oppression.

“He’s here.” In front of Alina, King Malan opened his mouth suddenly, looking at the silhouette in the distance, with a dignity in his eyes.

In the distance, I do n’t know when, Red Spirit Knight Herama has come down, crossed the distance of several hundred meters, and came to the high platform.

“King Malan.” Looking at the high platform in front of her eyes, Herama looked up and stared up.

“I’m here, how about you?”

He didn’t look at the others, staring straight at King Maran, apparently waiting for his answer.

“Hmph!” Listening to Herama, King Maran complexion grave and stern, just coldly snorted.

As a matter of fact, this place evolved into this place, and he also thought about saying anything useless, and he was directly in shape, appearing immediately under the platform.

Off the stage, the two men stood opposite each other and looked at each other.

They were stubborn, with naked killing intent in their eyes, without any concealment.

In their center, the invisible momentum is colliding with each other, and at this time, they are continually interfacing, forming an invisible cyclone of each and everyone, which surrounds them and gradually spreads outward.

Slowly, King Maran pulled out his sword and looked at Herama opposite, his eyes became extremely dignified.

Just after just getting in touch, he knows that this person is definitely the most powerhouse he has ever encountered in his life. If he is not careful, he will probably die here.

Behind him, his children are still watching him, and his people are still praying in the city, hoping that he can heal the disaster this time.

Therefore, he cannot defeat this battle!

Various thoughts kept flashing in my mind, but in front of him, King Malan’s face was very calm, just quietly pulled out the sabre on his waist, and then strode forward.

bump! !!

One step down, there was a cracking sound from the place instantly.

It was the surrounding air that was constantly vibrating, unable to withstand the crushing of Red Battle Qi, and began to explode, causing bursts of explosions.

On the opposite side, the glow of the scarlet slowly lights up.

Looking at King Maran in front of her, Herama’s response was very flat.

He did not pull out his sword, but raised his hand quietly.

In mid-air, the light of the red spirit began to condense, condensing into a circle in the air, and then exploded.


The horrible Strength erupted in situ. At this moment, everything disappeared in the situ. Only the light of the red spirit lasted.

Time seemed to stagnate. In the eyes of everyone, King Malan stood still, his eyes widened and looked forward, and seemed to see something incredible.

At the next moment, his flesh and blood began to explode, turning into a bloody rain and constantly flying outwards, which became a red ground.

Under Herama’s gaze, he flew straight upside down, looking like a kite with its string cut, looking embarrassed to this day.

Win the game!

There was no long-term stalemate or chasing fierce confrontation. Only after the initial contact, King Malan was defeated directly, leaving no room for manoeuvre.


At this moment, several shouts sounded at the same time.

Alina eyes opened, and she looked at the scene in disbelief in disbelief, her heart filled with grief.

Before coming, she had deduced this battle with King Maran.

In fact, neither Maran nor her had any hope for this battle.

But what they didn’t expect was that King Malan would be defeated so thoroughly, and there would be no room for defeat, not even the slightest resistance.

She hadn’t waited for her to react from this result. Looking ahead, looking at King Malan who had fallen to the ground, Herama’s face was dull.

Under the gaze of Alina and the others, he took a complex step forward in a complexion grave and stern.


An angry voice sounded in the place, which was under the control of King Malan, and the two Radiant Knights of Alina side. At this time, watching Herama’s movement, she wanted to stop subconsciously.

“Relax, I’m not interested in what to do with him.”

Listening to your shout in the distance, Herama just shook the head, and then looked at everyone with a surprised look, looking towards a certain direction aside.

“Storm Knight, isn’t it out yet?” He looked in that direction, solemnly opened the mouth and said.

“What?” Listening to the familiar title, Alina jumped in her heart, looking subconsciously towards that direction.

It was a dense jungle of trees and plants, where lush vegetation grew, not to mention people, not even a slightly larger animal.

But no one at the scene doubted Herama’s words, so everyone looked towards that place, including King Malan, who fell to the ground at this time, struggling to get up.

Under the eyes of countless people, that place started to change.

For a while, Silver’s Battle Qi began to permeate. In that grass, the brilliance of silver rose into the sky at this moment, and the majesty of terror was far more terrifying than the previous King Maran.

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