“Who am I?”

Sweating down on the ground with sweat, listening to Corral’s problems, Lyon’s face smiled bitterly and felt a headache for the situation in front of her.

Obviously he was just going to give the other party a kick, but he didn’t expect that the opponent’s strength was really good. Now this situation makes them embarrassing.

However, thinking of his mission and the importance of Adier, the top awakener, he barely stood up and smiled slightly: “Sorry, a little misunderstanding just happened.”

“Introducing again, I’m Lyon, Deputy Governor of Elka Province, and Military Director General of Karia City.”

He took a well-made black certificate from his arms, with his photo on it, and his identity information.

On the first page of the certificate, there is also a purple gold flower mark exclusive to Violetgold Kingdom.

Seeing this document, Corral pupils shrank looked at the Lyon complexion that had fallen to the ground slightly changed: “Deputy Governor?”

As an old police officer who has been mingling for many years, he is certainly very clear about the gold content of the post of Deputy Governor.

Not to mention the power that this position itself represents, just to hold this position, at least a family of Earl or higher is possible. Otherwise, there is no qualification for competition at all.

If Lyon’s identity is true at the moment, the background behind him must not be small at the young age of the other person, it may be one of the several ruling families in the kingdom, and the background must not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, looking at the black clothed person lying on the ground like a dead dog in front of me, and then looking at the sweaty Lyon, Corral’s complexion gloomy and uncertain, his eyes even flashed killing intent.

“We are not enemies.”

Secretly watching the expressions of several people present, and accurately capturing the killing intent that appeared in Corral’s eyes, Lyon quickly said: “In fact, this time, I came to announce your reward.”

“Oh, we still thank you for that?” Corral sneered, staring at the other side without slackening.

Feeling the ridicule in Corral’s words, Lyon just smiled naturally: “At the beginning, it was just a misunderstanding. I just wanted to try. Is the genius that appeared this time as legendary scary?”

“So how do you feel now?” Corral asked, twisting his wrist slightly and pointing his pistol at Lyon.

“Very good.” Lyon said resolutely: “Mr. Corral, your child is an absolute genius, even if he has just awakened, he can do what he does now.”

“In the past six months, I have experienced hundreds of awakened people. Some of them are strong, some have special strengths, but they are not a person. Awakened people, like your child, can not only wake up at this age. Success, and even confront the disaster. “

“He is a gift from heaven, a treasure from Violetgold Kingdom.”

Looking at Adier standing in the distance, Lyon looks very excited. The glow in the sight almost melts Adier: “You may not know that the Strength of the Awakener is not static. As long as you have received proper training and learning, wait until When your child is an adult, his Strength will shake the entire World, even the most terrible disaster, he can only surrender in front of him! “

“So, what exactly do you want to do this time?” Listening to the other words of excitement and the almost fanatical speech, I felt Lyon’s enthusiasm for Adier, Corral frowned.

“This is my mission this time.” Standing in place, Lyon gently smoothed his clothes, then took out a dark golden appointment from a black clothed person behind him.

“Mr. Corral, this is your new appointment.”

He looked at Corral with a smile on his face, and said, word by word: “From now on, you will be the sheriff of Karia City and the hereditary Baron appointed by the kingdom, and will no longer be bound by the laws of the kingdom. , Only the aristocracy can try you. “

“Hereditary Baron.” Listening to the appointment, even if nothing had changed on the surface, Adier accurately observed that Corral’s hand holding the gun was shaking slightly.

This is no wonder.

In Sim’s memory, Corral was an ambitious person who wanted to climb up and get the power he wanted.

Unfortunately, his birth was too low. Although he could read and write documents, he was not a descendant of the nobility. He was just the son of a declining businessman. There were two children in the family to support him.

Moreover, although his talents are not bad, his popularity is really ordinary. That kind of cold temperament is not easy to get close to, so that apart from a few old partners, not many people are willing to support him.

All these reasons piled up together, leading him to sting for decades and still only be an elite police officer.

But up to now, not only was the post he had dreamed of taking the initiative to take care of himself, but even the title of a title that he would never have imagined, at this time he took the initiative to come together.

Even though she was calm in nature, Corral’s mood inevitably fluctuated.

Watching this scene quietly, feeling Corral’s mood swings, and the smile on Lyon’s face was much easier.

This reward was something he and his staff had discussed for a long time before deciding what to bring out, in order to make the other party move and soften the other party’s attitude in order to achieve the purpose of draw.

He had analyzed it with others before he set off.

As a powerful awakener who will be able to directly confront the disaster soon after awakening, Adier’s Strength and potential are unquestionable, and it is worth pulling in by all means.

But even so, according to the collected data, the other party is only a twelve-year-old child. From this age, the direct draw may not be very good, and it is correct to start with a loved one.

To this end, he used his own power to do a lot of homework in a short period of time, mobilized all the usual data and intelligence of the two Corral and Dilly, and combined with some of the friends of the two to understand, and then came to the door.

“As for Dilly Young Lady, we also prepared a gift.”

He turned around and looked towards Dilly with a smile on his face, then gently pats his hand.

Behind him, a black clothed person barely crawled from the ground, slowly kneeling on the ground, and placed a large black box in front of Dilly to open it.


With a light sound, the contents of the box came out.

It was a complete piece of gold bar, all stacked in a large box at this time, and the visual effect was very good.

“This is gold with a value of hundred thousand gold coin, and a bill of 1 million gold coin, which can be withdrawn at any time in Zijinhua Bank.”

Looking at Dilly in general, Lyon looked very polite and smiled politely: “If Young Lady likes it, I will give it to you.”

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